What are your top three (3) issues for the November election?

1. Preserve our form of government and not elect a dictator.

2. Preserve a woman's right to choose.

3. Get the House of reps out of the hands of the idiots who have it now.
YOu nailed it. I would say even more important would be a leader (or leaders) that will try to foster unity and less of the divide we wallow in now. I dont know how it can be done but its going to take political leaders with courage to reach out across the aisle to find some common ground. We have it. It is just lost in all the vitriol and hate that much of came from Trump. He ramps up his base with all kinds of nonsense. I mean what candidate leads chants of "lock her up" in his campaign. Third world dictators. Enough of this bllshtt and get back to acting like real Americans that work for us and not for power. Hate and anger seems to be the rule of the day. It is sickening.
The economy is tanked? The stock market is at record high, consumer spending is through the roof, GDP is up, unemployment is at record lows and inflation caused by the pandemic is dropping.

The stock market is not the economy. The reason it's going up so much is that it is following inflation. If it didn't rise 20+% it'd be deflationary and losing money because of the massive inflation Biden has caused with poor policy and profligate spending.

The right would like to parrot fucking stupid comments like the economy is tanked but they have nothing to back it up. By all measures our economy right now is doing great. Instead of your stupid fucking comments how about giving us a real economic indicator that shows we are in trouble? There aren't any. Crime is not rampant and it isn't a measure anyway, neither is the border.
The economy is tanked, just as it was in Carter's administration. If you've got money to invest (eg., your RICH) you're doing great in this economy. If not, you are fucked. Groceries, gas, rent, everything, has gotten way more expensive and if your paycheck hasn't increased by over 20%, then you are in a situation where you're losing ground economically.

That's why people can't afford houses, can't buy a new car, or whatever. They're struggling to just meet their basic needs.

Even the NYT admits that crime is out-of-control even as violent crime is down

What you see in the media is the focus on violent crime while property and non-violent crimes are ignored. People can figure this out and the media saying otherwise isn't going to make the problem go away.
1. A National Health Care System just like the United Kingdom's.
2. The abolition of all "Right to Work" laws.
3. The dissolution of the present Supreme Court,
arrest and incarceration of two thirds of its current members,
and the appointment of a competent one by the faculties of
Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Georgetown, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Stanford, and Yale Law Schools.
Make the Constitution change by executive order.

Just in case anyone missed that you are a literal Nazi.
You're yet another brain-dead idiot who equates fascism and socialism,
two ideologies which have been in conflict for at least the past century and a half..

You must KNOW that you're uneducated, at least in terms of politics.
Why do you publicly make stupid statements?

Fascism is a type of socialism - moron.
1. Preserve our form of government and not elect a dictator.

We presently have a dictator who established a police state in 2021. Continuing to use the federal government to attack his enemies.

2. Preserve a woman's right to choose.

I thought you Marxists supported "democracy?" Why do you hate the ability to the people to decide the question of Abortion? Dobbs merely moved it from 9 unelected judges to the people of the many states - you know, democracy?

3. Get the House of reps out of the hands of the idiots who have it now.

Would you outlaw any and all opposition to absolute rule by the democrat party?
1. I am voting to retain dignity, good leadership, and law and order in the office of the president.

2. I am voting to save and protect Democracy in the United States and around the world.

3. And, I am voting for the most experienced, and successful politician in United States history, and the one who is best suited for the job, based on the fact, that he has done everything exactly as I would have done it myself in his first term- HAD I BEEN THE PRESIDENT!

The economy is tanked?
The stock market is at record high,
Inflation is not profit.
consumer spending is through the roof,
Money velocity is down.
GDP is up,
Because of government waste.
unemployment is at record lows
Blatant lie.
and inflation caused by the pandemic is dropping.
The Covid Hoax did not cause inflation.
The right would like to parrot fucking stupid comments like the economy is tanked but they have nothing to back it up.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. Inversion fallacy. YOU are parroting what the Democrats told you to say.
By all measures our economy right now is doing great.
Economic depression is NOT a great economy.
Instead of your stupid fucking comments how about giving us a real economic indicator that shows we are in trouble? There aren't any.
RQAA. You can't make it go away.
Crime is not rampant and it isn't a measure anyway, neither is the border.
Blatant lie, and it IS a factor. So is the invasion that Biden caused at the border.
You can't make THAT go away either.
Just curious. What are your top three (3) issues come November? What three issues motivates you the most to vote one way or another? You can only list three, no more, no less.

My top three, to get things started (in order)

1. The economy. It currently sucks like a Kirby vacuum cleaner.

2. Stopping the greentard agenda. This goes with the economy, but I count it separately. No more subsidies and government fiats for what kind of car you can drive, what kind of stove you can have, no more subsidizing wind and solar. All of it stops.

3. Illegal immigration and the border. Biden's doubled the number of foreign criminals / illegal immigrants / criminal entrants in the US in less than four years. We have no use for tens of millions of useless Turd Worlders with 6th grade educations, all sorts of communicable diseases, with a good number of them being out and out career criminals and terrorists. We don't need them.

What are your top three?
Oh boy. It's hard to list just three. Well, let's see what I can come up with "off the cuff", which'll show what's on the forefront of my mind atm:

1) NO CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCY (aka "attempted government oversight/control over all economic transactions" ... aka getting much closer to implementing a "mark of the beast" economic system) --- Ergo, I'm supporting Trump over the other morons who are pushing this BS.
2) NO "6uild 6ack 6etter" BULLSHIT (aka "green energy scam") --- Ergo, I'm supporting Trump over the other morons who are pushing this BS.
3) NO CONTINUED/CONDONED ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION (aka "the great replacement") --- Ergo, I'm supporting Trump over the other morons who are pushing this BS.

Obviously there's A LOT more, but T.A. Gardner has restricted me to listing exactly three. :)