I have to give you props Damo .

any other right leaning site would have banned me for this outing of the game

Desh just shut the fuck up. If you don't want to play, then stay out of this thread. I'm really sick and tired of your insane and baseless accusations about everyone who ever even slightly disagreed with your politics. Grow the fuck up.
Do you remember when Mott killed me the first night after Grind fake outed me as a villager, and SF went nuts, and Mott kept saying he did it because he knew SF and Grind would get into a big fight over it (which they did and it was hilarious), and that made SF go even ore nuts? I loved that one. And Rune was the mod and he wrote a very beautiful obituary for me. I am almost talking myself into playing again LOL!
I have top give you guys the props though.

Using a game to create an atmosphere of family with people you then turn around and USE any good feeling they have for you to disharm their poltical points is pretty sharp.

just slimey as hell

I go to this site for the friendships, not the political bullshit.
I go to this site for the friendships, not the political bullshit.

Really? I don't. I come here for politics, because I don't really talk about it that much irl. Well, with a few people, but mostly I don't. I like to keep it separate. I do have friends here. Rana and christie have become really good friends. But I would still talk to them if I stopped coming here, so they're not what attracts me.
I must have missed that game! That must have been awesome! My favorite was always Mott driving Superfreak up the wall.

In Game 1, SF and USF were both Wolves with Watermark. They worked at getting everyone to bandwagon Yurt, but a bunch of us wanted to lynch WM just for the hell of it. It wound up being tied at the end of the day, and Yurt had disappeared for some time. He came back just in time to vote and break the tie, resulting in WM's death, and the accidental discovery that he was a wolf.

Throughout the day, and in the immediate couple of weeks which followed, USF taunted the hell out of Yurt. He claimed that Yurt had been spazzing out (this, I believe, is the origin of the charge), that he hadn't really detected a Wolf ambush, but was simply mad they were picking on him, etc. USF wouldn't relent, and Yurt never really forgave him. Then, a new round would begin, and USF, SF, and others would all start chiping away at him again.
Do you remember when Mott killed me the first night after Grind fake outed me as a villager, and SF went nuts, and Mott kept saying he did it because he knew SF and Grind would get into a big fight over it (which they did and it was hilarious), and that made SF go even ore nuts? I loved that one. And Rune was the mod and he wrote a very beautiful obituary for me. I am almost talking myself into playing again LOL!

Everyone has that moment in which they became drawn into the game. For me, it was the end of the first night:

Watermark: It's a good thing Yurt isn't around to vote and break the tie between me and him.
Yurt: I'm back, what'd I miss?
Yurt: Lynch Watermark!

That is just so effing priceless... :cof1:
Threedee, when you shot Grind.....man that was classic.

Still my favorite was when I was a wolf and we ate Mott the first night, and EVERYONE knew I was a wolf.
Killing Mott is a maneuver which the Wolves expect to see the Village do. When the Wolves kill Mott, it is just mindnumbing to the Village. :D