What are Trump's redeeming qualities?

Good morning, Frank...hope you had a nice weekend.
Supporting the United States certainly doesn't make one a "traitor"...again, you're letter hate cloud what you're posting ("you should not lift your head in public for he rest of your life?:palm:)
Take a chill pill...it's going to be OK...
my friends in Jersey are literally floating away.. hope your rain hasn't been that bad...

Good morning, TOP. I had a delightful weekend.

Supporting the United States DOES NOT make one a traitor...

...but anyone still supporting Donald Trump IS a traitor...to the United States and to humanity.

Anyone doing so who still is able to look in a mirror without wanting to vomit...needs professional mental help.
Good morning, TOP. I had a delightful weekend.

Supporting the United States DOES NOT make one a traitor...

...but anyone still supporting Donald Trump IS a traitor...to the United States and to humanity.

Anyone doing so who still is able to look in a mirror without wanting to vomit...needs professional mental help.
Hi Frank...glad you had a great weekend!
You can't support the US and completely ignore the President at the same time. Same as you can't support a school and completely ignore the principal/administration at the same time. Trust me on that one. You just nod and work around them...works great. Wave, and smile, and shut the door;)
If I can do that for 15 (the first 15 were great...and then...) years, you can do it for 2-6 more...;)
You're letting a single human control every waking moment....that's so silly....
More Flood warnings for my NJ guys...not your area, I hope... Have a great afternoon...visit a shelter and walk some dogs...It'll cheer you up;)
Hi Frank...glad you had a great weekend!
You can't support the US and completely ignore the President at the same time. Same as you can't support a school and completely ignore the principal/administration at the same time. Trust me on that one. You just nod and work around them...works great. Wave, and smile, and shut the door;)

Last thing in the world I think any supporter of the United States should do...is to ignore the president.

Especially right now.

Anyone ignoring this abomination who has been elected to the office...is, in my opinion, as much a traitor to America as someone who continues to support him.

The patriotic thing to do...is to oppose him at every opportunity; to treat him like the cancer he is on our Republic.

Sorry if I left you with the impression I would like to see him ignored.

If I can do that for 15 (the first 15 were great...and then...) years, you can do it for 2-6 more...;)

I absolutely can...if I do not mind being a part of the present generation having responsibility for the Republic...and being grossly derelict in my duty.

I will not do that.

You're letting a single human control every waking moment....that's so silly....

I am not letting anyone control me...I am doing my duty to the Republic as I see it.

If that bothers you...try to resist reading what I write.

More Flood warnings for my NJ guys...not your area, I hope... Have a great afternoon...visit a shelter and walk some dogs...It'll cheer you up;)

Actually...severe flood warnings for my county for the remainder of the day...and for all day tomorrow.

Oh, well. Gotta live with it. The grass is as green as I've ever seen it. And although I would love to play golf tomorrow, if the warnings are correct, there will always be tomorrow.
Last thing in the world I think any supporter of the United States should do...is to ignore the president.

Especially right now.

Anyone ignoring this abomination who has been elected to the office...is, in my opinion, as much a traitor to America as someone who continues to support him.

The patriotic thing to do...is to oppose him at every opportunity; to treat him like the cancer he is on our Republic.

Sorry if I left you with the impression I would like to see him ignored.

I absolutely can...if I do not mind being a part of the present generation having responsibility for the Republic...and being grossly derelict in my duty.

I will not do that.

I am not letting anyone control me...I am doing my duty to the Republic as I see it.

If that bothers you...try to resist reading what I write.

Actually...severe flood warnings for my county for the remainder of the day...and for all day tomorrow.

Oh, well. Gotta live with it. The grass is as green as I've ever seen it. And although I would love to play golf tomorrow, if the warnings are correct, there will always be tomorrow.
Ok..I'll try to resist...I'll add you to the short list;)
And, yes...please be careful...the flooding is terrible....
Ok..I'll try to resist...I'll add you to the short list;)

I don't what the hell that means...but if it is a threat of some sort...go for it.

I'll try to endure.

And, yes...please be careful...the flooding is terrible....

Fuck the flooding. I want the rain to stop because I want to play golf.
No, seriously, he must have some. What are they?

Now's your chance, Trump fans.

The most "redeeming"? He is the freak'n president of the United States of America......Clinton is not. That's the most redeeming event in US HISTORY. The political Machine....taken down by a tv reality show in progress.....simply doing what he does best, ACTING. He played you characters like a cheap fiddle. And is still strumming that tune. Every time Trump farts......you attack, his base grows stronger.
I don't what the hell that means...but if it is a threat of some sort...go for it.

I'll try to endure.

Fuck the flooding. I want the rain to stop because I want to play golf.
You mentioned trying to resist reading what you write...I simply said I'd add you to the short list...of people that I try resist reading. I don't know how you got "threat of some sort" out of that...
You don't care if your car floats away or your house floods? You just want to play golf...Gotcha;)
You mentioned trying to resist reading what you write...I simply said I'd add you to the short list...of people that I try resist reading. I don't know how you got "threat of some sort" out of that...

Sounded to me that you were threatening to stop reading what I write, TOP.

After reading this...it appears you may be doing that.

I am saying...if you want to stop reading what I right...by all means...STOP.

I'll read what you write anyway.

You don't care if your car floats away or your house floods? You just want to play golf...Gotcha;)

My car is not going to float away...and my house will not flood.

I will feel horrible for anyone to whom that happens...

...but for now...

...fuck the floods. I just want to play golf.
Sounded to me that you were threatening to stop reading what I write, TOP.

After reading this...it appears you may be doing that.

I am saying...if you want to stop reading what I right...by all means...STOP.

I'll read what you write anyway.

My car is not going to float away...and my house will not flood.

I will feel horrible for anyone to whom that happens...

...but for now...

...fuck the floods. I just want to play golf.
"Try to resist" means just that;) Nothing more....
I hope the rain stops....really...
Don't you think his best qualities are loyalty and humility? How about hilarity? All these have been suggested.

I think it boils down to doing what he said he intended to do......he's pretty consistent about that except where the demmycrats have been able to stop it........doesn't happen often and will happen less when the Republicans pick up seats in the Senate this November.........
nope.....his resolve to get things accomplished despite demmycrat obstructionism......

Tru...dat! Not one "YES" vote from the left side of the isle (except the biggest spending bill since the Obama era)……..and Trump has accomplished over 65% of the things he promised while on the campaign trail. Trump's a winner, he knows how to win, he knows how to play his enemies....and it pisses them off.