APP - What did I learn from this election

a large number of whites have developed a fear of minorities. to a certain extent i blame the profit driven media. the media has found out that people (mostly whites) react strongly (with fear) to the continued announcements that minorities out number whites and will continue to gain strength politically as minorities gain numbers vs whites and become aware of their political strength.

oh well

Wrong; but predictable from leftists. Blacks have learned to fear white cops and stupidly believe that they are the targets of racist white cops out to kill them. Whites have nothing to fear from minorities as they are too busy murdering each other in the Liberal urban sewers they have been penned up in for decades.

Your comments are more evidence that liberals cannot learn have the ability to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

Yep; in Liberal loony land, voters are stupid for not voting for their candidate. It never occurs to them that they are stupid for supporting corrupt, hypocritical sociopathic liars as candidates.
In exchange for allowing United Technologies to continue to offshore more than 1,000 jobs, Trump will reportedly give the company tax and regulatory favors that the corporation has sought. Just a short few months ago, Trump was pledging to force United Technologies to “pay a damn tax.” He was insisting on very steep tariffs for companies like Carrier that left the United States and wanted to sell their foreign-made products back in the United States. Instead of a damn tax, the company will be rewarded with a damn tax cut. Wow! How’s that for standing up to corporate greed? How’s that for punishing corporations that shut down in the United States and move abroad?

In essence, United Technologies took Trump hostage and won. And that should send a shock wave of fear through all workers across the country.

In a real sense white educated and uneducated America voted hate*, hate born of many years of right wing media: Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, Newsmax, and Fox media are only a part of the mostly rural hate machine. It hates progress and diversity, it hates what is often called political correctness, but was once considered manners and tolerance. Much of this hate is even exhibited in Evangelical Christianity's opposition to a changing, more tolerant society. Main Street media lived all this time in a self reflecting bubble in which they presented hate as if it were just spectacle. They failed too. What I actually saw.

The republicans are an unprincipled party.
Republicans elected the first candidate with no connection to truth.
Republicans are not Conservatives in any sense of the term.
Social change and rights for others brought out an enormous backlash.
Republicans blame everyone except themselves.
The republican base excuses their party, its corporate sponsors, and their own part in the economy.
The republican base does not believe in the American values of our founding documents.
Racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, and bigotry define much of the republican base.
Donald Trump is a shining example of American white privilege.
Single issues manage many Republicans, demonstrating why their state and congressional governments are useless.
Republicans investigate investigate investigate, but do nothing for America and its people.
Republicans have the first Twitter brained candidate as their leader.
Make America great was a dog whistle which was heard clearly.
Fifty years of right wing republican radio has created a non reflective know nothing base which blames everyone except itself.
Main stream media refuses to accept the reality of the American electorate.
A sense of alienation mixed with hate remain powerful instigators of action, thirty years of Hillary hatred created a myth.
A myth believed by republicans and others.
What will republicans do now that they cannot investigate the Clintons?

In summary:

There are so many ironies in this election: whites voted this time, rural and evangelical whites voted for Trump unlike both McCain and Romney. McCain had to face the fact that George W. Bush screwed up badly, and Romney didn't seem authentic, and on top of that was a Mormon. Blacks came out for Obama, but he faced a Congress that opposed his very being. Intellect doesn't win in America. And then there is the baloney economic argument, come on folks, it ain't true as Trump voters had all the benefits of white privilege, and the democratic policies they believe came from thin air. One truth that Trump spoke is for Blacks, what have you got to lose, or to rephrase in a more truthful way, you're gonna lose anyway. This is America, wake up and smell the bigotry. As for immigrants and Muslims, you guys, just like twenty five years of Hillary hatred, were the foils that roused the base and supplied the hate factor. Blame must be given even when it is a fiction. Everyone should read Eric Hoffer sometime, nothing brings people together like common enemies. White college educated folk live in a libertarian bubble in which they got theirs, so what if your work is outsourced. That's the free market. Trump outsourced and used Chinese steel, but China is now laughing as democracy elected a misogynist bully. Did white women forgive the grabbing and ratings just because a judge may one day remove another woman's right to privacy - are you kidding. MSM talked to themselves in reflecting mirrors and forgot they too are among the privileged; Trump was their accomplishment too. But now the republicans have control, so when things fail as they do under their rule - read history - they too will be thrown out, once again and the tale will continue. Some time, maybe in our grandchildren lives, humans will wake up and realize it is they who can make things right, and while institutions help, acceptance and support for each other works better. Oh and maybe then religion will remain a private concern and God will applaud the show.

Next related post: where to from here.

*Hate, I pondered other words but they'd dilute the issue. 'Hate the sin, not the sinner' the religious formula works well as 'sin' for some can be anything at all. Synonyms for hate: animosity, resentment, abomination, hostility, abhorrence, if you witnesses the rallies and the words and actions, they all fit. As I watched the Benghazi hearing, republican men and women shows hate as you rarely see it.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill

PS If anyone ever feels I have neglected their profound argument in any thread, please PM me, I'd love to check out your words.
You didn't learn anything did you if you think that white racial resentments was the driving force behind the election results.

I would suggest that you're one of the many urban liberals that has a disconnect with small town and rural Americans and don't understand their anger. If you think it's this sort of social fluff you're sadly mistaken Midcan and I would suggest you go out into the boondocks and spend some time with the locals, be open minded, listen to them and try to understand their legitimate concerns and anger.
You didn't learn anything did you if you think that white racial resentments was the driving force behind the election results.

I would suggest that you're one of the many urban liberals that has a disconnect with small town and rural Americans and don't understand their anger. If you think it's this sort of social fluff you're sadly mistaken Midcan and I would suggest you go out into the boondocks and spend some time with the locals, be open minded, listen to them and try to understand their legitimate concerns and anger.

They have legitimate concerns and anger. That does not justify voting for a candidate who simply appeals to the lowest common detonator and it does not justify not listening with a critical ear, simply voting for the candidate who vaguely seems to promise to make things better, without looking into the personality and underlying motivations and personality is a huge mistake.

I learned that when angry people will lash out and do things against their own interests even in the voting booth. I learned that, for the most part, Republicans don't really care about the Morality many of them preach, and I learned that many things I thought mattered don't when it comes to running a presidential campaign. Intentional ignorance is a real and growing problem in our culture. If you can create the image that you are for someone, what you actually say or promise to do is not important in politics.
Wrong; but predictable from leftists. Blacks have learned to fear white cops and stupidly believe that they are the targets of racist white cops out to kill them. Whites have nothing to fear from minorities as they are too busy murdering each other in the Liberal urban sewers they have been penned up in for decades.

Your comments are more evidence that liberals cannot learn have the ability to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

You didn't learn anything did you if you think that white racial resentments was the driving force behind the election results.

I would suggest that you're one of the many urban liberals that has a disconnect with small town and rural Americans and don't understand their anger. If you think it's this sort of social fluff you're sadly mistaken Midcan and I would suggest you go out into the boondocks and spend some time with the locals, be open minded, listen to them and try to understand their legitimate concerns and anger.

The two comments above demonstrate how unaware certain people are even when they exist on opposite side of the so called fence. Truth Detector hasn't a clue and obviously doesn't live or travel into many of our major cities today. Gentrification is changing cities, Philly is now more white, we still have North Philly which is poor and black but even that is changing as U of P etc is pushing the poor to the burbs. The burbs (outer areas of city) will soon be the area for the poor similar to Appalachia type areas and rust belt locations. I've worked in the city for forty years and saw it change first hand as I bicycle to work. Schmidt's brewery is now yuppie-view. I used to love the brewery smells, sun rises over the decay along the Front Street L.

But today I live on the outskirts of town and often talk to small town folk and they vary from the absolutely ignorant, lots of them still believing a Muslim interloper is president and others, church goers and Limbaugh listeners, some more tolerant, but often paranoid that life is changing and they are losing some lost imaginary place. As I hear this baloney about white anger I'm thinking this is just a cover. Mott you live in a real fantasy place if you never saw the hatred for Obama and then Hillary. Trump's racism, which is well documented and his slogan BS is as close to fascism as you can get. There is a reason white supremacists love Trump. And this election was close, the fact Hillary is so far ahead in the people's votes gives a glimmer of hope. The global world and immigration are making many crazy. A flat circle as Rustin Cohle notes of repetition over and over again.

Both quoter's are naive but I don't have time to learn em right now, a few articles below to back up my take on the election. Oh and books too does anyone read books anymore?

"Will Trump make America great again? The question is absurd. The real question is this: when was the country great, and for whom? In the not-so-distant past, it was certainly better for union members who could earn a living, for educators whose jobs were not tied to test scores, for anyone who worked in manufacturing. The country is better now for people of color, for gays and lesbians, for women, and for the disabled. This progress has been grotesquely misinterpreted to mean that the country is worse for white people. Such thinking is false logic. One does not rule out the other. Straight white men, especially those who have inherited family fortunes, are doing just fine in America. The problem is that some of them are trying to ruin it for the rest of us." By Chris Offutt

'IN THE HOLLOW, The changing face of Appalachia — and its role in the presidential race' Harper’s Magazine / November 2016

"There was not one rational reason for a white person not in the upper classes to vote for Trump. In the last quarter, the economy was growing at nearly 3 percent, and not only was job growth solid but also wages are finally rising. But none of these economic facts could be appreciated because a candidate was pouring the crudest fuel on an old American flame, white supremacy."

"Over the next few months, pundits and scholars will dissect this election. Many will find fault with Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Some will blame James Comey and the FBI. Others will hold the third-party candidacies of Jill Stein and Gary Johnson responsible for her defeat. But most will talk about the discontent of working-class white Americans, how elites dismissed them with scorn and treated them with condescension, and how they, in the end, rejected the status quo and the economic philosophy that has left them behind. These are the folks Donald Trump called “the forgotten men and women of our country,” and this election will be read as their revenge.

But that is a lie. To be sure, non-college-educated, working-class white men overwhelmingly voted for Trump. But what the early exit-poll data, with all of its flaws, reveal is a much more complicated picture. The fact, and it is one this country must confront, is that the majority of White America voted for Trump to be the 45th President of the United States.
According to the results of the Edison Research’s national election poll, 53% of white women voted for him and 48% of young white people supported him. Large numbers of college-educated white women (45%) and men (54%) voted for him. What is becoming increasingly clear is that White America, writ large, supported the candidate who wants to ban Muslims, build a wall on our southern border and deport undocumented workers; who calls himself the candidate of law and order; and who degrades and demeans women. This isn’t the revenge of working-class white men alone. White America—and I mean those who see themselves as white people, not as those who happen to be white—has struck back." Eddie S. Glaude, Jr. Nov. 9, 2016, Time Magazine

"One little-known element of that gap is that the white working class (WWC) resents professionals but admires the rich. Class migrants (white-collar professionals born to blue-collar families) report that “professional people were generally suspect” and that managers are college kids “who don’t know shit about how to do anything but are full of ideas about how I have to do my job,” said Alfred Lubrano in Limbo. Barbara Ehrenreich recalled in 1990 that her blue-collar dad “could not say the word doctor without the virtual prefix quack. Lawyers were shysters…and professors were without exception phonies.” Annette Lareau found tremendous resentment against teachers, who were perceived as condescending and unhelpful."

"...I don't want to know anything anymore. This is a world where nothing is solved. Someone once told me, 'Time is a flat circle.' Everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again. And that little boy and that little girl, they're gonna be in that room again and again and again forever." Rustin Cohle

'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg
'The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis' by J. D. Vance
'One of Us: The Story of a Massacre in Norway - and Its Aftermath' by Seierstad, Åsne and Sarah Death
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a large number of whites have developed a fear of minorities. to a certain extent i blame the profit driven media. the media has found out that people (mostly whites) react strongly (with fear) to the continued announcements that minorities out number whites and will continue to gain strength politically as minorities gain numbers vs whites and become aware of their political strength.

oh well

Here is a thought experiment. Will you walk down the streets of Compton by yourself at 1am? If not why not?
What I learned was the bourgeois democracy can never be trusted. The only true manner of displaying the will of the people is through revolution!
'It’s the white resentment, stupid.'

This is the best piece I have read on election, and lots of data to back up point of view. Oh and some tweets too in second link.

"So Trump did not appeal to “the working class.” Even among the white working class, he only really dominated in the South. His appeal was to low-education whites, not to any particular economic class."

"As Liam Donovan explains, according to exit polls, Trump only got 1 percent more of the white vote than Romney got. But there was a big shift in which whites he got. Relative to Romney, Trump was down 10 points among whites with college degrees, but up 14 points among non-college whites (the stand-in for the myth-encrusted white working class, or WWC)."

"Clinton’s popular vote margin is smaller than those of recent Democrats, but it’s bigger than those of many past winners, bigger than Bush’s in 2000, Carter’s in 1976, Nixon’s in 1968, or Kennedy’s in 1960."

"The most agonizing implication of the narrow loss is that everything mattered....Every decision to hype Clinton’s emails. Comey’s extraordinary violation of precedent. WikiLeaks. Clinton’s Goldman Sachs speeches. Her refusal to dissociate from the Clinton Foundation. Her poor retail politics. Trump not releasing his tax returns. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan hiding out. Sanders tarnishing Clinton’s image among young people. Institutions standing by and doing nothing as Trump shredded democratic norms. The gamble that Trump’s misogyny and racism would render him unacceptable....Fake news on Facebook. Epistemological bubbles. Elite self-absorption. Hot take after hot take delivered to the choir. Americans making the contest into a crass reality TV show fueled by Facebook memes. The press refusing to cover policy."
The two comments above demonstrate how unaware certain people are even when they exist on opposite side of the so called fence. Truth Detector hasn't a clue and obviously doesn't live or travel into many of our major cities today. Gentrification is changing cities.

^Funny stuff; but Truth Detector accurately predicted the Trump victory with one prediction of 307 electoral votes. How did the idiots on the left do?

One thing we can be certain of; Liberals, like you, learned NOTHING about this election and still stupidly think they are winning.

How incredibly dumb is that thinking? They control a mere five state houses and have lost the House, the Senate and the White House with the probability that Trump will now pick two supreme court justices to sit on the court.

You have to be completely tone deaf to prattle the nonsense you have here. :rofl2:
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'It’s the white resentment, stupid.'

This is the best piece I have read on election, and lots of data to back up point of view. Oh and some tweets too in second link.

"So Trump did not appeal to “the working class.” Even among the white working class, he only really dominated in the South. His appeal was to low
-education whites, not to any particular economic class."

"As Liam Donovan explains, according to exit polls, Trump only got 1 percent more of the white vote than Romney got. But there was a big shift in which whites he got. Relative to Romney, Trump was down 10 points among whites with college degrees, but up 14 points among non-college whites (the stand-in for the myth-encrusted white working class, or WWC)."

"Clinton’s popular vote margin is smaller than those of recent Democrats, but it’s bigger than those of many past winners, bigger than Bush’s in 2000, Carter’s in 1976, Nixon’s in 1968, or Kennedy’s in 1960."

"The most agonizing implication of the narrow loss is that everything mattered....Every decision to hype Clinton’s emails. Comey’s extraordinary violation of precedent. WikiLeaks. Clinton’s Goldman Sachs speeches. Her refusal to dissociate from the Clinton Foundation. Her poor retail politics. Trump not releasing his tax returns. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan hiding out. Sanders tarnishing Clinton’s image among young people. Institutions standing by and doing nothing as Trump shredded democratic norms. The gamble that Trump’s misogyny and racism would render him unacceptable....Fake news on Facebook. Epistemological bubbles. Elite self-absorption. Hot take after hot take delivered to the choir. Americans making the contest into a crass reality TV show fueled by Facebook memes. The press refusing to cover policy."

Wanna make America great, buy American owned, made in the USA, I do.

Support American workers:




I know a LOT of highly educated voters like me who voted for Trump. How sad that liberals must now resort to denial after their smug arrogant predictions of a massive landslide election for a candidate so corrupt and a complete sociopathic liar.
They have legitimate concerns and anger. That does not justify voting for a candidate who simply appeals to the lowest common detonator and it does not justify not listening with a critical ear, simply voting for the candidate who vaguely seems to promise to make things better, without looking into the personality and underlying motivations and personality is a huge mistake.

I learned that when angry people will lash out and do things against their own interests even in the voting booth. I learned that, for the most part, Republicans don't really care about the Morality many of them preach, and I learned that many things I thought mattered don't when it comes to running a presidential campaign. Intentional ignorance is a real and growing problem in our culture. If you can create the image that you are for someone, what you actually say or promise to do is not important in politics.

For the stupid, the leftist hypocrites and uneducated:

Over 100 million eligible wanted none of them & didn't vote..

IMHO apathy is as big a problem, if not more...

Most voters are ill-informed, much of it intentionally as our system honors one liners, tweets, bull shit & promises on par w/ truth...

I think both parties have a lot to do... The gop needs to work through their new trumpfosonian policies & the dems?? WTF, they are running w/ the same corp whores pelosi & shitty shumar:palm: They are not going to do a damn thing for the middle class or "the promises" trumpf made.........:dunno:

and the big winners of the election are - ignorance, apathy and misinformation

and last but not least - fear and anger
They have legitimate concerns and anger. That does not justify voting for a candidate who simply appeals to the lowest common detonator and it does not justify not listening with a critical ear, simply voting for the candidate who vaguely seems to promise to make things better, without looking into the personality and underlying motivations and personality is a huge mistake.

I learned that when angry people will lash out and do things against their own interests even in the voting booth. I learned that, for the most part, Republicans don't really care about the Morality many of them preach, and I learned that many things I thought mattered don't when it comes to running a presidential campaign. Intentional ignorance is a real and growing problem in our culture. If you can create the image that you are for someone, what you actually say or promise to do is not important in politics.
I couldn't agree more but to shoe box them as dumb illiterates who don't know their best interest or that their anger is misplaced is just grossly wrong.

Hillary Clinton is not asking for a recount, it is Jill Stein and a few American citizens. That is their right as Americans.

Apathy is a problem, it is particularly bad during the mid terms. I have no idea how you fix this, many feel it really doesn't matter who wins. I addressed this in the thread OP. When twentieth century progress is rolled back maybe then they'll wake up?

Anger? That's a smoke screen. There is anger but have the moral courage to call it what it is, hate. Hate of change, immigration, racism, nationalism, Hillary hate, etc. They are still chanting 'lock her up' in NC this very day. What sort of anger is that I wonder? Ignorance would be a better explanation as Trump's record is more dishonest than Hillary's assuming for a minute that is the reason for this anger. Someone tell me what they're angry about? Some Trump followers, according to news today, took off work to go to numerous Trump revivals. So angry they missed work to cheer a liar.
Is there any need to comment?

"The rich satisfactions of a politics of villainy! Complicated decades-long tales of technological advance and social change dissolve into the self-satisfied sneer on a hated face. All around me I saw it reproduced, mostly behind bars, on “Crooked Hillary” buttons and “Hillary for Jail!” sweatshirts and much, much worse. “Hillary Clinton murders children!” a middle-aged woman waiting in the two-mile-long line had shouted. “It’s been proved. Hillary Clinton rapes and murders children.”

Not long before I had learned from a small businessman, a produce wholesaler, that the former secretary of state was “a degenerate alcoholic”—a subtext of Trump’s frequent assertion that she “lacked the stamina to be president”—and that FBI director James Comey was on “suicide watch,” the latter words pronounced sarcastically and to a circle of nodding knowing grins, because of course thus far in their careers “the Clintons have killed at least twenty people.”

The words were tossed off calmly, by people with children and cars and jobs, people who watch television and attend PTA meetings and perhaps even read the newspapers. And of course listen to the radio, which had battened on Clinton conspiracy theories for decades. And so we had passed the hours waiting for him in that aircraft hangar by batting around above our heads two red, white, and blue beach balls with the words “Crooked Hillary” inscribed prominently upon them. Hit it! Hit it harder!"
and the big winners of the election are - ignorance, apathy and misinformation

and last but not least - fear and anger.

Wrong; those will be going out the door when the Obama Administration leaves. 8 long years of malaise, lies, a massive lack of transparency and divisive partisan stupidity unlike any previous Presidency in our history.
I couldn't agree more but to shoe box them as dumb illiterates who don't know their best interest or that their anger is misplaced is just grossly wrong.

You couldn't agree more, but he is just grossly wrong. You don't read your laughable drivel before hit the post button do you? :rofl2:
Hillary Clinton is not asking for a recount, it is Jill Stein and a few American citizens. That is their right as Americans.

Jill Stein has no game in this election. She got less than one percent of the vote. You don't insist on recounts if you didn't have any game. This is sponsored by the Clinton campaign and claims to the contrary suggest dishonesty or a stunning naiveté about how the real world operates.

I want someone to explain why a third party candidate demands a recount on behalf of ANOTHER candidate if it isn't to benefit the OTHER candidate.

I guess Jill the Marxist Stein should have stayed home and voted for Hillary instead of stealing less than a percentage of the votes from her. Liberals are the dumbest most dishonest hypocrites on the planet.
Apathy is a problem, it is particularly bad during the mid terms. I have no idea how you fix this, many feel it really doesn't matter who wins. I addressed this in the thread OP. When twentieth century progress is rolled back maybe then they'll wake up?

How is apathy a problem? I am curious about this meme that every ignoramus in the nation should go out and vote even if they don't have a clue what the Constitution stands for or who the candidates are.

There was apathy, but it wasn't coming from the trump supporters.....they were fired up. On the Democrats side, not so much excitement.