
I hadn’t said anything, yet! That is weird! Thanks for the tip!

On a side note (which may or may not explain things), my son and his wife just got back from a weekend in Las Vegas. Too make a long story short, the Uber he was in smelled like pot. He asked the Driver about this, the Driver said pot was legal, ... they ended up at the Dispensary. Yada, Yada ... they left and noticed a Policeman at the door. He said he felt weird carrying weed past a Policeman that knew he was carrying weed. Also, there's a push to get 'Pot lounges' opened, you know, places that sell all kinds of weed and food and everyone sits (lays) around on couches and rugs and just smokes hookah pipes and stuff.
DG: "can soeone please explain the hyroglyphics that jack is typing".
Jack: Invite Owl to play. She is literally DYING to be invited. Or ... is this an 'Old Boys Club' ... terrified of estrogen?

Of course she wants to play, it's uncanny how she is following in the footsteps of Darla, the original JPP feminasty.

I recommend you peruse Day 1 of the original game. We were all noobs, and it worked-out pretty well. And the end of the first day is still the funniest moment of the Werewolf series to me, despite later games that offered such novelties as me vigilante-shooting Grind.

Thanks, 3d. The game sounds fun, interesting, and a 'bonding' experience for players.
If I had more time I would say I was in, but my schedule doesn't give me that.
Of course she wants to play, it's uncanny how she is following in the footsteps of Darla, the original JPP feminasty.

Havana. As you know, Jack does NOT like to disclose personal information about others, but ... in this one case, I may have to. :(
This is one of the reasons I love Grind. Who else could bring people together and play a silly / awesome game?
I am going to Berlin with my youngest son next week. He is the Linux guru for an internet travel company and he gets some really good perks.

Allow me to reiterate:

If you don't play, I will drive to England and stab you in the heart.
anyone interested in getting another game going?

I'll be home next week, so can't do it before then

I'd also like to play this time, so I would need someone super elite to run it.

lets start an interest thread

current interest:

  • me

May I suggest that because of ban lists, personal animosities, and such, that everyone play under an anonymous name.
Disclose away by PM naturally.

I don't do 'PMs'.

Havana. I won't go into detail here, but just give a simple overview, OK?

The Owls retired a few years ago. Mrs. Owl was tasked with finding a new home. She picked a spot not quite, but close, to the arctic circle. It was beautiful, lovely view, had a 'glass wall' that was a wall of the house. Spectacular. Mr. Owl arrives, sees what he ls expected to pay for ... and says "OK". Then ...
... the first winter hits. The House becomes a Cold Storage Locker thanks to this Massive Window Wall (that was great in the Summer) that sucks heat out of the House faster than it can be warmed. So ... now Mr. Owl not only pays an astronomical heating Bill, but also is told to get up in the middle of the night and go get more firewood for this small woodstove that heats a small localized part of the House. They survive the first winter. Now, Winter #2 is upon them. Things have drastically changed. This winter (you know, to be 'equal' and everything) Mrs. Owl is responsible for fetching firewood in the middle of the night and is subject to weekly beatings when she becomes slack in her Duties.
Anyway, to make a long story short, ... to escape the beatings, being tossed outside the House in her MooMoo and Rabbit-styled slippers, and the lengthy verbal scoldings that 'You are an Idiot', ... she retreats to her so-called 'Hobby Room' (which I will NOT go into because of it's sordid history, and which may detract from the Main Point here) and tries to 'live' in her Virtual Reality World' ... on-line Chat Rooms.

Her plea to Deep Grind is an impassioned and desperate attempt at having something/anything to do rather than face her husband while trapped under 8' of snow with both being afflicted with 'Cabin Fever' ... and could end up killing each other before Spring arrives.

In conclusion ... if there really is a God, and if Grind really wants an eager and dedicated Player, Owl would be a Good Choice. (Plus, Grind stated something that being Chill and God-like that bringing Owl into the Fold would be his greatest achievement , or something like that. I think he was stoned or on mushrooms or something?)
May I suggest that because of ban lists, personal animosities, and such, that everyone play under an anonymous name.

no. anon names are stupid and make people tard out too much. if people can't be normal in a god damn internet game, there is no hope for them
Don't know that I'll have much time next week. I'll be free W/Th, at least. Go ahead and count me in.

yeah no this prob wont be for next week, I was saying next week at the earliest.w e can do 2-3 weeks frmo now. it takes people forever to sign up anyway