What country in the world has the most guns?

I dont give people shit about grammer dude


And I wasn't referring to you.

I was pointing out that any mention of spelling or grammar mistakes by a rightie seem to go unchallenged.
comprehensive mental healthcare for every person alive in the country

That gets ignored, over and over, by the righty gun-nut retards who scoff at the very notion of mental illness. That's why retard Star keeps blathering about you not answering her.
The fact is not everyone needs mental help, therefore evince' suggestion was absurd. If you can address that, please do. I'm not much concerned with your thoughts and 'fweeings' on me. LOL

No one said "everyone" needs mental help, retard. The FACT is that it is not available to all who need it. Marginally intelligent people don't need this explained to them. Idiot.
That gets ignored, over and over, by the righty gun-nut retards who scoff at the very notion of mental illness. That's why retard Star keeps blathering about you not answering her.
Not everyone in the country needs mental help.

This is so ridiculous because one, mental illness is a very subjective subject, defining everything from schizophrenia to depression or anxiety as such. And two, who determines who needs mental help and who doesn't? I imagine that is another task you'd like the stellar gubmint to address. LOL. Maybe they can set up a task force to have jackbooted thugs escort every shy, introverted geeky teen to a psychiatrist. As if we aren't pissing enough money away right now.
Not everyone in the country needs mental help.

This is so ridiculous because one, mental illness is a very subjective subject, defining everything from schizophrenia to depression or anxiety as such. And two, who determines who needs mental help and who doesn't? I imagine that is another task you'd like the stellar gubmint to address. LOL. Maybe they can set up a task force to have jackbooted thugs escort every shy, introverted geeky teen to a psychiatrist. As if we aren't pissing enough money away right now.

You spoke too soon again, idiot.

No one said "everyone" needs mental help, retard. The FACT is that it is not available to all who need it. Marginally intelligent people don't need this explained to them. Idiot.
Many mentally ill people do not WANT treatment, nor do people even know they have a problem, dumb fuck.

This latest shooter was from a wealthy family who had no barriers to getting mental help.

Which is irrelevant anyway because autism is not synonymous with mass murderers.