What country in the world has the most guns?

That gets ignored, over and over, by the righty gun-nut retards who scoff at the very notion of mental illness. That's why retard Star keeps blathering about you not answering her.

Well, I used to scoff at mental illness, then I started reading your posts. Who says a person can't have their mind changed from a message board?
what country has the most cars?

dumbass thread

Cut the stupid ass comparison. How many people are intentionally killed by cars? How many ppl get in their car and say, "Hmmm....I think I'll drive over to the elementary school and kill 20 children."?

Did any of the kids at Newtown own a gun?

Sure. That's a great idea! Let's issue guns to the kids too! Dumbass.

stupid ass twat #1

Leave your mother out of this.

It is a fact not every single person in the US needs mental help.

Just 1 in 4.

This is how the right treats people in this country.

They love them while they fight and love them when they come home dead BUT they refuse them the treatment they so badly need when they come home alive.

The right has done this ALL my life.

That's why those on the left spit on the returning Vietnam Vets.
What laws does Canada use to stop this from happening? They have nearly as many guns per capita as we do in the US.

Firearms Acquisition Certificates, a comprehensive restricted weapons list, id est, mostly handguns, prohibitive weapons (ilegal for the most part unless they were registered prior to 1978), sociological differences - do away with the Southern half of the US stats on gun related crime and it'd resemble that of Canada's, and most importantly cultural restraints - laws limit police from using their firearms (even with self defense they're still limited), the laws regarding civilians using a gun for self defense are even more stringent.

Basically it does away with South Park's first season poaching dilemma "It's coming right at us! BLAM!" There is no such thing as a "Stand Your Ground" law in Canada would be another difference.

Canadians never had to fight for independence and they've got an inclination to trust their government more than we do...they'll revere their Mounties while we'll do the same for Billy the Kid or John Dillinger.

Besides, Canadians will club a baby seal like no other - they've got their own ways for working shit out, who're we to judge?
because we all know that every mentally ill person owning illegal firearms is going to have trigger locks, right?......

They weren't his guns, they were his mothers - why his mother (a school teacher) had a Bushmaster doesn't make any sense but whatever...so in a sense they were legally obtained by his mother.
They weren't his guns, they were his mothers - why his mother (a school teacher) had a Bushmaster doesn't make any sense but whatever...so in a sense they were legally obtained by his mother.

it was a small caliber, semi-automatic rifle.....the type you would use for hunting rabbits and squirrels.....a logical choice for a survivalist.......Conn had very strong gun control laws and it was legal to purchase this gun under Conn law..........