What Climate Crisis? And what is it?

You're a serious mental case you know that? You should get some professional help. Seriously. :palm:

I just sharted. Thanks a lot! Now I need a hot shower!

"You thought the Earth had one climate?"

I just sharted. Thanks a lot! Now I need a hot shower!

"You thought the Earth had one climate?"


It's okay little man. You don't need to keep proving what an unintelligent, dishonest dumbass you are. We got it already. ;)

Absurdity; the last desperate refuge for the ignorant, the dishonest and the stupid.

flail·ing | \ ˈflā-liŋ \
1: moving, swinging, or beating wildly like a flail —used especially of a person or a person's limbs
b: clumsy or ineffectual
Actually, that is a pile of anecdotal bile snowflake. Your posts suggest you're an idiot. [/size] :palm:
IQ is a meaningless number. You are correct in pointing out that using as an authority is a void authority fallacy.
Those are FACTS.
Wups. Not the definition of 'fact'. A fact is not a proof nor a Universal Truth.
They are easy to obtain and verify if you're not a lazy, dumb thread troll. Try it.
He asked you where you got your numbers from. A perfectly legitimate thing to ask. YOU posted these numbers. It is YOUR responsibility to provide the requested link or sources.
PROVE them wrong Mr. IQ 125. Let's see how smart you really are.[/size]
Attempted force of negative proof fallacy.
There you go. It never takes long for low IQ, mentally unstable morons to engage in puerile insulting. I get it. You've lost the argument, don't have any facts so now you flail and lash out. [/size] ;)
He doesn't need to provide any facts or statistical numbers. He is simply requesting where you got your numbers from, as I also am, although he is throwing a lot of stupid insults doing it.

Where are you getting your numbers from?

Unlike most people on JPP, I require of any data:
* who collected it and for what purpose.
* when it was collected.
* the method of collection. If instrumentation was used, the type of instrumentation and how and when it was calibrated.
* the data itself must be published. It must be unbiased raw data.
* if a summary is used, the variance must be declared and justified and the margin of error value must be calculated and accompany the summary.
* if a probability is used, the boundary must be declared and the randX must be declared.

These are reasonable expectations. Any data presented without them I consider random numbers of type randU.

So...let's start with the link. Where are you getting these numbers from?
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It's okay little man. You don't need to keep proving what an unintelligent, dishonest dumbass you are. We got it already. ;)

Absurdity; the last desperate refuge for the ignorant, the dishonest and the stupid.

flail·ing | \ ˈflā-liŋ \
1: moving, swinging, or beating wildly like a flail —used especially of a person or a person's limbs
b: clumsy or ineffectual

Did you honestly think I didn't know about the fact that the Earth has different climates? :laugh:
This is why you have a LOW IQ. AProudLefty posted a TROLL thread because he didn't want to answer questions in a thread he started and cannot argue. He made ME the topic evem. Neither he, nor High IQ you can answer the question. HOW ARE WE IN A CLIMATE CRISIS?

I gave you facts. They made you cry. You started the puerile insults as a result. You need to get a second opinion on that IQ of 125. It isn't apparent here.

You did not give facts. You spewed a bunch of numbers that so far have no apparent source. Where are you getting your numbers from?
I did not start the other thread to discuss climate crisis. I am not worried about climate change but obviously many are. They are the ones you need to ask.


Define 'climate crisis'. Define 'climate change'. YOU created both threads. YOU are using these terms. YOU need to define them.

Define 'climate crisis'. Define 'climate change'. YOU created both threads. YOU are using these terms. YOU need to define them.

Climate crisis is where there is an increase in numbers and intensities of the storms such as tornadoes, hurricanes and such.

That is a partial definition. Is it true or not? That's a matter of debate.
Again, for the uneducated, the stupid and the gullible:

Below is the composition of air in percent by volume, at sea level at 15 C and 101325 Pa.

Nitrogen -- N2 -- 78.084%
Oxygen -- O2 -- 20.9476%
Argon -- Ar -- 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide -- CO2 -- 0.0314%
Neon -- Ne -- 0.001818%
Methane -- CH4 -- 0.0002%
Helium -- He -- 0.000524%
Krypton -- Kr -- 0.000114%
Hydrogen -- H2 -- 0.00005%
Xenon -- Xe -- 0.0000087%
Ozone -- O3 -- 0.000007%
Nitrogen Dioxide -- NO2 -- 0.000002%
Iodine -- I2 -- 0.000001%
Carbon Monoxide -- CO -- trace
Ammonia -- NH3 -- trace

29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 2 to 3% of that area. Of the remaining land mass, about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas.

The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to 0.0314% of the gas in oxygen and less than 3% of the land can only be believed by morons. :rolleyes:

Are you going to provide a link- or do you want us to just take your word for it?
No, they weren't. There was no answer on HOW we are in a climate crisis. It was a bunch of fallacious bullshit desperately masking as facts.

Tornados are no worse or more frequent than in the past. Tornados aren't even a result of climate change. Hurricanes are no more intense or frequent than the past. Flooding basements in New York? That was laughably stupid.

So no, dumbass, you cannot answer the question which is why you are desperately deflecting and flailing. Man is not the cause of climate change. The climate has been warming since the Pleistocene age.
Define 'climate change'. Climate has no temperature.
The answer to that question is simple. Too simple for an uneducated, dishonest thread trolling hack like you.
What question is that? What are you talking about?
We aren't in a climate crisis. The climate cannot be in crisis.
One has to define what 'climate crisis' is before they can make the subject of any sentence.
It is constantly changing due to the sun.
Climate cannot change. It has no value associated with it.
That's right mental case, the SUN is why we have seen many global ice ages and subsequent melting.
How do you know? Were you there? This is a theory (not a scientific one), not history.
They don't happen in a year, or ten years, or even one hundred years. They won't be happening in 2030, or 2040 or even 2080.
What? This so-called glacial ice age?
Man is a tiny, insignificant speck on this planet.
To that I agree.
The notion that man can change the earth's climate is arrogant and mentally unstable.
Climate cannot change. There is no value associated with climate to change. There is no such thing as a global climate. Earth has many climates. 'Climate' is a subjective word. It has no value.
If earths timeline were represented on a yard stick. man's time on it couldn't even be defined by the sliver of a hair. [/size] :palm:
How do you know? Were you there?
Why do I have to explain climate crisis in the other thread? That isn't the topic in that thread.

This thread is created because you keep screeching about it and I got tired of it.

You are lying again.

YOU create both threads. YOU used the phrase 'climate crisis' and 'global warming'. YOU must define them. YOU have not done so yet. Void argument fallacies.
What makes you think I am worried about the climate change?

BTW, I find it hilarious that you think you know better than those scientists. :laugh:

Define 'climate change'. There is no branch of science called 'climate'. Science isn't scientists. What 'scientists' are you talking about? Who, exactly?
Which I agreed with. The Earth has been going through various climate changes for millions of years. That's a no brainer and the fact that you had to bring up an obvious fact shows that you are desperate to "win".

Men as individuals do not have much of an impact on the climate. The iIndustrial Revolution does.

Define 'climate change'. There is no such thing as a global climate. Argument from randU fallacy.
So the answer you couldn't answer now makes you cry and you just want to keep beating a dead horse to remove any doubt what a mentally unstable, low IQ lying troll you are. Got it. :clap:


In other words, you believe man is causing it. WRONG again dimwit. Man is an insignificant gnat on the ass of the earth. As evidenced by the FACTS I have given about how much of the earth is occupied by man and the numerous climate changes that occurred long before man ever walked the planet.

Not facts. Arguments. Learn what 'fact' means. It does not mean Universal Truth nor 'proof'.
Where are you getting your numbers from?

Define 'climate change'.

You don't know what happened before man walked the planet. You weren't there.