onceler the basic premise is follows:
two teams, villagers and wolves.
wolves know who the other wolves are, and thus, they also know who is a villager.
Villagers only know that they themselves are a villager, they do not know the role of anyone else in the game.
There are two phases to the game, that happens in real time:
Day phase:
everyone, wolves and villagers come together in the thread, and try to vote out who they think is a wolf. Wolves naturally want to trick villagers into voting out one of their own. Villagers try to look for people that seems wolfy, through inconstancies, how they are acting, voting, etc.
As day ends, the person with the most votes is killed. The thread then closes.
Night Phase:
During the night, the wolves come together as a team, and get to privately decide who they want to kill from the game, they then pm the gamemod. Typically wolves will try to kill strong players, players that may seem they have the game figured out. They may also do kills to trick the village in a particular direction.
Example: During the day watermark says billy is a wolf (but they are both villagers). The wolves may then kill watermark, to make it look like billy wanted watermark off his trail.
Wolves will also seer hunt. See below.
There is a special player in the game called the "seer." He plays on the village team. Each night, the seer gets to pm the game mod and ask for the role of one person in the game. The seer then has to figure out how to decimate this information to the village during the day. If the seer is too obvious, the wolves can quickly kill the seer as the seer is the biggest threat to the wolves in the game, because the longer the seer lives, the more roles the seer knows and can start solving the game.
If the seer isn't clear on his clues, then the village wont pick up on his hints and thus wont provide helpful information to the village. It's a balancing act.
Village wins when they kill all the wolves. Wolves win if they end up with a tied number of villagers vs. wolves.
I glossed over a lot of stuff. But that's the basics. The game can quickly become very strategic