We're OUT of the Paris Climate Accord. Good Riddance.





We can appease Mother Nature.
We? :rofl2: You mean the American peasants. And no, you can not "appease" mother nature. Mother Nature always wins.

"China permitted more coal power plants last year than any time in the last seven years. It's the equivalent of about two new coal plants per week."

What will you Great White Saviors do about China building 100 new coal plants per year?
... or Climate Change is just a WACKY religion, and is not real to anyone who does not hold that theism.

Convince me that it is real, but first, I need an unambiguous definition so I know what you mean.

Not under the Trump administration.

Well, Radical Environmentalism is a cult, and a scam. I think that the money spent on combating "Climate Change", is the largest slush fund ever scammed from the tax payers.

But why would anyone expect the Climate of the Earth to not be continuously changing?

We have words in the language like "Ice Age", and "Drought", because the Climate is not, and never has been, Static.

The expectation of a Static Climate is a silly notion. The assumption that there are not large forces, outside of human activity, that have been pushed the climate in various directions, for Billions of Years, is Anthropomorphic-Hubris on a gigantic scale.

Of course there is climate change... it would be freaky if there wasn't!

Well, Radical Environmentalism is a cult, and a scam. I think that the money spent on combating "Climate Change", is the largest slush fund ever scammed from the tax payers.

But why would anyone expect the Climate of the Earth to not be continuously changing?

We have words in the language like "Ice Age", and "Drought", because the Climate is not, and never has been, Static.

The expectation of a Static Climate is a silly notion. The assumption that there are not large forces, outside of human activity, that have been pushed the climate in various directions, for Billions of Years, is Anthropomorphic-Hubris on a gigantic scale.

Of course there is climate change... it would be freaky if there wasn't!

and its a whole new basis for public/private partnerships, aka fascism.