We've all been manipulated by the media

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dude why are you wanting to pretend there is no racism in this town?
Racism exists everywhere Desh. Why are you blowing it out of proportion? Sanford is hardly Montgomery Alabubu in the times of Bull Connor. Again, I ask you, what evidence can you provide that the judicial system worked in an overty racist fashion in this case? To be honest, there's all sorts of evidence that the opposite is true. That once public outrage was focused on this case public officials bent over backwards to be sensitive to the issue of race. Convince me. I'm a reasonable person. Show me the evidence.
well as a matter of fact do you know it does not exist in the world at an even swath.

Jackie Robinson lived in pasadena California

when Brach Ricky hired him and sent him to Sanford the man had NEVER seen a colored only sign in person.

when is wife joined him she saw her first one too
mott I know thingy is your friend and your defending a friend.

that is commendable in some ways.

I will never deny seeing racism

I will point it out when I see it.

I think its a service to everyone.

its subtle at times but unless you force yourself over its hurdles and recognize it fully you are its slave.

No more quater
I don't even know who Thingy is and I see racism too.....just not where you see it. I see racism as an underlying cause of Zimmermans action. I don't see racism, at least overtly, in the prosectuion of this case. I think that argument is weak.
the Jurors were picked from a town with a very bad history of racism that still exists in sandford.

The town has a decent black population number.

why no blacks on the jury?
I merely asked you on what basis you discounted her testimony.

I didn't call you a racist
I should hope not. My wife would be real upset if she found out I was a racist. So would her family! Come to think about it, my family wouldn't be to pleased about it either. ;)
I don't even know who Thingy is and I see racism too.....just not where you see it. I see racism as an underlying cause of Zimmermans action. I don't see racism, at least overtly, in the prosectuion of this case. I think that argument is weak.


you didn't now that ?

its all over the thread your talking about because super kept telling me
go get a link to the actual converstions and we will discuss them with the evidence right in front of everyone

Do you actually understand the concept of objectivity? Because from your ramblings over the last few days it seems fairly obvious that you don't.
Agreed.. Lets hope its the last one Mott!

I call on all Republicans, conservatives, Liberals, Democrats and Libertarians to NOT MAKE OR RESPOND TO ANYMORE ZIMMERMAN THREADS.

Think it will work Mott?
Probably not. It's the hot issue of the moment. LOL

Desh probably does have a good point in maybe that this has been (and is) a festering issue in which the nation needs a long dialogue over.
I should hope not. My wife would be real upset if she found out I was a racist. So would her family! Come to think about it, my family wouldn't be to pleased about it either. ;)

I have people in my family whom I love who are racists.

I don't love their racism.

I do love them.

I don't pretend racist things are not racist with them.

I give it NO quarter.

yeah people hate me for it here.

so be it
what she heard is reliable and she has not said anything to put them in question.

her words all comport with the evidence.

Zimmys do not
the Jurors were picked from a town with a very bad history of racism that still exists in sandford.

The town has a decent black population number.

why no blacks on the jury?
Are you telling me that you think the Prosecutors purposefully blew this case by stacking it with an all white jury? That you haven't heard the prosecution defend their juror choices on the rational that they felt women, of any color, would be more sympathetic to their case since it involved the death of a child. Are you telling you haven't heard this and that your going to condemn the entire community of Sanford on hearsay?
From the very 1st day, where they edited the 911 tape to make it sound like GZ was singling out African Americans.

In fact, I'd wager that if GZ didn't have that 25% of white, we wouldn't have heard much about this story.

They love to jack up stories with racial elements; to fire up the country's emotions & divisions. They want a Rodney King type reaction & even a riot. And we all play right into their hands.

On a separate but related note, why in the hell do they televise these things? It is completely unfair to the witnesses. You shouldn't have to sacrifice your privacy simply because you saw or heard something. I hate that there are debates about the witnesses in these events - about their credibility, how they talk or what they look like.

i wasn't manipulated. I was right on everything.
From the very 1st day, where they edited the 911 tape to make it sound like GZ was singling out African Americans.

In fact, I'd wager that if GZ didn't have that 25% of white, we wouldn't have heard much about this story.

They love to jack up stories with racial elements; to fire up the country's emotions & divisions. They want a Rodney King type reaction & even a riot. And we all play right into their hands.

On a separate but related note, why in the hell do they televise these things? It is completely unfair to the witnesses. You shouldn't have to sacrifice your privacy simply because you saw or heard something. I hate that there are debates about the witnesses in these events - about their credibility, how they talk or what they look like.

They are to blame. They and them are responsible for all bad things.
Please. Reporting on trials is fine.

Do you think it's cool to have a teenager on cable networks almost 24x7, getting shredded & picked apart in a million different ways, all because she happened to hear something?

I don't know; I just think there is something wrong with that. In the internet age, someone shouldn't have to be put in the public eye in such a big way so that they can be scrutinized like they are - all because they heard or saw something important to a trial.

And I think it's wrong to condemn someone based on anonymous accusations. If the accusations are anonymous, the trial is not compatible with what we want to see in a liberal democracy. If they are in any way not anonymous, then the accusers are going to be examined, that's unavoidable, but it's better than the alternative.
I should hope not. My wife would be real upset if she found out I was a racist. So would her family! Come to think about it, my family wouldn't be to pleased about it either. ;)

One of my favorite Chris rock lines is when he talks about his uncle. Said his uncle hates white people, married a white woman. Quoted his uncle saying, "I hate them crackers, except for Susan." Lol
One of my favorite Chris rock lines is when he talks about his uncle. Said his uncle hates white people, married a white woman. Quoted his uncle saying, "I hate them crackers, except for Susan." Lol

We watched Chapelle last night, White Power, about the blind black Klu Klux Klan author!

I divorced my wife because she was a ****** lover!
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