What cheesy trash gets married at Disney?

Meatball Ron, that’s who got married at Disney!

Why would you care who gets married at Disney? Does it harm YOU in any way? Does it make any impact on your life? You worry about a lot of silly things it seems.
Why would you care who gets married at Disney? Does it harm YOU in any way? Does it make any impact on your life? You worry about a lot of silly things it seems.
You know why he worries....Gov. DeSantis lives rent free in his head...DeSantisDerangementSyndrome....;)
Why would you care who gets married at Disney? Does it harm YOU in any way? Does it make any impact on your life? You worry about a lot of silly things it seems.

I really don’t care, I certainly don’t want to ban marriage at Disney.
Me or the United States, Ms. Moon?

Would you kill a bunch of American Jews if you could, dear?

I think you've flipped, purple dick.
I hope I've contributed to your flaccid failures.

Haw, haw....................................haw.

Doc Dutch
When you think of my purple dick do you picture it fully erect and throbbing, Ms. Moon? https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...tation-as-military-superpower-shattered/page6 #83
Bend over, darlin'. Here's comes my purple one-eyed Christian!
It's a thick veiner, so you'll be certain to like it, dear.
Does fantasizing about my purple dick make you wet, Ms. Moon? Would you like a picture sent in PM?
https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?185205-How-the-Ukraine-situation-should-end/page26 #378 The fact you still dream about being reamed by a purple dick is interesting, Ms. Moon #346
You're the one who keeps dreaming about my engorged and throbbing male appendage, Ms. Moon.
https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...Old-Testament-is-a-myth&p=5590279#post5590279 #221
You're the desperate Jihadist antisemite yearning for American peckers, sweet cheeks.
I once went to Disney World about 13 years ago with my son, a friend and his son. We shared a two bed room at the resort.

When the two of us checked in, they announced over the resort speaker that we were the “Family of the Day”. And a parade of Characters came out… they took our photo and put it up on all the televisions in the resort, upgraded us to a penthouse room, had a box of chocolates waiting for us in the room, and gave us buttons to wear at the park that entitled us to skip certain lines… Ride the front of the monorail and discounts.

We played along, and the clueless kids thought it was the best. I had the photo of the four of us on my fridge for years.

I don’t go to Disney generally but I took the kids a few times when they were young.
Given how expensive and dirty the place is from what I have heard.
Disneyland is exceedingly clean given that tens of thousands of people visit per day.

If getting married at Disneyland is trashy, I guess I will count myself in with the white trash. There is a certain charm and value in Kitsch, and I had a good time and some good laughs when my relative did an Elvis wedding in Vegas just for the kicks.
Your flirting is relentless, my little Moonbeam!

Your record attests to the contrary;

Doc Dutch
When you think of my purple dick do you picture it fully erect and throbbing, Ms. Moon? https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...tation-as-military-superpower-shattered/page6 #83
Bend over, darlin'. Here's comes my purple one-eyed Christian!
It's a thick veiner, so you'll be certain to like it, dear.
Does fantasizing about my purple dick make you wet, Ms. Moon? Would you like a picture sent in PM?
https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?185205-How-the-Ukraine-situation-should-end/page26 #378 The fact you still dream about being reamed by a purple dick is interesting, Ms. Moon #346
You're the one who keeps dreaming about my engorged and throbbing male appendage, Ms. Moon.
https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...Old-Testament-is-a-myth&p=5590279#post5590279 #221
You're the desperate Jihadist antisemite yearning for American peckers, sweet cheeks.
Disneyland is exceedingly clean given that tens of thousands of people visit per day.

If getting married at Disneyland is trashy, I guess I will count myself in with the white trash. There is a certain charm and value in Kitsch, and I had a good time and some good laughs when my relative did an Elvis wedding in Vegas just for the kicks.

It’s not my thing, I just think it’s funny that DeSantis who is a Disney hater for political reasons likes it so much he got married there.
No, why would you think that?

I think it’s funny that our homophobic governor got married there, he supported them…
FWIW, irrational people rarely provide rational answers to why they do what they do.

Agreed on the irony of DeSantis marrying Casey at Disneyland. Even he admits it. I wonder what Casey thinks about all of this? She doesn't say much about it except demurely supporting her husband. It causes me to think she's happy being Mrs. Governor, but not wanting to be FLOTUS.

Casey DeSantis says Ron looked like Tom Cruise in his white Navy uniform: Governor admits it's 'ironic' they got married at Disney considering his war on 'woke' in interview where they discuss drinking beer on their first date
Ron and Casey DeSantis discussed the 'irony' in having a Disney wedding now that the Florida governor is in an ongoing battle with the 'woke' corporation.

In an interview aired Monday on SiriusXM's Patriot, the Florida first couple discussed their first date – where Casey said that her future husband reminded her of Tom Cruise – and talked about their eventual nuptials at Walt Disney World.

'In looking forward to what we ended up doing as Governor and some of the face-offs that we had with some major institutions in Florida, it's kind of ironic,' Ron DeSantis admitted as speculation increases he will soon mount a 2024 presidential run...

...In response to the controversy, Disney paused their contributions to Florida political campaigns and assessed their 'approach to advocacy, including political giving in Florida.'

'You know, people are asking me, 'Are you going to bring your kids back and are you going to go back to Disney?' And I'm thinking, 'Well, you know, not until things change a little bit over there,' Casey told the SiriusXM show in the interview that aired Monday.

FWIW, irrational people rarely provide rational answers to why they do what they do.

Agreed on the irony of DeSantis marrying Casey at Disneyland. Even he admits it. I wonder what Casey thinks about all of this? She doesn't say much about it except demurely supporting her husband. It causes me to think she's happy being Mrs. Governor, but not wanting to be FLOTUS.

Casey DeSantis says Ron looked like Tom Cruise in his white Navy uniform: Governor admits it's 'ironic' they got married at Disney considering his war on 'woke' in interview where they discuss drinking beer on their first date

Funny because Disney has been “Woke” a lot longer than DeSantis has been married.
Funny because Disney has been “Woke” a lot longer than DeSantis has been married.

LOL True.

Disney pushed inclusivity for decades. Long before the current fad use of "Woke" came about.

IMO, DeSantis is simply cashing in on playing the opposite of overzealous members of the Wokism.

On his show last Friday, Bill Maher asked and discussed with his panel of two professors if Wokism crossed the line of protecting rights to begin stepping on the rights of others. I agree with the consensus that it has. Zealousness rarely ends well.
True… I start a lot of threads. I think it’s funny that he got married at a place that hosts gay pride week.

Why? When did he get married? Were they having the convention then? Actually they just scheduled the convention there as a attempt at trying to insult him which is really stupid ..they're just wasting a lot of money... I probably could have taken a Princess Cruise for what it's going to cost him to do it there...lol .