What Climate Crisis? And what is it?

There you go again, being an obtuse, dishonest asshole.

Which I agreed with. The Earth has been going through various climate changes for millions of years. That's a no brainer and the fact that you had to bring up an obvious fact shows that you are desperate to "win".

Men as individuals do not have much of an impact on the climate. The iIndustrial Revolution does.
Which I agreed with. The Earth has been going through various climate changes for millions of years. That's a no brainer and the fact that you had to bring up an obvious fact shows that you are desperate to "win".

Men as individuals do not have much of an impact on the climate.

So the answer you couldn't answer now makes you cry and you just want to keep beating a dead horse to remove any doubt what a mentally unstable, low IQ lying troll you are. Got it. :clap:


The iIndustrial Revolution does.

In other words, you believe man is causing it. WRONG again dimwit. Man is an insignificant gnat on the ass of the earth. As evidenced by the FACTS I have given about how much of the earth is occupied by man and the numerous climate changes that occurred long before man ever walked the planet.
In other words, you believe man is causing it. WRONG again dimwit. Man is an insignificant gnat on the ass of the earth. As evidenced by the FACTS I have given about how much of the earth is occupied by man and the numerous climate changes that occurred long before man ever walked the planet.

Men had very little impact on the environment since the dawn of humankind. The fact that I agree with you on that one seems to send you off on the rails. :palm:
Men had very little impact on the environment since the dawn of humankind. The fact that I agree with you on that one seems to send you off on the rails.

It's okay little man. Stop flailing. I answered the question for you. Now trot off and troll someone else okay? I get it. You like beating dead horses and exposing your ignorance and stupidity. :thumbsup:
It's okay little man. Stop flailing. I answered the question for you. Now trot off and troll someone else okay? I get it. You like beating dead horses and exposing your ignorance and stupidity. :thumbsup:


It's weird.

I disagree with you and you flail.
I agree with you and you flail.
I am not here and you flail.
It's weird.

I disagree with you and you flail.
I agree with you and you flail.
I am not here and you flail.

What's the matter little man? Are you unhinged because I answered the question you seemed unable and completely incoherent to answer? It's okay. You can run along now and start another stupid thread that you don't care about. Go on. Shoo.

The climate has been a continuous state of change since a climate came to be. Change is it's very nature.

You have been shown the comparative nature of CO2 in the atmosphere. Its basically a trace element.

CO2 is one of many so-called green house gasses. Far and away the most common one is H2O (sadly this does not appear in the atmosphere breakdown above). It can actually perform the actions attributed to green house gasses because it has the unique ability to change it's state (solid/liquid/gas) in free atmosphere. This allows it to trap and redirect energy. None of the others have this capability.

The Earth has a very long scale cycle of warming and cooling (Ice Ages being the cooling end). It is very long running and surprisingly consistent. It has been proven that solar emissions drive this process. Over the past several decades we happen to have been in a warming pattern which begs the question is it not possible that this proven natural cycle is responsible for the very thing it is known to do ?

There have been some events that can interfere with the solar cycles such as volcanos blowing massive amounts of particulate into the atmosphere which can and do absorb solar energy and redirect it back into space thereby cooling the planet by preventing it from seeing this energy. Large meteor strikes do much the same thing. This is thought to explain the end of dinosaurs.

So to recap
- climate change is nothing new
- CO2 is an unlikely player given it's scarcity

Its hard to ignore that none of the cataclysmic events predicted as a result of "climate change" have come to pass. The claims of more severe weather have been demonstrated to be false despite the president claiming otherwise and being reminded by his own experts that he was incorrect.

And as a bonus, scientists ascribing to the solar based evidence tell us that we are due up for a "little Ice Age" in the near future.

And I wont even get into how the green house gas theory fails the 2nd law of thermodynamics (thermal energy may only pass from a warmer to colder object without "external work" such as being enclosed in a box, you know like a greenhouse is a box to be fair its rather difficult to create a free atmosphere to test this). Or that no one has demonstrated that it even is a scientifically proven thing.

Some stuff to chew on.
Let's start with a few experts' words.
Define 'expert'.
The Climate Crisis – A Race We Can Win

Define 'climate crisis'.
Climate change is the defining crisis of our time
Define 'climate change'. Define 'defining crisis'.
and it is happening even more quickly than we feared.
Void argument fallacy.
But we are far from powerless in the face of this global threat.
Define this 'threat'.
As Secretary-General António Guterres pointed out in September, “the climate emergency
Define 'climate emergency'.
is a race we are losing, but it is a race we can win”.
Cliche fallacy.
No corner of the globe
Globes don't have corners.
is immune from the devastating consequences of climate change.
Define 'climate change'. Define 'devastating consequences'.
Rising temperatures
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. Define 'global warming'.
are fueling environmental degradation,
Define 'environmental degradation'.
natural disasters,
Define 'natural disaster' and how it has anything to do with 'global warming' (whatever that is!).
weather extremes,
Define 'weather extreme'.
food and water insecurity,
Define 'food and water insecurity'.
economic disruption,
Define 'economic disruption' and how it has anything to do with 'global warming' (also undefined).
conflict, and terrorism.
What does conflict and terrorism have to do with undefined words?
Sea levels are rising,
It is not possible to measure the global sea level.
the Arctic is melting,
It is not possible to measure the total snow and ice on Earth or in the Arctic.
coral reefs are dying,
It is not possible to measure the total life in the coral reef.
oceans are acidifying,
It is not possible to acidify an alkaline.
and forests are burning. It is not possible to measure the global pH of the oceans.
It is clear that business as usual is not good enough.
Cliche fallacy.
As the infinite cost of climate change
Define 'infinite cost'. Define 'climate change'.
reaches irreversible highs,
Define 'irreversible high'.
now is the time for bold collective action.
Such as?
...deleted redundant Holy Link...

You can't take action against something you can't define.

You consider this a so-called 'expert'???!?
The climate has been a continuous state of change since a climate came to be. Change is it's very nature.

You have been shown the comparative nature of CO2 in the atmosphere. Its basically a trace element.

CO2 is one of many so-called green house gasses. Far and away the most common one is H2O (sadly this does not appear in the atmosphere breakdown above). It can actually perform the actions attributed to green house gasses because it has the unique ability to change it's state (solid/liquid/gas) in free atmosphere. This allows it to trap and redirect energy. None of the others have this capability.

The Earth has a very long scale cycle of warming and cooling (Ice Ages being the cooling end). It is very long running and surprisingly consistent. It has been proven that solar emissions drive this process. Over the past several decades we happen to have been in a warming pattern which begs the question is it not possible that this proven natural cycle is responsible for the very thing it is known to do ?

There have been some events that can interfere with the solar cycles such as volcanos blowing massive amounts of particulate into the atmosphere which can and do absorb solar energy and redirect it back into space thereby cooling the planet by preventing it from seeing this energy. Large meteor strikes do much the same thing. This is thought to explain the end of dinosaurs.

So to recap
- climate change is nothing new
- CO2 is an unlikely player given it's scarcity

Its hard to ignore that none of the cataclysmic events predicted as a result of "climate change" have come to pass. The claims of more severe weather have been demonstrated to be false despite the president claiming otherwise and being reminded by his own experts that he was incorrect.

And as a bonus, scientists ascribing to the solar based evidence tell us that we are due up for a "little Ice Age" in the near future.

And I wont even get into how the green house gas theory fails the 2nd law of thermodynamics (thermal energy may only pass from a warmer to colder object without "external work" such as being enclosed in a box, you know like a greenhouse is a box to be fair its rather difficult to create a free atmosphere to test this). Or that no one has demonstrated that it even is a scientifically proven thing.

Some stuff to chew on.

.....and it certainly is not in crisis as a result of anything man has done. :thumbsup:
Define 'expert'.

Define 'climate crisis'.

Define 'climate change'. Define 'defining crisis'.

Void argument fallacy.

Define this 'threat'.

Define 'climate emergency'.

Cliche fallacy.

Globes don't have corners.

Define 'climate change'. Define 'devastating consequences'.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. Define 'global warming'.

Define 'environmental degradation'.

Define 'natural disaster' and how it has anything to do with 'global warming' (whatever that is!).

Define 'weather extreme'.

Define 'food and water insecurity'.

Define 'economic disruption' and how it has anything to do with 'global warming' (also undefined).

What does conflict and terrorism have to do with undefined words?

It is not possible to measure the global sea level.

It is not possible to measure the total snow and ice on Earth or in the Arctic.

It is not possible to measure the total life in the coral reef.

It is not possible to acidify an alkaline.

You can't take action against something you can't define.

You consider this a so-called 'expert'???!?

You're expending a lot of effort on someone who apparently wants to remain stupid and ignorance. Just saying! :laugh:
I believe that there is a such a thing as manmade climate change.
Define 'climate change'.
But I also believe it is not nearly as serious as the doomsayers state.
How do you know? You haven't defined what you are talking about!
And I also think it is far more important to shelter/feed the homeless and the starving first.
And worry about the planet after.
What has this got to do with 'climate change'?? Define 'climate change'.
The climate change people seem to not give a shit about those starving to death.
'Climate change' is a group of people??
Yet freak out about a cleaner sky.
Define 'cleaner sky'. Cleaner than what?
I think that is a pathetic, misallocation of concern.
I think you are talking in a vacuum.
.....and it certainly is not in crisis as a result of anything man has done. :thumbsup:

the "man made" meme required that ONLY CO2 be the boogyman behind it all which was the basic flaw in the argument. There is no way a trace element can be the principle driver. So this flaw proves the idea that the whole scheme is merely an attempt to separate people from their money.

NONE of the "solutions" pitched address ending CO2 worldwide.

ALL of the solutions involve trillions upon trillions in cost.

that kinda says it all.
the "man made" meme required that ONLY CO2 be the boogyman behind it all which was the basic flaw in the argument. There is no way a trace element can be the principle driver. So this flaw proves the idea that the whole scheme is merely an attempt to separate people from their money.

NONE of the "solutions" pitched address ending CO2 worldwide.

ALL of the solutions involve trillions upon trillions in cost.

that kinda says it all.

The climate crisis took a catastrophic toll across the globe in 2021.
Define 'climate crisis'. Define 'catastrophic toll'.
From the Arctic to Louisiana and to China's Henan province, signs that climate change is already altering our weather were everywhere.
Define 'climate change'. Climate does not alter weather.
In the United States, historic flooding trapped and killed residents in submerged basements.
What 'historic flooding'?
In Canada, an entire town was erased by a wildfire fueled by extreme heat.
Heat is not a fuel. What town was 'erased'?
Rain fell at the summit of Greenland for the first time.
Greenland doesn't have a summit.
As climate disasters mounted,
Define 'climate disaster'.
the world aligned around combating the crisis:
Define this 'crisis'.
Scientists published a landmark report
Science isn't a report.
that concluded humans are unequivocally to blame;
Science doesn't blame.
US President Joe Biden reentered the Paris Agreement in the early days of his administration;
So? The idiot is signing on to a treaty that has no valid definitions in it and attempts to measure that which is not measurable. It's unenforceable.
world leaders met at the UN climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, to negotiate solutions.[/I]
Solutions to what? There is no solution to what you can't define.
But promises were not met with action in 2021, and humans are pumping more planet-warming emissions into the atmosphere than ever.

No gas or vapor has the capability to create energy out of nothing. See the 1st law of thermodynamics.
No gas or vapor has the capability to decrease entropy. See the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
No gas or vapor has the capability to trap light. See the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
You can't trap heat.
You can't trap light.
You can't trap thermal energy. There is always heat.

Define 'expert'.
now warn that the Earth is currently on track for 2.4 degrees Celsius of warming above pre-industrial levels
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. Argument from randU fallacies.
-- far beyond the critical 1.5-degree threshold that scientists say we should stay under.
Define 'critical temperature threshold'. What 'scientists'? Science isn't random numbers.
This year's disasters are proof the climate crisis is intensifying
Attempted proof by void. Define 'climate crisis'. Define 'The disasters'.
and that the window is rapidly closing
Cliche fallacy.
to slash our reliance on fossil fuels
Fossils don't burn. No one uses them for fuel.
and to prevent changes that would transform life as we know it.
What 'changes'? Cliche fallacy.
"What we think of as climate change is now becoming very personal,"
Define 'climate change'. Who is 'we'?
Jennifer Marlon, a climate scientist at the Yale School of the Environment,
There is no branch of climate in science. Science is not a title, school, university, government agency, scientist, or group of scientists. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. It isn't even people at all.
previously told CNN.
Whoopie. CNN.
"It's not far away anymore.
What's not far away anymore?
It's now in our front yard, it's in our backyards, it's in our basements,
What is?
it's even in our lungs as (we are) breathing smoke from these wildfires."
What wildfires? You mean the ones started mostly by arson in the SOTC every year?