We've all been manipulated by the media

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I don't think so. I've always thought of this as a stupid assed wannabe rent a cop who fucked up and killed a kid and got lucky enough not to have any witnesses and was aquited due to Florida's overly broad self defense laws creating reasonable doubt as to his guilt.

Was race involved in Zimmermans nitwitted moronic lack of judgement? Absolutely. Was it intrincis to the criminal case? I think the legal system has bent over backwards to see that it race was not an issue in regards to legal jurisprudence.

there was an ear witness
there was an ear witness
Again, What's you point? Her earwitness testimony was about as reliable as the eyewitness testimony. That is, not very. So reasonable doubt still exist.

Again I see this as a serendipitious situation of a moron using incredibly poor judgement that resulted in the death of a kid in circumstances where not enough evidence was available to overcome the issues of reasonable doubt and an overly broad legal definition of self defense.

In other words a moron simply got fucking lucky that the cards just lined up in his favor. Was Zimmermans actions racist? You bet they were. Were the legals systems actions systemically racist? I don't think you have a good argument there.

I know a number of police officers that I've talked to and who've commented on this case that they sure wish in this case stupidity was a punishable offense as there's no reasonable doubt what so ever of Zimmermans being a fourth rate moron. I obviously share that view.
then maybe you should ask the black people of florida.

will you discount their testimony to on the same basis
Again, What's you point? Her earwitness testimony was about as reliable as the eyewitness testimony. That is, not very. So reasonable doubt still exist.

Again I see this as a serendipitious situation of a moron using incredibly poor judgement that resulted in the death of a kid in circumstances where not enough evidence was available to overcome the issues of reasonable doubt and an overly broad legal definition of self defense.

In other words a moron simply got fucking lucky that the cards just lined up in his favor. Was Zimmermans actions racist? You bet they were. Were the legals systems actions systemically racist? I don't think you have a good argument there.

I know a number of police officers that I've talked to and who've commented on this case that they sure wish in this case stupidity was a punishable offense as there's no reasonable doubt what so ever of Zimmermans being a fourth rate moron. I obviously share that view.

can you give the point by point reasoning behind why her testimony was unrealible.
his father is a white judge

hes a child of privledge in a town that has a deep deep history of racism.

Do you know Jackie robinson was chased out of the towm because the white towns folks were going to kill him because Branch Ricki was about to put him on the dogers?

the town itself was built by black people as a black town and then the white people came in a stold the town from them?

you just keep doubleing down dude

Yeah...When them white folks start moving in, there goes the neighborhood, desh.
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