Truck Fump / h1b
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Someone with stage 4 cancer in hospice would not be an excess death.
so covid deaths are explicitly your newly defined excess deaths?
no they aren't.
Someone with stage 4 cancer in hospice would not be an excess death.
I've been away a month and more.
You're done. Adios.
Its a question, what do you call this type of person who is a constant threat to their neighbors and community, a threat to your family and friends and is willing to sacrifice their own children to the God of their Ignorance.
Wow all the facts and all the police and all of the government and all the Media and all the Medical field and all the stats tell us the number that have been killed by covid and now you come along and say because you are you, that they are all wrong and you who has no clue , no source, no idea , no facts no data but you still think someone will believe you. WHY?bullshit numbers from a bullshit media, covid did not kill people killed on car wreck, get it dumb prick? do I need to retype it? get it dumb prick?
By whining about me you have proved your true nature, Sybil. You're both weak and insane. Fuck off and die, psycho.Sybil.
I think.
Thee guy is a idiot , why even read what he says , he only can operate with lies so ignore him.Do not forget that Night also claims that Covid has not been isolated, or gene sequenced. Or that it is impossible to have a variant of Covid.
Thee guy is a idiot , why even read what he says , he only can operate with lies so ignore him.
.Love these Idiots that think that them saying what ever comes into their imagination makes it a fact and think that other people should except what they say as fact ,no matter who says they aren't/ That would be a acceptable definition of stupid I think.
You posted this a couple of days ago.
How long is a month on your planet?
I've been away a month and more.
You're done. Adios.
Love these Idiots that think that them saying what ever comes into their imagination makes it a fact and think that other people should except what they say as fact ,no matter who says they aren't/ That would be a acceptable definition of stupid I think.
Imbecile! are there any posts on this thread (or this site, for that matter) from December? The first 1 week or so of this month?
Quit stalling, produce where I've given the Biden Administration latitude or a double standard. If you can't, just keep braying like an ass as you usually do.
I'm done with him until March.
I've been away a month and more.
SCOTUS are appointed by duly elected gov't representatives at their discretion. Sometimes those choices don't please everyone (ex., Clarence Thomas). Corporations that hire from the general population are subject to laws and guidelines that are geared to prevent discrimination based on race, creed or color. Last time I checked, there was no shortage of white folk on the Scotus. So spare us all your BS.
so covid deaths are explicitly your newly defined excess deaths?
no they aren't.
What do you call a person who won't wear a mask and wont get a Covid shot.
I just call them TRUMPTARDS for short!
The right can\t argue or debate their ideas of covid there is no way they can source it or find a reference to their ignorance , without their sources be brain dead lies. Please Anyone on the right say anything you think are factual and supports your ideas and source it for us to look at. The right never says the truth about anything.