What do you call a person who won't wear a mask and wont get a Covid shot.

anyone with the brain the size of a piss ant realizes we have been lied to. 8 months ago if one said a vaccinated person could spread covid he would be banned from Twitter, now that is considered fact. I wish you lived closer to me so I could take advantage of your poor judgement, how much did that "sucker" tattoo on your forehead cost?
God You are boring Dr Q anon. Q anon remarks are always stupid and usually humorous they are so far out their , like stringfellow.
so vaccinated die too, you do realize that, vaccinated people are not guaranteed life

Like that is even a point to consider , The day a person gets a shot he has a 93% chance that the shot is effective , that means7% have gained nothing from the shot , after 6 months it is around 70% effective that means the 30 percent aren't covered and can get covid and die from covid , You people are so stupid that this comment will go right over your heads. By the way for a virus 93% effective is a great number.
The unvaccinated die at 20 times the numbers of the vaccinated.
Everyone in the hospital and everyone dying are the ones that deserve it, all anti's . It will improve the gene pool massively. They won't be missed. So right wingers stand by your guns and don't even think about pussying out and getting the shot. It will all turn out great in the end that way.
The right can\t argue or debate their ideas of covid there is no way they can source it or find a reference to their ignorance , without their sources be brain dead lies. Please Anyone on the right say anything you think are factual and supports your ideas and source it for us to look at. The right never says the truth about anything.
The right can\t argue or debate their ideas of covid there is no way they can source it or find a reference to their ignorance , without their sources be brain dead lies. Please Anyone on the right say anything you think are factual and supports your ideas and source it for us to look at. The right never says the truth about anything.

so vaccinated die too, you do realize that, vaccinated people are not guaranteed life

What's the ratio of deaths? *

Idiot; a vaccination is like body armor; something is better than nothing. Same goes for all the same common sense practices in the 1918 pandemic; social distancing, masks, wash your hands/don't touch your face. Today is purely idiotic partisanship.

* it's okay if you don't know or refuse to answer.
What's the ratio of deaths? *

Idiot; a vaccination is like body armor; something is better than nothing. Same goes for all the same common sense practices in the 1918 pandemic; social distancing, masks, wash your hands/don't touch your face. Today is purely idiotic partisanship.

* it's okay if you don't know or refuse to answer.

stfu, karen.
There are multiple ways to count things.
Just one.
Lets say that you shoot a gun at a building. You hit and kill two people: one falling from the top of the building, and one sitting in the building. The person that was falling from the top of the building would have died a tenth of a second after you shot him from hitting the ground, but you still killed him first. You are guilty of two murders.
Bullets don't travel through the air in pretzels. They follow a parabolic curve.
But if you look at excess deaths,
Define 'excess death'. Buzzword fallacy.
rather than cause of deaths, the one falling would have died anyway.
Bullets don't follow a pretzel path.
The one sitting inside would have lived. So you are only guilty of one excess death.
Changing the scenarios now? YOU said he was murdered! Define 'excess death'.
There are people who would have died anyway, even without Covid.
Covid19 does not kill.
Like with many pneumonias, Covid killed them first.
Covid19 is not pneumonia.
You might argue that means the "real" Covid number is far lower...
True Scotsman fallacy. The only variant of concern at the moment is covid19.
Until you realized that the excess deaths number is much higher than the proven deaths from Covid.
Buzzword fallacy. Attempted proof by circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).