West less than 90 days from economic supercrash

"If you really believe the idea that a hypothesis [which] alleges a possible conspiracy is invalidating on its face, then you're not paying attention."

Bret Weinstein (
) highlights the sheer idiocy of dismissing so-called "conspiracy theories" out of hand.

"We have all kinds of collusion taking place... If you didn't notice it over Covid, then you've really got to go back and review what happened. There was an awful lot of collusion to keep us in the dark, to cause us to do things that were actually not in our interest."

"And so the point is really not are you a conspiracy theorist or not? The question is, are you any good at it? Are you good at being rigorous in the confusing landscape where collusion may be taking place?"

"And it's not easy because, frankly, the nature of conspiracy is to create a phoney story, which then causes Occam's razor to trigger artificially, right? So how do you tell the difference between an organically simple explanation for something, and a phony-baloney simple explanation that effectively obscures the truth? That's the difficulty philosophically."


More importantly we are the victims in a psyops war which is being waged against us by our abusers.

"If you really believe the idea that a hypothesis [which] alleges a possible conspiracy is invalidating on its face, then you're not paying attention."

Bret Weinstein (
) highlights the sheer idiocy of dismissing so-called "conspiracy theories" out of hand.

"We have all kinds of collusion taking place... If you didn't notice it over Covid, then you've really got to go back and review what happened. There was an awful lot of collusion to keep us in the dark, to cause us to do things that were actually not in our interest."

"And so the point is really not are you a conspiracy theorist or not? The question is, are you any good at it? Are you good at being rigorous in the confusing landscape where collusion may be taking place?"

"And it's not easy because, frankly, the nature of conspiracy is to create a phoney story, which then causes Occam's razor to trigger artificially, right? So how do you tell the difference between an organically simple explanation for something, and a phony-baloney simple explanation that effectively obscures the truth? That's the difficulty philosophically."


More importantly we are the victims in a psyops war which is being waged against us by our abusers.

For a conspiracy theory to exist people have to had experienced conspiring to achieve a goal that doesn't naturally exist when evolving naturally here as biologically centered mutually evolving as ancestrally [positioned now.

People discuss a revolution, the word means different things socially and physically. LIke the word rotate can move in different directions between horizontal, vertical, diagonally from other spinning and revolving things spontaneously existing simultaneously here each is a completely separate detail of results never same total sum twice per life cycle adapting in space now.

Just this morning I got this original idea B.A.G.(Began, Arrived, Going) explaining the difference between a personal brain and social mentality. Social minds calculate where their body, social order ancestrally began, and going tomorrow(each next generation added) and a brain navigates current status adapting to life proportionately alive compared to genetic ancestry and ancestors added to replace oneself.

Time is an immovable objective, evolving is an irresistible force of compounding changes with one's DNA regenerating body cells all the time changing their form shaped since conceived living in series parallel time specifically how, why, what, where, when, which number of the species is occupying the moment here in the total sum of existed, existing, has, is, doesn't anymore. All that fits a compounding combinations of binary code of zero or one.

Reasonable doubt is a mental practice within an existing population, not a genetic possibility completely existing by individual choices of the numbers living forward now.

Reasonable doubt plans tomorrows being more than evolving does adapting in space here now. Conspiring or compromising to agree to disagree how and why life only happens as adapting to time occupying space specifically oneself since conceived.

I am one male evolving as eternally separated, who are you by your society's rule of law?

Character on a world stage of evnets imploding your own ancestry and species pretending evolving is more than always just adapting to the moment here?
By my calculation collapse by Jan 12 that is being predicted.

It will be easy to know if this is right.

I am not going to say you were wrong if it takes 100 days. That would be a technical wrong, but a realistic completely right.

I will start to point out in January that this is another failed prediction. You have a lot of failed predictions. The problem here is you post mouthpieces for Putin, who has no interest in truth. If it later turns out to be right, I will admit I was wrong.
I am not going to say you were wrong if it takes 100 days. That would be a technical wrong, but a realistic completely right.

I will start to point out in January that this is another failed prediction. You have a lot of failed predictions. The problem here is you post mouthpieces for Putin, who has no interest in truth. If it later turns out to be right, I will admit I was wrong.

It is not my prediction liar....and I am right a high percentage of the time.

Widely respected old school insiders are actively working to "make the US think twice about igniting a war that they cannot control."

All it takes is to "go to Wall St. to check out the derivative exposure. Then they will already have had time to think it over", as key analysis has been sent to people "like Larry Fink at Blackrock and Michael Bloomberg".

It's crunch time.

Alastair Crooke - the gold, platinum and rare earth analytical standard - has warned in his must-read column 'Escalations Cannot Be Stopped - the White House is Rattled; Escalations Might all Fuse Into 'One' - that all hot spots may blow up all at once, destroying the ENTIRE U.S. "alliance system".

Sergey Lavrov, as usual, nailed it, when he said that if Gaza is destroyed, the resulting catastrophe will last "decades, if not centuries."

What started as a roll of the dice in Gaza is now
expanding to all of West Asia and then to Europe, Africa and Asia. You all remember how all of this actually started with the Brzezinski-tinged gambit in Ukraine to
cut off Europe from Russian natural resources, and is now veering towards the greatest world crisis since 1939.

The Straussian neocon psychos in D.C. have no clue how to back off, so there is less than zero hope for
a peaceful solution.

As I stress in my latest column 'Iran-Russia Set a Western Trap in Palestine' the leaders of major oil producers - Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait - can cut off almost half of oil production in the world in one fell swoop, demolishing the entire economies
of the EU and U.S. without firing a shot.

Diplomatic sources assure this IS being seriously considered. It would be the final checkmate to the exceptionalists who have posed as rulers of the world since 1991.
By my calculation collapse by Jan 12 that is being predicted.

It will be easy to know if this is right.

US economy grew at blistering pace in 3rd quarter
The U.S. economy grew at a blistering pace over three months ending in September, more than doubling growth in the previous quarter and rebuking worries about a possible recession.

It must be Bidenomics!
Wow! That looks like the downtown of a Democrat run city after a BLM riot that Antifa attended... :awesome:

And as civilization collapses, is being collapsed, the $600 trillion derivatives market is priced as if everything is fine, it will all work out.

That is NOT going to work.
BANKING CRASH IS BREWING: $684 BILLION Reported by U.S Banks In Unrealized Securities Losses

Up 23% in just one quarter, plus we have already had some big banks go under.

Buckle Up
BANKING CRASH IS BREWING: $684 BILLION Reported by U.S Banks In Unrealized Securities Losses

Up 23% in just one quarter, plus we have already had some big banks go under.

Buckle Up

Always remember economics support ideas promising ancestries now isn't eternity where genetics eternally separates each reproduction actively inhabiting space specifically here now, never same total sum achieved forward here now timed apart conceived to dead and body still occupies time decomposing until dust in the wind.

Corruption distorts actual evolving in many ways and means of keeping people believing each rotation of the planet is a tomorrow gone by today.