We're OUT of the Paris Climate Accord. Good Riddance.





Ummmmmmmmmm, I'm not sure what arson has to do with this thread..........
Good. It was nothing but a manipulation and slush fund in any case.

I wonder how long it will take for the American populace to figure out that Climate Change is very real, but not cause by CO2 and Green House Effect, but rather Rayleigh Scattering driven by solar sun spot cycles.

I am sure we will waste Trillions on Leftie slush funds, before we wake up.

Climate cannot change.
Rayleigh scattering is not caused by sun spots.
The Paris Agreement was for shit. I don't buy the sole source argument that CO2 is a problem, not when the so-called "climate scientists" get so much shit wrong so often.
The Paris Agreement wasn't even a definable agreement. It is based on vague accusations, and values that cannot be measured.
Well, Radical Environmentalism is a cult, and a scam. I think that the money spent on combating "Climate Change", is the largest slush fund ever scammed from the tax payers.

But why would anyone expect the Climate of the Earth to not be continuously changing?

We have words in the language like "Ice Age", and "Drought", because the Climate is not, and never has been, Static.

The expectation of a Static Climate is a silly notion. The assumption that there are not large forces, outside of human activity, that have been pushed the climate in various directions, for Billions of Years, is Anthropomorphic-Hubris on a gigantic scale.

Of course there is climate change... it would be freaky if there wasn't!

Climate cannot change. There is no such thing as a global climate.
Climate has no temperature. Climate has no precipitation.