What are your top three (3) issues for the November election?

Many free, democratic nations have FAR more socialism than we have,


and better standards of living than ours to go with it.

Wrong. You don't get out much. I have been all over Europe and parts of the Far East. No other nation enjoys the liberty and standard of living we enjoy.

However, if you are an ignoramus and watch too much MSNBC or drink too much DNC koolaid and live in moms basement, then yes, you gullibly believe that others are better.

The Netherlands? Denmark? Sweden? Norway? Which has the "fascist" government?

You're pushing an argument that you can't win, TAG.

You're desperately flailing and losing miserably. Define how these nations have a higher standard of living. Define that standard first.
Just curious. What are your top three (3) issues come November? What three issues motivates you the most to vote one way or another? You can only list three, no more, no less.

My top three, to get things started (in order)

1. The economy. It currently sucks like a Kirby vacuum cleaner.

2. Stopping the greentard agenda. This goes with the economy, but I count it separately. No more subsidies and government fiats for what kind of car you can drive, what kind of stove you can have, no more subsidizing wind and solar. All of it stops.

3. Illegal immigration and the border. Biden's doubled the number of foreign criminals / illegal immigrants / criminal entrants in the US in less than four years. We have no use for tens of millions of useless Turd Worlders with 6th grade educations, all sorts of communicable diseases, with a good number of them being out and out career criminals and terrorists. We don't need them.

What are your top three?
The economy is up, crime is down and the supply of fossil fuel ruing our world is finite.

Anyway, continue with your "I hate Democrats" propaganda.
1. Cleaning up the democrat rigged election process
2. Stopping biden's border invasion crisis
3. Bring back sanity and energy independence by Drill Baby Drill on American lands.

As the year comes to a close, gas prices in the U.S are at their lowest point of 2023. And not coincidentally, domestic oil production is at a record level.
Also, suck it, trumptard!
Top three (3) no more, no fewer.

1. Preventing this election from being stolen like the previous one.
2. Preventing this election from being stolen like elections in Venezuela
3. Preventing this election from being stolen like the previous election in Perú.

The close 4th ... Requiring electoral votes to come from the legislature and barring anything coming from a State's executive branch.
You're yet another brain-dead idiot who equates fascism and socialism,
two ideologies which have been in conflict for at least the past century and a half..

You must KNOW that you're uneducated, at least in terms of politics.
Why do you publicly make stupid statements?
No, he's just been driven mad with hatred. Some Democrat must have beat him up in middle school and he's never gotten over it!
Fascism is a form of authoritarian / dictatorial government. In whatever form it takes, an authoritarian / dictatorial government is necessary to make socialism work. The more you have of socialism, the more authoritarian the government has to become to force that economic system on the public.
That is so wrong. Socialism is a form of govt that keeps the people at the front of decisions and programs. It is not like you Republicans who work for the super-wealthy and corporations at the cost of the people. Trump will be happy to show you how wrong you are if he gets back in. He is destructive to the American experiment. He has already done huge damage to the separation of the branches.
Trump has planned to punish the reds who were not sufficiently loyal and Dems and the left in general. Does that sound authoritarian to you? It should, even for a Trumpy .
Top three (3) no more, no fewer.

1. Preventing this election from being stolen like the previous one.
2. Preventing this election from being stolen like elections in Venezuela
3. Preventing this election from being stolen like the previous election in Perú.

The close 4th ... Requiring electoral votes to come from the legislature and barring anything coming from a State's executive branch.

[awkward silence, unable to respond]

Your king is tipped.

1. Protecting the Constitution.

2. Protecting states' rights from Trump's vision of authoritarian rule.

3. Drain the swamp including the alligators placed on the Supreme Court by the Alt-Right.
1. Preserve our form of government ...
... through destroying our form of government by ushering in tyranny.

2. Preserve a woman's right to choose ...
... to kill a living human who has committed no crime and who has not expressed any desire to die.

3. Get the House of reps out of the hands of the idiots who have it now ...
... and into the hands of the idiots who own the idiots who have it now.
The economy is up, crime is down and the supply of fossil fuel ruing our world is finite.

Anyway, continue with your "I hate Democrats" propaganda.
In what world do you live? The economy is tanked, crime is rampant--well serious violent crime like murder is down but not lower tier stuff like B&E, mass shoplifting, etc. Fossil fuel is renewable, and the planet makes more continuously. Solar and wind are simply far too inefficient and unpredictable to be serious power sources.
In what world do you live? The economy is tanked, crime is rampant--well serious violent crime like murder is down but not lower tier stuff like B&E, mass shoplifting, etc. Fossil fuel is renewable, and the planet makes more continuously. Solar and wind are simply far too inefficient and unpredictable to be serious power sources.
I live in the real world. I'd encourage you to try it, but your hatred of anything Democrat has eviscerated your judgement and understanding of actual facts.

The United States lost 2.7 million jobs during Trump's presidency, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If the pandemic months are excluded, he added 6.7 million jobs.

By contrast, 15.4 million jobs were added during Biden's presidency. That's 5.1 million more jobs than what the CBO forecasted he would add before his coronavirus relief and other policies became law — a sign of how much he boosted the labor market.

But the economic numbers expose a far more complicated reality during Trump's time in the White House. His tax cuts never delivered the promised growth. His budget deficits surged and then stayed relatively high under Biden. His tariffs and trade deals never brought back all of the lost factory jobs.

And there was the pandemic, an event that caused historic job losses for which Trump accepts no responsibility as well as low inflation — for which Trump takes full credit.

If anything, the economy during Trump's presidency never lived up to his own hype.

Trump also assured the public that his tax cuts would pay for themselves because of stronger growth. The cuts were broad but disproportionately favored corporations and those with extreme wealth.

The tax cuts signed into law in 2017 never fulfilled Trump's promises on deficit reduction.

When Trump celebrates historically low mortgage rates, he's doing so because the economy was weakened by the pandemic. Similarly, gasoline prices fell below an average of $2 a gallon because no one was driving in April 2020 as the pandemic spread.
In what world do you live? The economy is tanked, crime is rampant--well serious violent crime like murder is down but not lower tier stuff like B&E, mass shoplifting, etc. Fossil fuel is renewable, and the planet makes more continuously. Solar and wind are simply far too inefficient and unpredictable to be serious power sources.
The economy is tanked? The stock market is at record high, consumer spending is through the roof, GDP is up, unemployment is at record lows and inflation caused by the pandemic is dropping.

In 2023, real gross domestic product (GDP) grew 3.1 percent, beating expectations amid persistent global economic uncertainties. Most notably, last year, U.S. GDP grew faster than that of every country in the Group of Seven (G7

Workers have powered the strong economic recovery. The labor market has continued to go from strength to strength, with all industries—including leisure and hospitality and retail trade.

the United States is experiencing one of the longest stretches in its history in which the unemployment rate has remained below 4 percent, benefiting current and potential workers.

In addition to strong labor market recovery and GDP growth, the United States has seen a boom in construction spending.

The number of new employer business applications has surged during this economic recovery, with 5.2 million new business applications filed since January 2021.

Not only has the U.S. economy recovered from the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic at a historically fast pace, but on many fronts, it also has improved upon the pre-pandemic status quo. The evidence indicates that bold public investments in workers and families, such as those contained in the American Rescue Plan and the Biden administration’s industrial strategy, have poised the U.S. economy to capitalize on a strong foundation throughout 2024.

The right would like to parrot fucking stupid comments like the economy is tanked but they have nothing to back it up. By all measures our economy right now is doing great. Instead of your stupid fucking comments how about giving us a real economic indicator that shows we are in trouble? There aren't any. Crime is not rampant and it isn't a measure anyway, neither is the border.