APP - What did I learn from this election

Anger? That's a smoke screen. There is anger but have the moral courage to call it what it is, hate. Hate of change, immigration, racism, nationalism, Hillary hate, etc. They are still chanting 'lock her up' in NC this very day. What sort of anger is that I wonder? Ignorance would be a better explanation as Trump's record is more dishonest than Hillary's assuming for a minute that is the reason for this anger. Someone tell me what they're angry about? Some Trump followers, according to news today, took off work to go to numerous Trump revivals. So angry they missed work to cheer a liar.

Is there any need to comment?

"The rich satisfactions of a politics of villainy! Complicated decades-long tales of technological advance and social change dissolve into the self-satisfied sneer on a hated face. All around me I saw it reproduced, mostly behind bars, on “Crooked Hillary” buttons and “Hillary for Jail!” sweatshirts and much, much worse. “Hillary Clinton murders children!” a middle-aged woman waiting in the two-mile-long line had shouted. “It’s been proved. Hillary Clinton rapes and murders children.”

Not long before I had learned from a small businessman, a produce wholesaler, that the former secretary of state was “a degenerate alcoholic”—a subtext of Trump’s frequent assertion that she “lacked the stamina to be president”—and that FBI director James Comey was on “suicide watch,” the latter words pronounced sarcastically and to a circle of nodding knowing grins, because of course thus far in their careers “the Clintons have killed at least twenty people.”

The words were tossed off calmly, by people with children and cars and jobs, people who watch television and attend PTA meetings and perhaps even read the newspapers. And of course listen to the radio, which had battened on Clinton conspiracy theories for decades. And so we had passed the hours waiting for him in that aircraft hangar by batting around above our heads two red, white, and blue beach balls with the words “Crooked Hillary” inscribed prominently upon them. Hit it! Hit it harder!"

So after 40 plus posts; it is painfully obvious some Liberals still don't get it and think they should be winning. :rofl2:
So after 40 plus posts; it is painfully obvious some Liberals still don't get it and think they should be winning.

Truth, you are obviously full of hate or resentment, and it is you who don't get it. The OP and subsequent posts confirm the fact this election was about anger and white resentment. You display that daily. There is always a bad actor to blame, never is the mind turned back on the person. Hate crimes since Trump's election have grown as his message was one of hatred towards many people. I do wonder whether he used that tactic to play white resentment and stir up the base? Did he really care or was he just playing a evil sort of game. There is plenty of information above for the interested reader, and why are you here in this thread when like some little fascist you censor your threads so as to control the conversation? Your constant inane comments and dumb graphics are another way to play fascist. Do you not see who you are?


"What people don't realize about Donald Trump — and I don't even know if Donald Trump realizes it — is that every tweet he unleashes against you, creates such a crescendo of anger." Megyn Kelly

'Donald Trump is a promoter: he promotes resentment and he promotes fantasy. “I play to people’s fantasies,” he wrote in his most famous book.'

"The hatred of the Other that Trump had so skillfully cultivated throughout the campaign—the portrayal of illegal immigrants as rapists and murderers, the assertions that the Mexicans and Chinese and others had “stolen our jobs,” the insistence that allies in Europe and Asia were calculating freeloaders usurping the protections of American power—had some precedent in his public rhetoric, and his use of it brought rich political benefits, not only among his working-class white audience but among the appalled elite that ensured his words dominated the news cycle. But the markedly anti-Semitic tropes he mouthed in West Palm Beach seemed to come from somewhere else, in this case an intellectual white nationalist—or “a nationalist, an economic nationalist,” as Bannon prefers—whose calculatedly inflamed rhetoric Trump seemed to unleash opportunistically in a moment of anger and vulnerability."
Another excellent piece on election.

'19 Things We Learned from the 2016 Election'

"OK, we can all agree that the November election result was a shocker. According to news reports, even the Trump campaign team was stunned to come up a winner.

So now seemed like a good time to go over various theories floating around in political science and political reporting and see where they stand, now that this turbulent political year is drawing to a close. By the time I was done writing it up for Slate, I came up with 19 lessons learned. I thank my colleague Bob Erikson for help on some of these."
Hang on; I am going to need hip waders for the amount of bovine bile drivel this represents. The media has fostered a false narrative that is getting cops killed; not causing fear among whites of minorities. Good lord; what a massive smelly pile of rubbish.


reality must be a pain for you. i forgot to ad that minorities are willing to work for less than white and threaten white jobs. the leftover problem of jobs from the last depression is still happening. good paying jobs exit primarily in the tech sector which requires specialized training and education that is difficult to get outside of college.

too many of the jobs created lately have been low paying jobs in the service industry.

oh well
What has trump learned??

What a hard question? He may now know Taiwan and China are treated differently? or that his base is still following his Hillary BS, do you think the base will ever catch on? He must know the right wing is full security breach individuals worse than any thing Hillary did. Or racist, climate deniers. and anti semitics fit well into the republican party. He must have know as he stirred the hate pot during his rallies.

If the freedom caucus of scrooges get their way Trump will also learn winning for him is losing for most.

'Say goodbye to Michelle Obama’s legacy on nutrition'
'Suspend protections for transgender kids in schools'
'Eliminate new food safety measures'

Our Kakistocracy of America.

'Is Donald Trump a Threat to Democracy?'

"The clearest warning sign is the ascent of anti-democratic politicians into mainstream politics. Drawing on a close study of democracy’s demise in 1930s Europe, the eminent political scientist Juan J. Linz designed a “litmus test” to identify anti-democratic politicians. His indicators include a failure to reject violence unambiguously, a readiness to curtail rivals’ civil liberties, and the denial of the legitimacy of elected governments.

Mr. Trump tests positive. In the campaign, he encouraged violence among supporters; pledged to prosecute Hillary Clinton; threatened legal action against unfriendly media; and suggested that he might not accept the election results."

"Mr. Trump is not the first American politician with authoritarian tendencies. (Other notable authoritarians include Gov. Huey Long of Louisiana and Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin.) But he is the first in modern American history to be elected president. This is not necessarily because Americans have grown more authoritarian (the United States electorate has always had an authoritarian streak). Rather it’s because the institutional filters that we assumed would protect us from extremists, like the party nomination system and the news media, failed."

"One minute it’s “millions” of illegal votes for Hillary Clinton; then dangling little Mitt Romney; then being too smart for intelligence briefings. Let’s face it, folks. We have no idea what is about to happen in the White House or at White House North in Midtown Manhattan. We are in whatever territory lies beyond unknown unknowns."

"Luckily we have one word that sums it all up: a kakistocracy, which literally means government by the worst element of a society. A kakistocracy is a government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens. Trump plans to bring us the worst of both."

"But more important than a rundown of each of these horrible choices is the bigger picture. The Trump cabinet picks have more wealth than a third of American households combined. They are also the most conservative. The picks are very white and very male — only three of his choices thus far are not white guys. They are also collectively the least experienced crowd assembled to run major federal agencies in modern history. In fact, the majority of the picks have no related experience of any kind."
What has trump learned??

Trump gave simple repetitive speeches that named all the icons conservatives have been taught to hate. Media, elites, government, certain minorities, diversity, liberals, welfare recipients, etc etc. Some are simply symbols. The group that believed these harangues is still with him, they will always be there as the enemy of my enemy is my friend even when the act is a charade as it was with Trump. So long as the economy is stable the poorly written play will continue....

"This ‘illusion of confidence’ extends beyond the classroom and permeates everyday life. In a follow-up study, Dunning and Kruger left the lab and went to a gun range, where they quizzed gun hobbyists about gun safety." Kate Fehlhaber

"It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise." Joseph Goebbels
To bad he can't learn to be respectful, do his job right, learn something & stop tweeting & watching tv all day..... Not much to ask is it??
To bad he can't learn to be respectful, do his job right, learn something & stop tweeting & watching tv all day..... Not much to ask is it??

I'm not sure he is capable of being a normal person or a secure mature man? Consider he is a rich boy elitist who never held a real job or worked hard for his family, he cheated on his wives and felt he was so famous he could grab a women, and she'd appreciate that bizarre behavior. He simply never matured in any real sense and he doesn't even appear smart enough to know that. The writer of the art of the deal knows him well. His sycophantic followers forget how he was going to sue all the women who accused him of harassing them, his followers forgive his immaturity because they hate elites and yet he is one. In real life he'd have nothing to do with his voters. Figure that out?

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reality must be a pain for you. i forgot to ad that minorities are willing to work for less than white and threaten white jobs. the leftover problem of jobs from the last depression is still happening. good paying jobs exit primarily in the tech sector which requires specialized training and education that is difficult to get outside of college.

too many of the jobs created lately have been low paying jobs in the service industry.

oh well

What would you know about reality? Yes, too many jobs were being created at the lowest wage levels; THANK YOU OBAMA! Get it? Got it? Good.

Now, the party that insisted we accept the results of the election, because they thought they could elect a lying corrupt government sociopath, now refuse to accept the election and attempt to continue to rip AmeriKa apart with specious claims and stupid emotional outburst built around lies.
Truth, you are obviously full of hate or resentment, and it is you who don't get it.

Wrong; but being wrong all the time is what makes you the hyper partisan liberal that you are.

The OP and subsequent posts confirm the fact this election was about anger and white resentment.

Wrong again; this election was about anger at a Government that ignored the people, destroyed jobs and raised everyone's cost for medical care.....except those who get free stuff by voting for corrupt liberal politicians of course.

You keep forgetting; it was the DNC that gave us nothing but WHITE choices.

You display that daily.

Wrong again; I display my disdain for lying leftist partisan hacks who think they can fabricate their own versions of reality in order to promote a historically failed ideology and agenda.

There is always a bad actor to blame, never is the mind turned back on the person.

Trump isn't the bad actor here; it is the left, the media and brain dead punk Democrat politicians who think they can deny the people an election which their candidate didn't win.

Hate crimes since Trump's election have grown as his message was one of hatred towards many people.

That hate is coming from the left. Perhaps you need to open your eyes and your mind in order to discover the OBVIOUS? Trump never had a message of hate; his was of unity. The message of hate come from the leftist morons who declare that Trump is never going to be their President and think they can impeach someone based on hearsay.

I do wonder whether he used that tactic to play white resentment and stir up the base?

What tactic? What resentment? Once again you pretend that strawman claims are somehow a relevant intelligent argument; I assure you they never will be.

Did he really care or was he just playing a evil sort of game.

The evil game is that being played by the left trying to "trump" up any baseless charge in a distorted mindless belief that they can get a re-do in an election.

There is plenty of information above for the interested reader, and why are you here in this thread when like some little fascist you censor your threads so as to control the conversation? Your constant inane comments and dumb graphics are another way to play fascist. Do you not see who you are?

I don't censure my threads; that would be Christiefan who spends all her time censoring. Of course, if you think mindless idiots like Evince, Buckly and RuneTard should be given free rain to pollute every thread they engage in, it speaks volumes for where you bias comes.

I would NEVER ban you; you are a constant reminder of what is so wrong with liberalism these days.

I wish you could even comprehend that the massive angst and anger in this country isn't coming from people like me or Trump; it is erupting from the left....and people like you.

But I do enjoy watching small minded liberals have conniptions over every Trump is a constant reminder of why we elected him.
Another excellent piece on election.

'19 Things We Learned from the 2016 Election'

"OK, we can all agree that the November election result was a shocker. According to news reports, even the Trump campaign team was stunned to come up a winner.

So now seemed like a good time to go over various theories floating around in political science and political reporting and see where they stand, now that this turbulent political year is drawing to a close. By the time I was done writing it up for Slate, I came up with 19 lessons learned. I thank my colleague Bob Erikson for help on some of these."

The ONE thing liberals have not learned: YOU LOST and have been LOSING for the last twenty years. :rofl2:
What has trump learned??

Trump has learned just how petty, angry, repugnant and stupid liberals can really be. He, as have many Americans, has also learned that the FAKE media really is a joke and has destroyed what little credibility it has ever had.
To bad he can't learn to be respectful, do his job right, learn something & stop tweeting & watching tv all day..... Not much to ask is it??

Nothing more ironic than a liberal bloviating about "respect." It is almost as laughable as liberals whining about the truth.

Respect is a TWO WAY street liberals.....try it; you might actually get some. But as long as you lie, distort, fabricate and stomp your immature little feet, we will continue to point at you and laugh....not to mention you will continue LOSING elections.
I'm not sure he is capable of being a normal person or a secure mature man? Consider he is a rich boy elitist who never held a real job or worked hard for his family, he cheated on his wives and felt he was so famous he could grab a women, and she'd appreciate that bizarre behavior. He simply never matured in any real sense and he doesn't even appear smart enough to know that. The writer of the art of the deal knows him well. His sycophantic followers forget how he was going to sue all the women who accused him of harassing them, his followers forgive his immaturity because they hate elites and yet he is one. In real life he'd have nothing to do with his voters. Figure that out?

Trump has created more jobs than the entire DNC membership combined. This notion that he hasn't held a job is incredibly stupid and untrue. I don't know how liberal like you can bloviate so immaturely and stupidly all the time and not be embarrassed by it.

But I am betting you had no issues supporting a real predator who committed acts of adultery and his shameless pathetic wife who defended and attacked any women who were victims of his predatory know who I am talking about....Billy Bob Clinton....whom you liberals proclaimed did nothing wrong because it was .....wait for it....BETWEEN TWO ADULTS.

Here is another prediction; this joke of an investigation will discover that the hack on the DNC was not sanctioned by the Russian Government, had nothing to do with it.....and also will find NOTHING to charge anyone in the Trump Administration, Trump or his campaign with a crime. It will go down as a massive waste of the American taxpayers money and the FIRST such investigation begun on a false narrative and fabricated delusional claims.

The irony for the liberal left is they have the memory of a lemming and can't even remember what happened the last eight years when Obama gave speeches about the Clinton e-mail scandal and leftist FALSE claims that it was a waste of taxpayer money and time.