What are your top three (3) issues for the November election?

You're yet another brain-dead idiot who equates fascism and socialism,
You're another brain-dead idiot who never learned that fascism is a form of socialism. Too funny. You apparently never learned that the Nazis were a socialist party. How do you reach adulthood without ever learning about Hitler or WWII?

two ideologies which have been in conflict for at least the past century and a half..
Too funny. The two diametrically opposed ideologies in conflict are communism and socialism. Communists HATE socialists, and thus they HATE fascists.

I was not aware that your lack of education was this profound. You must KNOW that you're uneducated, at least in terms of politics.

Why do you publicly make stupid statements?
1) Seeing that Trump does not get the Presidency a second time.
Translation: See to it elections are stolen a second time.

2) Expanding the ACA to the point where everybody is covered.
Translation: Revive government tyranny.

3) Working out a way to reduce the work week for everyone...substantially.
Translation: Eliminate capitalism by eliminating competition. Outlaw profits by outlawing the adding of value to society.
Can it be any other way? You MUST have a big and authoritarian government to make socialism work. It won't work with a small government with limited powers.
It can work with a small cabal and lots of FEAR/PANIC. This is why COVID and Global Warming are government power-multipliers because of the FEAR/PANIC they generate.

Fascism is one form of government that uses socialism as part of their economic system. Without an authoritarian government or outright dictatorship, you cannot get socialism to work.
Fascism is a socialist government that appeals to nationalism instead of appealing to "the struggle of the proletariat." It's all a matter of marketing.
The creator/author of fascism, Giovanni Gentile, was a fan of Karl Marx and of Marxist socialism; however, he rolled his eyes at the outdated and irrelevant "struggle against the bourgeoisi." Gentile convinced Mussolini and Hitler that socialism would flourish if the displaced peoples of Europe were to perceive the country (and government) as their true "parents" who are looking our for them, caring for them, and providing for them while giving them chores and making them clean their room. Hitler and Mussolini seized on the idea to great success.

It's still the same socialism under the hood.
Actually, #2 is totally accurate. The greentards on the Left don't want working solutions to an ill-defined problem. They want what they want like petulant children. Neither you, nor anybody else, can prove with any reasonable level of certainty that global temperatures are doing what they're doing because of nature versus interference by man. We don't have anywhere near enough data to do it.

Just remember, these are the same people claiming "climate change" that claimed getting rid of CFC's would fix the hole in the ozone layer at the S. Pole. Well, the hole is still there. It's as big or bigger than it has ever been, and we got rid of CFC's like they wanted.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Until the fools in the pseudo-science of "climate change" can prove their predictions correct and their modelling solid, I'm not believing them a second time, and neither should you.

As for 1, more government interference in the market won't fix the market. More government spending won't either.

Universal public healthcare is a sop to trying to fix a problem with a sledgehammer rather than with finesse.

We have quotas on immigration right now. There are guest worker programs for industries with labor shortages. They are being ignored by the current administration. As for illegal immigration, why do we need a mass of uneducated, illiterate, sickly, people with language barriers from who-knows-where pouring into the country?

Maybe we should just start handing out vouchers to parents who have school age children and let them decide rather than stick with an antiquated, Victorian, system of public education.
At the rate the children in Washington are going in creating WW3 we might not make it to November alive.
Can it be any other way? You MUST have a big and authoritarian government to make socialism work. It won't work with a small government with limited powers. Fascism is one form of government that uses socialism as part of their economic system. Without an authoritarian government or outright dictatorship, you cannot get socialism to work.
"Fascism" doesn't mean "authoritarian government" in general.
It refers to one specific kind of authoritarian government.
That's where you people fly off the track.
Precise use of language is far over your heads.
"Fascism" doesn't mean "authoritarian government" in general.
It refers to one specific kind of authoritarian government.
That's where you people fly off the track.
Precise use of language is far over your heads.
Fascism is a form of authoritarian / dictatorial government. In whatever form it takes, an authoritarian / dictatorial government is necessary to make socialism work. The more you have of socialism, the more authoritarian the government has to become to force that economic system on the public.
Just curious. What are your top three (3) issues come November? What three issues motivates you the most to vote one way or another? You can only list three, no more, no less.

My top three, to get things started (in order)

1. The economy. It currently sucks like a Kirby vacuum cleaner.

2. Stopping the greentard agenda. This goes with the economy, but I count it separately. No more subsidies and government fiats for what kind of car you can drive, what kind of stove you can have, no more subsidizing wind and solar. All of it stops.

3. Illegal immigration and the border. Biden's doubled the number of foreign criminals / illegal immigrants / criminal entrants in the US in less than four years. We have no use for tens of millions of useless Turd Worlders with 6th grade educations, all sorts of communicable diseases, with a good number of them being out and out career criminals and terrorists. We don't need them.

What are your top three?


The Border

The dishonesty and incompetence of the current administration
1. A National Health Care System just like the United Kingdom's.
2. The abolition of all "Right to Work" laws.
3. The dissolution of the present Supreme Court,
arrest and incarceration of two thirds of its current members,
and the appointment of a competent one by the faculties of
Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Georgetown, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Stanford, and Yale Law Schools.
Make the Constitution change by executive order.

In other words. NiftyNitWit wants Communism. Dumber than a box of rocks. :palm:
You RWers could have at least tried to fix #3, but nooo... your #MalignantMessiah told you not to support it, so it died.
#2 is ridiculous, childish, and poorly-understood by you climate change deniers.
#1 affects us all and is a problem that will be cured by time rather than by legislation.

Your dumbass could have just enforced existing law and not reversed all of Trumps orders.

But NOOOOOOo, you had to be whiney little children playing the opposite game.

My list:
1. Revamp the ACA to create a true, Medicare-type national health care system.
2. Bipartisan compromise on immigration, with quotas for admittance even for asylum-seekers who must stay out until processed, and a guest worker program for industries that have labor shortages.
3. Reformation of our public education system including how it is funded.

In other words, you want Marxism. Dumber than dumb.
Fascism is a form of authoritarian / dictatorial government. In whatever form it takes, an authoritarian / dictatorial government is necessary to make socialism work. The more you have of socialism, the more authoritarian the government has to become to force that economic system on the public.
Many free, democratic nations have FAR more socialism than we have,
and better standards of living than ours to go with it.

The Netherlands? Denmark? Sweden? Norway? Which has the "fascist" government?

You're pushing an argument that you can't win, TAG.
"Fascism" doesn't mean "authoritarian government" in general.
It refers to one specific kind of authoritarian government.
That's where you people fly off the track.
Precise use of language is far over your heads.

Common sense appears to be far over yours. :palm: