APP - What did I learn from this election

Pres Obama was honest in that video, something Trump is not, nor is the right wing in America honest. The right wing in America misses Hillary, they had hoped she'd win so they'd have someone to hate for the next eight years. I'm not even sure if the most brilliant psychologist or philosopher can outline the need humans have to demean another human? Hillary hatred has gone on now for over twenty five years. Is that amazing or what? Add insecure men who can't spell misogynist, but deep down fear the female being and you must wonder will recovery come to the right or will we be hearing about HRC forever. Note how Trump and right wing media bring her up daily. Fox report on the weather: moderate temperatures today and more Hillary news just in, another murder reported, details to follow, 78 degrees right now in the nation. Imagine the happiness this brings to the right winger?

"This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it." Joseph Goebbels

"Such tendencies in American Life as isolationism and the extreme nationalism that usually goes with it, hatred of Europe and Europeans, racial, religious, and nativist phobias, resentment of big business, trade-unionism, intellectuals, the eastern seaboard and its culture - all these have been found not only in opposition to reform but also at times oddly combined with it. One of the most interesting and least studied aspects of American Life has been a frequent recurrence of the demand for reforms, many of them aimed at the remedy of genuine ills, combined with strong moral convictions and with a choice of hatred as a kind of creed." Richard Hofstadter circa 1955, 'The Age of Reform'
Pres Obama was honest in that video, something Trump is not, nor is the right wing in America honest. The right wing in America misses Hillary, they had hoped she'd win so they'd have someone to hate for the next eight years. I'm not even sure if the most brilliant psychologist or philosopher can outline the need humans have to demean another human? Hillary hatred has gone on now for over twenty five years. Is that amazing or what? Add insecure men who can't spell misogynist, but deep down fear the female being and you must wonder will recovery come to the right or will we be hearing about HRC forever. Note how Trump and right wing media bring her up daily. Fox report on the weather: moderate temperatures today and more Hillary news just in, another murder reported, details to follow, 78 degrees right now in the nation. Imagine the happiness this brings to the right winger?

"This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it." Joseph Goebbels

"Such tendencies in American Life as isolationism and the extreme nationalism that usually goes with it, hatred of Europe and Europeans, racial, religious, and nativist phobias, resentment of big business, trade-unionism, intellectuals, the eastern seaboard and its culture - all these have been found not only in opposition to reform but also at times oddly combined with it. One of the most interesting and least studied aspects of American Life has been a frequent recurrence of the demand for reforms, many of them aimed at the remedy of genuine ills, combined with strong moral convictions and with a choice of hatred as a kind of creed." Richard Hofstadter circa 1955, 'The Age of Reform'

There was nothing "honest" about Obama unless you live in a closet. He was actively engaged in defending the law breaking acts of a woman who was under Senate investigation and who had committed crimes after being under a subpoena to protect evidence.

There was nothing "honest" about Obama unless you live in a closet. He was actively engaged in defending the law breaking acts of a woman who was under Senate investigation and who had committed crimes after being under a subpoena to protect evidence...

Hillary Clinton's only crime is she is a she, she is a democrat, and she was a challenge to the powerful on the right. There was no crime, but the easily led, those who easily hate, and those who live in the bubble created by right wing money are ideologues and followers who believe without thought.

Having an email server is not very different from any email client, and the server would have to be registered and configured to connect to the government system and the government would have to have known this just as they did when the Bush administration used private email. Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and others used private email in the same position of authority and no one said a thing. But they are republicans you did notice that right? Were they not careless with gov email or does another standard apply all of a sudden? Powell actually deleted all his email, should you investigate him? His email was even on a private system outside of gov too.

All government email and any email HRC would have sent or received from gov sources should have been replicated on their system and available for the republican witch hunt which unless you are asleep you must know by now revealed nothing, let me repeat nothing. It would be a simple task to investigate those who had a need to contact Hillary via email. Speculative BS from ideologues like Trey Gowdy has been covered too often, again please take the time to think and to check what you are told to believe. See links below on Benghazi BS.

Nothing HRC did was criminal, and the Weiner episode was Comey's mistake as this was simply a backup of Huma's email, a failure to understand technology but an assumption that should have gotten Comey fired then, not because Trump is now feeling the Russian heat.

Saying critical emails were deleted is like saying the tooth fairy erased them, let me repeat, important confidential emails should have been replicated and saved by the government agencies responsible, email is not located in one place but in many places. Should Hillary have done differently sure, but given this was well known by government security etc it obviously wasn't an issue till repubs made it one. The creation of Hillary hatred by the right is an example of how easily people can be taught to hate and how easily they follow.

I have not read the book noted below yet, but it is on my list I am hoping the author covers the topic, but technical issues and the complications of data control are often misunderstood. Having worked in this field I am skeptical of the mishandling of classified information claim, if information was this important it should have clearly marked and noted, etc, none of that was shown until after the fact. The republicans now control gov and they are certainly not interested in clearing the air. Email can often be intercepted or hacked as WikiLeaks has shown. Blaming Hillary for her decision is OK on one level but since others did it and it was accepted then hardly something to keep getting your panties in a bunch. the Numbers.pdf

Hillary hatred:
I'm not sure he is capable of being a normal person or a secure mature man? Consider he is a rich boy elitist who never held a real job or worked hard for his family, he cheated on his wives and felt he was so famous he could grab a women, and she'd appreciate that bizarre behavior. He simply never matured in any real sense and he doesn't even appear smart enough to know that. The writer of the art of the deal knows him well. His sycophantic followers forget how he was going to sue all the women who accused him of harassing them, his followers forgive his immaturity because they hate elites and yet he is one. In real life he'd have nothing to do with his voters. Figure that out?

Sadly I believe you are 100% correct.......

Those who wanted & expected him to change seem fully willing to accept this fact, the country & world be damned..
Sadly I believe you are 100% correct.......

Those who wanted & expected him to change seem fully willing to accept this fact, the country & world be damned..

Thanks, Trump is busy calling the Russian investigation a 'witch hunt' which is so bizarre, he claims no collusion but then keeps talking about it. So so weird.
Watching Sen McCain during the Comey hearing was bizarre, he almost seemed senile bringing up Hillary Clinton. How many times does it need to be said that Hillary did nothing wrong? It is as if the republicans are brainwashed. Hillary hatred like Obama hatred will continue among those who have a psychological need, but you'd think some would learn? If you have any doubts read the book below.

See 'The Destruction of Hillary Clinton' by Susan Bordo
PS I did finally write McCain. What I find particularly annoying is you cannot easily contact representatives as they limit access to their districts. Of course sometimes I just add their zip and district and email them anyway. If you speak on national topics you should be open to comments from the nation imo.

"The reason fact-checking is ineffective today — at least in convincing those who are members of movements — is that the mobilized members of a movement are confounded by a world resistant to their wishes and prefer the promise of a consistent alternate world to reality. When Donald Trump says he’s going to build a wall to protect our borders, he is not making a factual statement that an actual wall will actually protect our borders; he is signaling a politically incorrect willingness to put America first. When he says that there was massive voter fraud or boasts about the size of his inauguration crowd, he is not speaking about actual facts, but is insisting that his election was legitimate. “What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably part.”

"What Arendt shows in Origins is that movements are so dangerous and can be central elements of totalitarianism because they provide the psychological conditions for “total loyalty,” the kind of unquestioned loyalty Trump rightly understands himself to possess among his most faithful supporters. “Such loyalty,” she writes, “can be expected only from the completely isolated human being who, without any other social ties to family, friends, comrades, or even mere acquaintances, derives his sense of having a place in the world only from his belonging to a movement.”
Any replies??

Bill, No, not even the usual auto-reply. What I do find that unless you live in their state, or district in the case of the house, you get no answer. Our reps care only about the next election not America. That is too evident today. Tomey and others in PA have replied to me but I can't think of any others?
Bill, No, not even the usual auto-reply. What I do find that unless you live in their state, or district in the case of the house, you get no answer. Our reps care only about the next election not America. That is too evident today. Tomey and others in PA have replied to me but I can't think of any others?

An election every two years=non-stop campaigning &raking in the money........
An election every two years=non-stop campaigning &raking in the money........

Agree, funny but when you are young two years seems forever but given the fact money is so important our representatives now only represent monied interests.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." H. L. Mencken
How many times are you going to post that?
Anyway, I hate hrc and Ted Cruz almost equally but for different reasons. And I happen to think Trump is a horse's ass. What do you make of that?

As many times as necessary which may be hundreds. Remember you are not the only reader of these threads. One hopes that others read and think too. You hate people you don't even know? You need to ask yourself why. I have to admit I miss your point in replying but my reasons should be obvious by now.

HRC covered here, enjoy.