What Do You Look Like?


Fine. Here's my Aussie.
That's Brooke, my roommate's dog. Sweet dog that trips out and tries to eat flies. Sometime's she'll start barking at a spot on the floor for a couple of minutes, which creeps me out because dogs can see dead people.
Yeah, and dead people like to hang out in the floor.
Fine. Here's my Aussie.

Aussies are just the most beautiful creatures in the world. Look at the intelligence in those eyes. I love all dogs but aussies and border collies are just the prettiest damn dogs in the world. I have a pound puppy (12 years old) and she is a black and white aussie.
The new dog is an Aussie/Lab mix. Talk about a hilarious monster. We get the high energy and the chewing...

The new dog is an Aussie/Lab mix. Talk about a hilarious monster. We get the high energy and the chewing...


Oh, right, the best of both worlds! My guy likes to dismantle things; he's actually quite good at undoing complex knots, etc. Yours is still quite a youngster if I recall. Mine is 27 months old now. We're finishing up the Canine Good Citizen course soon -- for the second time. Friendliness seems to be another of this breed's characteristics and with the Lab mix you have a double dose! (I grew up with a Lab and love them!). :)
An Aussie lab would be an awsome mix. Aussie are just so damn smart and labs are so damn loving. I can speak in full sentances to my dog and she knows exactly what I am saying. I was washing the car this morning and she was with me and she stepped into the street. I looked at her and said "what are you doing in the street" and she looked at me and got back on the sidewalk. They are such cool dogs.
Hell US get two or three. They are really not that much more work.

We had the two puppies at once. It normally isn't recommended but they were not littermates (not even the same breed) and different genders. It was a lot easier than trying to train two separately.