what do you use for cleaning a glass weed pipe if not alcohiol?

We used to have 'chamber' pipes that held a small amount of weed that collected the goo as you smoked the herb that was in the bowl. Tasted like total crap, but we thought is was getting us higher. Of course, the weed we were smoking in the early 70s was nowhere near as potent as the stuff people grow today.

Now...if he made the case that smoking the resin that gets on your hands during the trimming of the harvest, I'd agree that you'd be smoking pure hash.

I said the exact same thing re trying to smoke the gunk before you.

Apparently great minds think alike.
Holy moly, that pipe is older than several posters here...

An antique........

& I bet lots of fond memories as well..........:hedb:

Back when I was 21, they put me on 2nd. shift to make a mold. The mill feed time ran for about a half hour before I had to drop it again so a had time to make this really cool pipe out of stainless steel. I surface ground it and polished it. One of my cars was an old '63 Falcon (my work car) and my father loved to borrow it to go hunting and fishing. After I made it, I put it on a Frisbee under the seat. Naturally, my father borrowed my car and found it before I ever got to use it. Long story short, after he died and when I was going through his drawers in the basement, I found that old pipe and have it in a small box in my garage. It was almost 40 years ago that I made it.
Holy moly, that pipe is older than several posters here...

An antique........

& I bet lots of fond memories as well..........:hedb:
It has just the right draw,and the right size,and not a lot of stupid ornamental stuff on the outside.
I don't know how it survived that long -i'm lucky I guess..
The old "head shops" are gone but there are a few places that sell "tobacco pipes" ( weed is still illegal in Fl)

I check them out occasionally - i have to get a back up- but never found one I like as much as this one
And nasty...not worth it.

I am spoiled you understand.

Thankfully, I'm in a position where I don't have to resort to scraping the nasty tasting sludge from my pipes. I don't fault you for having to do it. I merely stated that I feel badly for those who do.

Meh. You guys are obviously just typically sissified millennial girly men.

Man up and finish your weed!!!

ALL of it!!!

Re. 'millenials', I'm going to guess that I've been smoking weed longer than you've been alive.

I'll be 63 in a few weeks.

So that must make you somewhere around 80.

Do they even allow you to have a bong and smoke weed in the nursing home????

I hope they do if I'm ever in one at your age!!!! :thup:
you're a sad little fuck, but its amusing to watch you try......

You watch me accomplish it every Thursday as it is, but for whatever reason, you've not been counting all the days in between.

Maybe I just need to start kicking your ass harder to get your attention.
Meh. You guys are obviously just typically sissified millennial girly men.

Man up and finish your weed!!!

ALL of it!!!

I'll be 63 in a few weeks.

So that must make you somewhere around 80.

Do they even allow you to have a bong and smoke weed in the nursing home????

I hope they do if I'm ever in one at your age!!!! :thup:
I’m not going if they don’t. I’m 64
Back when I was 21, they put me on 2nd. shift to make a mold. The mill feed time ran for about a half hour before I had to drop it again so a had time to make this really cool pipe out of stainless steel. I surface ground it and polished it. One of my cars was an old '63 Falcon (my work car) and my father loved to borrow it to go hunting and fishing. After I made it, I put it on a Frisbee under the seat. Naturally, my father borrowed my car and found it before I ever got to use it. Long story short, after he died and when I was going through his drawers in the basement, I found that old pipe and have it in a small box in my garage. It was almost 40 years ago that I made it.
Great memories... :)
It has just the right draw,and the right size,and not a lot of stupid ornamental stuff on the outside.
I don't know how it survived that long -i'm lucky I guess..
The old "head shops" are gone but there are a few places that sell "tobacco pipes" ( weed is still illegal in Fl)

I check them out occasionally - i have to get a back up- but never found one I like as much as this one

I had several pipes back when I use to smoke but always preferred rolling my own... I could roll two joints simultaneously (using both hands) @ around 14 or 15.....

It's legal here but I still don't partake..
Meh. You guys are obviously just typically sissified millennial girly men.

Man up and finish your weed!!!

ALL of it!!!

I'll be 63 in a few weeks.

So that must make you somewhere around 80.

Do they even allow you to have a bong and smoke weed in the nursing home????

I hope they do if I'm ever in one at your age!!!! :thup:
Huh...we're exactly the same age. You were smoking pipe resin in your 50s? Damn.
The stuff I mentioned is much better, works faster.


There is a lot of alcohol in it, but some of that stuff may or may not be water soluble. I know that alcohol bonds to water, so I feel secure that a good rinsing after a soak will take all residue out of my pipe. Could be with your stuff is too.

I could research the ingredients in the Zep and see if it's all water soluble, but I'm rarely in a rush when I clean my bowl...be it stone or glass.
Huh...we're exactly the same age. You were smoking pipe resin in your 50s? Damn.

Did I say that? No, I did not.

But what if I occasionally did when I was in my 20's and 30's? Or any age, really.

What's the big difference? Whatever gets smoked in a pipe or a bong gets burned up in flame anyway. It's not like you're getting "ewww, yucky-poo" germs or anything that's worse for you health wise, than the weed itself.

It just doesn't look or smell pretty. So what?

It still gets you high and if you're out of weed and want to get a buzz after coming home from a night out drinking, it doesn't require having to go out and try to find more at 2 am.

More importantly (to me anyway) it averts waste, something I hate in anything.


I never cease to be amazed at some of the things some people feel the need to make themselves feel superior about. :rolleyes:
Did I say that? No, I did not.

But what if I occasionally did when I was in my 20's and 30's? Or any age, really.

What's the big difference? Whatever gets smoked in a pipe or a bong gets burned up in flame anyway. It's not like you're getting "ewww, yucky-poo" germs or anything that's worse for you health wise, than the weed itself.

It just doesn't look or smell pretty. So what?

It still gets you high and if you're out of weed and want to get a buzz after coming home from a night out drinking, it doesn't require having to go out and try to find more at 2 am.

More importantly (to me anyway) it averts waste, something I hate in anything.


I never cease to be amazed at some of the things some people feel the need to make themselves feel superior about. :rolleyes:
Superior? You're the one who was criticizing others for not smoking resin. You also incorrectly referred to it as hash.

You said that you haven't smoked in 10 years. That puts you in your 50s when you last smoked, which I assume included resin. If not, why did you stop?

Thankfully, I haven't been in a position where I didn't have weed in decades. Further, the shit I smoke takes one hit and you're blind. The board was asked about cleaning a bowl. The OP didn't ask to be criticized for being old enough to have weed available, and not have to smoke resin.

It's pot. It's not a topic that typically starts arguments. If you want to smoke resin...smoke resin. I would never do it, because I see no reason to.

Again...I have smoked the only pure hash there is...the goo that you scrape off of the scissors when you get done trimming.

Now THAT'S some 'resin' that is definitely worth smoking.

But we all know that it's really trichomes.