Wesley Clark's list of seven...

Politicians say the damnedest things at times but we should never let them escape from their words when the situation doesn't suit what they said. Wesley Clarke blew the whistle on US motives in the ME and that's not going to ever go away. He can twist in the wind all he likes now but his credibility is gone if he tries to take a different approach to suit this situation.

The fact that Clark IS taking 'a different approach' is proof that he NEVER had any credibility, even back when you 'think' he blow the whistle.

He was full of shit then and hes full of shit now.....he didn't just become a hypocrite, hes always been one. JUst like Obama has PROVEN he is....which I've

shown in a couple of ways on my other recent threads....
Are you really so lame as to think you can connect a weapons delivery system with a socalled gas attack? Are you not aware that a medieval catapult and all the way up to a helicopter can deliver poison gas?

In fact, isn't your best evidence so far the film of the thin trail of smoke coming down from a helicopter that is being used over and over again even though it was dated back to about March of this year?

There is not solid evidence. Period! Your basing your entire argument on emotion. Just as it's obvious that you did the same with the Iraq wars. You're the perfect sucker for the propagandists.

Simple Mortars are the commonest delivery system for todays barbarians of the Middle East....every one over 9 years old has one
the US "We have evidence about the sarin gas attack".....
Russia "We have evidence about the sarin gas attack".....
the US "Here is a picture of a man dying from sarin gas".....
Russia "the missile used is not the kind used by Syria".....
the US "Here is a picture of a woman dying from sarin gas".....
Russia "the gas used is not the kind used by Syria".....
the US "Here is a picture of a child dying from sarin gas".....
Nobody in the Obama administration is even suggesting we force regime change in Syria.
Odd that when Russia used chemical weapons in Afghanistan and when Saddam gassed the Kurds and Iranians, Clark didn't say a thing....

Of course, there were Republican Presidents in office both times.....

Now, when Assad does the same thing, under a Dem. US President, he all hot and bothered.....odd indeed.http://www.foia.cia.gov/sites/default/files/document_conversions/89801/DOC_0000284013.pdf
General Lesley Clark was a Liberal General appointed by President Bubba Cliton as the Nato Supreme Commander or something like that. He was a Military stooge for the Democrat Liberals and helped Bubba do his Wag The Dog Aspirin Factory bombing run, to take the pressure off Monica, no pun intended. Everything that I have ever heard Wesley say has had the smell of partisan Liberal politics, to the point of being actually sickening. I would not vote for Generalisimo Lesley Clark as Dog Catcher, no way, no how.
The US government insists it has the intelligence to prove it, but the public has yet to see a single piece of concrete evidence produced by US intelligence - no satellite imagery, no transcripts of Syrian military communications - connecting the government of President Bashar Assad to the alleged chemical weapons attack last month that killed hundreds of people.

One week after Secretary of State John Kerry outlined the case against Assad, Americans - at least those without access to classified reports - haven't seen a shred of his proof.
