What Do You Look Like?

Especially with lyrics. Most rock music is "I love you" crap.

You think so?

My impression is that good singer/songwriters in the rock genre are a little more substantive than the Beatles "Love Me Do" and Hansen's "Mmmm Bop" crap.

She's really, really cute!!! And what a beautiful area -- whew!

OK, here's my other guy:

As Diuretic pointed out, Australian Shepherds, like the one I posted earlier, never set foot in Australia. They're strictly an American breed. I've never read an explanation for the name. Anyway, my little Border Collie, shown here, has firmly Australian roots.

What a beauty!

You have the coolest dogs Thorn. Do they try to heard each other?

The Austrailian shepard was developed in the US but Im sure they must have a link somewhere to border collies. They came out of US cattle hearding breeds in the American west. They must have a long lost link to Border collies used in other countries for centuries before. I mean are we to believe they were bred from the American wolf?
What a beauty!

You have the coolest dogs Thorn. Do they try to herd each other?

The Austrailian shepard was developed in the US but Im sure they must have a link somewhere to border collies. They came out of US cattle herding breeds in the American west. They must have a long lost link to Border collies used in other countries for centuries before. I mean are we to believe they were bred from the American wolf?

Thanks! No, they just try to herd us. I've mostly got Rory (The Aussie) to stop tripping me when I try to walk in the house now. Also Barley has mostly stopped jumping in front of me when we run out back. Mostly. :rolleyes:

Apparently several different breeds went into the AS, and I'm positive that the Border Collie was one of them. They're quite a lot heavier-boned than BCs, though. And they've got the merles (blue or red) and the red tris as well. The Black tris, like Rory, look like smaller Bearnese Mountain Dogs without the tails. He's quite a hit in his CGC class because he's such a sweet guy.
i just take a 750 of vodka and dump it in a glass canter. then 2 cans of doles pineapple (juice and all). make sure pineapple is submerged. then let it sit in dry room temperature place for about 1-2weeks.

serve chilled
i just take a 750 of vodka and dump it in a glass canter. then 2 cans of doles pineapple (juice and all). make sure pineapple is submerged. then let it sit in dry room temperature place for about 1-2weeks.

serve chilled

now that sounds really good. u do any other infusions?
my last experiment was to get 6 grapefruits from the grocery store. i diced them up and infused about 10days. i found i had to add a jigger of grapefruit to my shaker. tasted like a real good greyhound.
my last experiment was to get 6 grapefruits from the grocery store. i diced them up and infused about 10days. i found i had to add a jigger of grapefruit to my shaker. tasted like a real good greyhound.

lol now wouldn't you be an aweosme drinking buddy...