Do you remember when Mott killed me the first night after Grind fake outed me as a villager, and SF went nuts, and Mott kept saying he did it because he knew SF and Grind would get into a big fight over it (which they did and it was hilarious), and that made SF go even ore nuts? I loved that one. And Rune was the mod and he wrote a very beautiful obituary for me. I am almost talking myself into playing again LOL!
Ahh yes....good times those! :)
interesting story....darla and i become 'friends' when we were both wolves

this game actually has a lot of potential to bring people together

haters...pound sand
Booya! I just got my Adderall scrip. I am not going to remember most of the next two weeks, but I'll probably spend quite a bit of it rambling on the werewolf thread.