what do you use for cleaning a glass weed pipe if not alcohiol?

I've a nice big old glass pipe I use - it's cruddy with tar from weed .
Mos of the time I just soaked it in Isopropyl. all the brown goo comes off the glass.

But I'm out of isopropyl and my now it's a sticky mess - what else works?

That goo is THC laden resin.

Scrape it off and smoke it, dumbass!!!
I've a nice big old glass pipe I use - it's cruddy with tar from weed .
Mos of the time I just soaked it in Isopropyl. all the brown goo comes off the glass.

But I'm out of isopropyl and my now it's a sticky mess - what else works?

Nail polish remover is my solution.

Rinse Well!
i was looking online -that sems to be the other method. they suggest boiling it longer. I usually wont scrape with a hard object -i find a lot of ball point pen tops clean/ream out the hole at the bottom of the bowel (the plastic flexes) you gotta be careful not to crak the glass

I dont boil nail polish remover, overnight soak.
There is no better method than alcohol. I don't know why anyone would ask?

After soaking, make sure you rinse thoroughly with hot water.
Right! And also don't run it under cold water after boiling it because the glass will shatter. I like to scrape the resin out with tweezers to keep for a rainy day, but several folks I know use the ballpoint pen method too. I haven't used a glass piece i years, though...am very partial to The Mighty, which is a convection vaporizer from Bickel. It's a bit pricey ($300), but totally worth it.
I've been using nothing but stone for decades, but I do have one glass pipe. I smoke less these days, opting for one or two hits of some crazy Indica at night only. Otherwise, if I smoked more I would def. get one of the vaporizers you described.
Any polar aliphatic low flash solvent will work. Acetone first example. Just make sure you completely let the solvent evaporate then rinse with water and let dry. Do not use any chlorinated or aromatic solvents like toluene.

If you have some vodka that should work. Denatured alcohol or methanol will work too but again, let the residual solvent evaporate and rinse with lots of water.
Works for me. Stone/Glass. Nothing better. I even soak the screen.
That goo is THC laden resin.

Scrape it off and smoke it, dumbass!!!
I truly feel badly for people who are in that position. We all did it as kids. Might as well go digging in the cat litter box for a turd ;)
Have you actually tried that?

I have.


I truly feel badly for people who are in that position. We all did it as kids. Might as well go digging in the cat litter box for a turd ;)

Are you kidding????

The stuff is literally hashish!!!

Pure THC resin.

But hey... if all you spoiled, entitled, millennial generation types think, because you've been raised having everything handed to you brand new, that you're somehow "above" smoking pure cannabis resin because it's "used" and not considered "upscale" enough, then more power to ye.

But to me it's just a huge waste of some good buzz.
Are you kidding????

The stuff is literally hashish!!!

Pure THC resin.

But hey... if all you spoiled, entitled, millennial generation types think, because you've been raised having everything handed to you brand new, that you're somehow "above" smoking pure cannabis resin because it's "used" and not considered "upscale" enough, then more power to ye.

But to me it's just a huge waste of some good buzz.

Then soak it in vodka and drink it. See what happens.
I smoke only a little at night
doesn't really pay to buy anythng else + I've had this thing since back in Reagan's time.
I bought it at a DC head shop and somehow it's survived the years..the resin is nasty but good when you are out

Holy moly, that pipe is older than several posters here...

An antique........

& I bet lots of fond memories as well..........:hedb:
Are you kidding????

The stuff is literally hashish!!!

Pure THC resin.

But hey... if all you spoiled, entitled, millennial generation types think, because you've been raised having everything handed to you brand new, that you're somehow "above" smoking pure cannabis resin because it's "used" and not considered "upscale" enough, then more power to ye.

But to me it's just a huge waste of some good buzz.

And nasty...not worth it.

I am spoiled you understand.
Are you kidding????

The stuff is literally hashish!!!

Pure THC resin.

But hey... if all you spoiled, entitled, millennial generation types think, because you've been raised having everything handed to you brand new, that you're somehow "above" smoking pure cannabis resin because it's "used" and not considered "upscale" enough, then more power to ye.

But to me it's just a huge waste of some good buzz.
It's not pure THC resin. It's the tar that you get when you burn the cellulose instead of just the trichomes. Yea...'resin' is actually called trichomes. You want the ones that form on the calyxes, as they carry the most THC.

If you took tobacco and smoked it in a weed pipe, you'd get resin too. Resin is NOT hash. Not even close. Re. 'millenials', I'm going to guess that I've been smoking weed longer than you've been alive.

Thankfully, I'm in a position where I don't have to resort to scraping the nasty tasting sludge from my pipes. I don't fault you for having to do it. I merely stated that I feel badly for those who do.
It's not pure THC resin. It's the tar that you get when you burn the cellulose instead of just the trichomes. Yea...'resin' is actually called trichomes. You want the ones that form on the calyxes, as they carry the most THC.

If you took tobacco and smoked it in a weed pipe, you'd get resin too. Resin is NOT hash. Not even close. Re. 'millenials', I'm going to guess that I've been smoking weed longer than you've been alive.

Thankfully, I'm in a position where I don't have to resort to scraping the nasty tasting sludge from my pipes. I don't fault you for having to do it. I merely stated that I feel badly for those who do.

"Hear! Hear!"
I don't drink and actually, I haven't smoked weed either for well over a decade.
Well there ya go. All kids have done what you suggest. I also remember getting some nasty goo on my lips from using pipes that really needed to be cleaned.
"Hear! Hear!"
We used to have 'chamber' pipes that held a small amount of weed that collected the goo as you smoked the herb that was in the bowl. Tasted like total crap, but we thought is was getting us higher. Of course, the weed we were smoking in the early 70s was nowhere near as potent as the stuff people grow today.

Now...if he made the case that smoking the resin that gets on your hands during the trimming of the harvest, I'd agree that you'd be smoking pure hash.