
this is what I realized very quickly as I began to study religions as one of my hobbies.

Religions and the people that follow and lead them are very interesting studies in human behaviour/nature.

also study the history of the Christian church thru it's first few hundred years. Much of it is in the new testament.
Other sources are out there as well.
It was pandemonium with cults and sects all over the landscape.
yeah. CAIR says nice things about islam too.

Are Chabad houses at universities all across the nation? yes. Do they espouse noahidism. Yes.
And they are populated by the few. Are there KKK members across the nation? Yes. Are there some on the campuses? Yes. Does this mean that they run the nation and that everybody believes them? No.
And they are populated by the few. Are there KKK members across the nation? Yes. Are there some on the campuses? Yes. Does this mean that they run the nation and that everybody believes them? No.

And the kkk members are routinely marginalized and ridiculed, righfully. Yet jewish racism as a topic is verboten. It's straight up mind control and intimidation, guiliting, and dishonesty.
And the kkk members are routinely marginalized and ridiculed, righfully. Yet jewish racism as a topic is verboten. It's straight up mind control and intimidation, guiliting, and dishonesty.
So... Because only KKK members make fun of Jews that means Jews are bad?

Or is it the powerlessness of this group that fascinates you so?

Or do you just ignore the facts that suggest your paranoia about this "Noahidism" is just that. That almost nobody, even among the Jews believes it pretty much tells me that it is wasted air to be paranoid about this.

If you want to argue that some people in leadership believe that the world should head towards one world government, I would agree.

If you want to argue that it is a bad idea, I would again agree.

If you want to argue that somehow one of the most powerless groups among us is running the show behind our backs... um... Well, now we are just getting back to the beginning.

Work towards less globalism. I'll agree and help, make it all about some special groups that you specifically want to hurt... Again... Um... no.
So... Because only KKK members make fun of Jews that means Jews are bad?
I don't get your reasoning here. I criticize jews on the inherent racism and control-freak nature of their religion. ANd the general guilt they put on everyone else for having a similar identity of leadership.
Or is it the powerlessness of this group that fascinates you so?
What fascinates is people who can't see the racism in the phrase "god's chosen people.

I won't comment on the powerlessness of the jews, because it's such a totally retarded assertion.
Or do you just ignore the facts that suggest your paranoia about this "Noahidism" is just that. That almost nobody, even among the Jews believes it pretty much tells me that it is wasted air to be paranoid about this.
there are no facts suggesting this is mere paranoia. This is the religion (race cult) of judaism.
If you want to argue that some people in leadership believe that the world should head towards one world government, I would agree.

If you want to argue that it is a bad idea, I would again agree.

If you want to argue that somehow one of the most powerless groups among us is running the show behind our backs... um... Well, now we are just getting back to the beginning.

Work towards less globalism. I'll agree and help, make it all about some special groups that you specifically want to hurt... Again... Um... no.

It's not just about them. It's about the brainwashed masses who are so brainwashed to be jew sypathetic that can't think properly.

And again, all i suggest is merely saying NO to all their globalist bullshit. But again, do that, and you're an anti-semite.

You can be a brainwashed tool if you want. I choose another path, it's called "calling a spade a spade".
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Do you think that Jews who make fun of the weirdos that are part of your "conspiracy" are feeling "guilt" over it?
It wasn't a mind change, really. God felt they had strayed. Then he sent a new messiah with a new covenant for all people, not jews only. That's the christian view.

It's basically all about smart guys inventing thought control systems. The brain is the locus of control for a human.

It wasn't really god if you want to get technical.

The dis-satisfied Jews had to re-invent their religion is what it is all about and the control is a part of it.
This thread started because I got stuck in an elevator.

The fact that it has turned into this, shows that AHZ will and does, attempt to hijack every thread on here and turn it into either "the jews" or the terrible oppression that the white male suffers.

I don't care about the thread, I'm just saying. Absolutely amazing.

I know! I hate him!

We can't stay on the damn thread subject for one fucking second without AHZ popping up and just saying something bizarre, and people responding to his idiocy!
Do you think that Jews who make fun of the weirdos that are part of your "conspiracy" are feeling "guilt" over it?

It's not my conspircy damo. It's the actual teachings of actual judaism. It's Straight from the talmud, which is more authoritative than the tanach (old testament). This is what christians don't understand. The tanach is secondary in importance.

Is it really that weird to analyze a religion accurately?

As smart as you are damo. Your brainwashed, filled with jew double standards. You sound like a lib defending Islam. You're Irrational and retarded by political correctness on the issue.
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I know! I hate him!

We can't stay on the damn thread subject for one fucking second without AHZ popping up and just saying something bizarre, and people responding to his idiocy!

No. This all started when darla thought it would be cool to use anti white racial slurs. Then she got pissed when I called her on her racism.
It's not my conspircy damo. It's the actual teachings of actual judaism. It's Straight from the talmud, which is more authoritative than the tanach (old testament). This is what christians don't understand. The tanach is secondary in importance.

Is it really that weird to analyze a religion accurately?

As smart as you are damo. Your brainwashed, filled with jew double standards. You sound like a lib defending Islam. You're Irrational and retarded by political correctness on the issue.
It is your conspiracy because it is entirely manufactured by people who want to believe that they are so evil they'll quite literally do anything at all.

Their religion is no more "We have the right and you don't" than any of the other two Western religions. Christians believe that Jews and Muslims are going to hell. Jews believe that Christians and Muslims are going to hell. Muslims believe that Jews and Christians are going to hell and because of those beliefs the world goes to hell.
Not all Jews are evil, but like all religions, the Jews have their share and sometimes, unfortunately, they are in power.

this is the way the world works, until there is a world war, the cleansing or the big shake depending on which religion you ascribe to and then the good guys (ordinary people) are in charge and then the whole process starts over. There are always prophets, these days they don't say they speak to God, other than prayer or they will be rejected, but there still are prohets.
Not all Jews are evil, but like all religions, the Jews have their share and sometimes, unfortunately, they are in power.

this is the way the world works, until there is a world war, the cleansing or the big shake depending on which religion you ascribe to and then the good guys (ordinary people) are in charge and then the whole process starts over. There are always prophets, these days they don't say they speak to God, other than prayer or they will be rejected, but there still are prohets.

I didn't say ALL JEWS ARE EVIL. I said their religion advcates theocracy and racism.

If all other americans collectively had as much power as the jews do as a single group, we'd be enforcing our own borders and not israel's.
the theocratic christians also don't believe in real christianity.

Ah, the No True Scotsman defence...

No true Scotsman is a term coined by Antony Flew in his 1975 book Thinking About Thinking – or do I sincerely want to be right?[1]:

Imagine Hamish McDonald, a Scotsman, sitting down with his Press and Journal and seeing an article about how the "Brighton Sex Maniac Strikes Again." Hamish is shocked and declares that "No Scotsman would do such a thing." The next day he sits down to read his Press and Journal again and this time finds an article about an Aberdeen man whose brutal actions make the Brighton sex maniac seem almost gentlemanly. This fact shows that Hamish was wrong in his opinion but is he going to admit this? Not likely. This time he says, "No true Scotsman would do such a thing."
Flew's original example may be softened into the following [1]:

Argument: "No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."
Reply: "But my uncle Angus likes sugar with his porridge."
Rebuttal: "Ah yes, but no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."
This form of argument is an informal fallacy if the predicate ("putting sugar on porridge" or "doing such a thing [as committing a sex crime]") is not actually contradictory for the accepted definition of the subject ("Scotsman"), or if the definition of the subject is silently adjusted after the fact to make the rebuttal work.

It is your conspiracy because it is entirely manufactured by people who want to believe that they are so evil they'll quite literally do anything at all.

Their religion is no more "We have the right and you don't" than any of the other two Western religions. Christians believe that Jews and Muslims are going to hell. Jews believe that Christians and Muslims are going to hell. Muslims believe that Jews and Christians are going to hell and because of those beliefs the world goes to hell.

Yes, it is more "we have the right and you don't ". It is explicitly racist. I'm sorry you can't deal with facts.
That's right. Theology has changed in many churches in recent years. Christianity has been morphed into noahide zionism. Look them up. Neither of them are actual christ's teachings.

Read the No True Scotsman link. It is a fallacy...
That's right. Theology has changed in many churches in recent years. Christianity has been morphed into noahide zionism. Look them up. Neither of them are actual christ's teachings.

Read the No True Scotsman link. It is a fallacy...

No. It's not a fallacy. It's an actual observable departure from tradition christian thought. the teachings of most churches have turned into zionist propaganda.
Not all Jews are evil, but like all religions, the Jews have their share and sometimes, unfortunately, they are in power.

this is the way the world works, until there is a world war, the cleansing or the big shake depending on which religion you ascribe to and then the good guys (ordinary people) are in charge and then the whole process starts over. There are always prophets, these days they don't say they speak to God, other than prayer or they will be rejected, but there still are prohets.

Umm you mispelled Profit....