Into the Night
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...deleted Mantras 25e...37d...25e...36c...10c...10i...37c...37e...39i...
Trolling. No argument presented.
...deleted Mantras 25e...37d...25e...36c...10c...10i...37c...37e...39i...
Sybil the PSYCHO said:♪♬♪ I'm a little teapot short and stout! ♪♩♬♪
There is no such thing as an 'excess death'. Buzzword fallacy.
Trump wore a mask AND received the Covid vaccine.
Wow all the facts and all the police and all of the government and all the Media and all the Medical field and all the stats tell us the number that have been killed by covid and now you come along and say because you are you, that they are all wrong and you who has no clue , no source, no idea , no facts no data but you still think someone will believe you. WHY?
Someone with stage 4 cancer in hospice would not be an excess death.
Free hats for when you take to the streets!!!!
Go fuck yourself, pussy. Go hide under your bed and piss yourself.
and did not die of covid as reported
so covid deaths are explicitly your newly defined excess deaths?
There is no such thing as an 'excess death'. Buzzword fallacy.
The concept of excess deaths goes back to the 1800's. It was used to study cholera deaths. I am only 51 years old, so definitely did not invent the term.
I tend to use The Economist's excess deaths numbers. I believe they do a good job, but there are and will be many others studying excess deaths. The Economist is a conservative British news magazine, and their numbers are for most of the countries. I have no control over their methodology.
Excess deaths have been used to study all sorts of major events, from wars, to hurricanes, to recessions, to pandemics. Excess deaths is not a method unique to Covid.
Excess deaths are a way of understanding the number of deaths, but like all other statistics can distort if misused. Taiwan has had 850 deaths attributed to Covid, but NEGATIVE 3,710 excess deaths. In effect, the Covid pandemic has caused more people to survive in Taiwan. The Taiwanese are taking precautions that are not just saving their lives from Covid, but also from colds and flus. The disease itself killed 850, and probably more, but the precautions related to the disease saved more than 4,000 lives making the pandemic a net life saver.
more pictures from the board dumbass
and did not die of covid as reported
There are multiple ways to count things. Lets say that you shoot a gun at a building. You hit and kill two people: one falling from the top of the building, and one sitting in the building. The person that was falling from the top of the building would have died a tenth of a second after you shot him from hitting the ground, but you still killed him first. You are guilty of two murders.
But if you look at excess deaths, rather than cause of deaths, the one falling would have died anyway. The one sitting inside would have lived. So you are only guilty of one excess death.
There are people who would have died anyway, even without Covid. Like with many pneumonias, Covid killed them first. You might argue that means the "real" Covid number is far lower... Until you realized that the excess deaths number is much higher than the proven deaths from Covid.
But this idiot did:
Fuck him for being a dumbass, but praise him for being an inspiration to intelligence and Karma.
May you be so lucky as to follow in his footsteps, MAGA. The sooner the better!
it's nazi bullshit.
so vaccinated die too, you do realize that, vaccinated people are not guaranteed life
Excess deaths methodology predates Nazis by nearly a hundred years.
mass murder
Trying to reduce excess deaths is mass murder? I would say it is the opposite of mass murder.