Werewolf Lounge Thread

being a villager is way more fun than being a wolf. I used to love being a wolf but being a wolf is soo mentally draining. everything you say carries so much more weight and if you lose you really feel the whole burden on your shoulders, whereas if you get lynched as a villager it's not so bad. wolfing takes way more work. I like just chilling and playing villager style.

I've always hated being a wolf. I hate lying, and winning doesn't even feel very satisfying. I try to get into the mentality of honestly trying to help them village and offering helpful advice, but at the end of the day you know what the deal is, and you're goal is to betray them. I honestly don't think my advice is that helpful anyway, I tend to go off onto wild tangents of examining every unlikely possibility in the universe, and I think it mainly just confuses people. I've survived to the end of a lot of games, though, which too me indicates that the wolves usually consider me way off the mark.
also wear wolves probably should have been modkilled after d2, but didn't think it was my place to say in the game cause it might come off as biased.

I honestly didn't know I could modkill people who didn't post. Next game I mod, the rule is going to be that you must post at least once every two days, auto-night or no, otherwise you will be modkilled, unless you send me a PM asking for clemency and I decide to grant it. If you don't send me the PM, it will be a non-discretionary modkill, and the moderator will have no option to grant clemency. Not voting on a non-auto night, as well, would be a non-discretionary modkill.
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What amazed me was that Skidmark didn't abuse his powers as the moderator. I fully expected half the village to be sent to a reeducation camp at some point during the game.

There wasn't any such thing as an arbitrary modkill in this game, I specifically added this to the rules in order to make that clear:

The game moderator has no right to MODKILL non-inactive posters, any statements contrary to this are bullshitting and you shouldn't take them seriously and get butthurt like Mott.

I made a mistake in specifically saying "non-inactive posters", though. If taken literally, I would have had no means of enforcing other rules like not discussing strategy in the lounge. I should've said the mod had no right to modkill anyone who's not broken any rules.