What Does Freedom Mean?

Hello Dutch,

How the fuck do you see that as being a fair and equal consideration of the situation? You want “my way or the highway” which is exactly the current Republican talking point.

Why must women be oppressed in your world? There is plenty of leeway and options other than your B&W view on the subject.

I suddenly got an eerie realization of the similarities between the American Christian evangelicals and the Taliban.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

If it's her decision and hers alone to have the child or an abortion, and the man gets no say being essentially at that point a sperm donor, then the situation shouldn't change if she has the child. It's her child and it was her decision to have the child. No child support should be forced on the man.

Now, if it's the couple's decision, then they decide as a couple with equal rights and responsibilities. That's fair and equal all the way around.

So, which is it you want: The woman making all the decisions but economic responsibility forced on the man without his having any recourse or say--totally one-sided--or the couple making a decision together with equal rights and responsibilities towards the outcome?

Now, if you're going to argue that the woman might not know who the father is, or that sort of thing, then maybe she should have taken some responsibility and not slept with the whole goddamned trailer park.

It's takes two to tango.

If he did the deed he needs to be responsible for the consequences.

Only the rare situation where a woman manages to somehow rape a man, or steal sperm...
Freedom is something we have to fight and die for. The Afghan tribes joining forces to defeat the US empire is a perfect example. Those who side with empire are complicit in the crimes and need a beat down before the people have a chance at being free.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

It's takes two to tango.

If he did the deed he needs to be responsible for the consequences.

Only the rare situation where a woman manages to somehow rape a man, or steal sperm...

I purposefully avoided the rape scenario but naturally agree. Not everyone else does because there are those who support the rapist’s rights as a father….and that is how fucked up the Republican view is on rape, women and spreading their seed.


Judge was unaware he gave joint custody to father accused of raping the then-12-year-old mother

This is what the anti-abortionists are pushing for.
Hello goat,

Freedom is something we have to fight and die for. The Afghan tribes joining forces to defeat the US empire is a perfect example. Those who side with empire are complicit in the crimes and need a beat down before the people have a chance at being free.


The US empire?

Are you saying Americans need a beat down?

If so, for what purpose?
Hello Dutch,

I suddenly got an eerie realization of the similarities between the American Christian evangelicals and the Taliban.

And why not? Both are religious conservatives pushing for a theocracy and who both subjugate women and seek to enslave, kill or otherwise eliminate anyone different they are are.
Hello goat,


The US empire?

Are you saying Americans need a beat down?

If so, for what purpose?
Yes, that’s what he’s saying. If you read his posts, he clearly hates the US and the law.

He’s bragged about being a LEO but hates “snitches”, something only dirty cops hate.
Freedom is something we have to fight and die for. The Afghan tribes joining forces to defeat the US empire is a perfect example. Those who side with empire are complicit in the crimes and need a beat down before the people have a chance at being free.

Oh look. The gossip princess wants to pretend to talk about politics with the adults. Crawl on back to your gossip hole thread, Karen. We got this. :laugh:
And why not? Both are religious conservatives pushing for a theocracy and who both subjugate women and seek to enslave, kill or otherwise eliminate anyone different they are are.

One of the few differences between the two is that the Taliban is honest about their brutality and subjugation goals. The American taliban still plays coy about it, but wants the same end result.
Hello goat,


The US empire?

Are you saying Americans need a beat down?

If so, for what purpose?
Our drone wars kill 90% civilians and only 10% combatants. Way too many Americans are OK with that. The patriot act, mass surveillance, and data collection violates the Bill of Rights but no one seems to care. The fourth estate is propaganda while real journalists are imprisoned and murdered. The entire economy runs on debt and is about to collapse, again. Most millennials and zoomers will never own a house. Neo-feudalism is here to stay. The US empire is at war with the American people.

Freedom only has a chance after the defeat of empire.
Hello goat,

Our drone wars kill 90% civilians and only 10% combatants. Way too many Americans are OK with that. The patriot act, mass surveillance, and data collection violates the Bill of Rights but no one seems to care. The fourth estate is propaganda while real journalists are imprisoned and murdered. The entire economy runs on debt and is about to collapse, again. Most millennials and zoomers will never own a house. Neo-feudalism is here to stay. The US empire is at war with the American people.

Freedom only has a chance after the defeat of empire.

Capitalism is collecting way more data on Americans than government. Government haters remind me of the Taliban. They oppose government, but if given the chance to run the country would be tasked with setting up the very thing they have opposed. Not so easy when the shoe is on the other foot.

The MSM is not our enemy. It is our best source of information about the world. I would rather get information from reputable news organizations than whack-a-doodle obscure agenda peddlers on the internet. Debt is a fabulous basic essential tool for building American lifestyle. The real estate market would be nothing without it. Imagine if people had to save the cash to buy their first home. Homes simply would not move. The whole market would be depressed.

There is a Class War being waged in America, but the rich class already won a long time ago. The problem is: there are no terms for settlement or an end to oppression. The super-rich are so obsessed with gathering wealth that they prevent the economy from improving or opening up more opportunity. We have a system of investment where the owners of capital benefit from repression of non-owners. The only thing that stands between more opportunity and more oppression is government, and that has been corrupted by big money as well.

It is the duty of all Americans to clean up government corruption by supporting the American Anti Corruption Act in their own locality, so that it may spread far and wide, and eventually rise to the top of Federal Government, where the cleansing is needed most.

We already enjoy great freedom. We must fight the progressive political battles to keep what freedom we have, and strengthen it.

All lives matter.
Dude, again with your B&W views. Nice job calling the woman a fucking slut and giving a pass to the men.

If a couple is married and trying to have a child, then I readily agree that the husband has an equal say in the pregnancy.

Do you think a drunken one-night stand with no intention of pregnancy, just carelessness, is equal to a married couple situation?

Do you agree that a lot depends upon intent; whether there was intent to have a pregnancy or not?

Her and/or he being drunk and stupid is not an excuse here. Both should be held equally culpable and both should be held to account. Arguing it's a woman's right to choose and hers and hers alone unfairly and wrongly puts all the onus for the outcome on her.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

It's takes two to tango.

If he did the deed he needs to be responsible for the consequences.

Only the rare situation where a woman manages to somehow rape a man, or steal sperm...

And, if she was looking to drop one kid after another only to get more child support while letting them grow up into little hellions, this holds her to account too. Fair and equal.
Hello goat,

Capitalism is collecting way more data on Americans than government. Government haters remind me of the Taliban. They oppose government, but if given the chance to run the country would be tasked with setting up the very thing they have opposed. Not so easy when the shoe is on the other foot.

The MSM is not our enemy. It is our best source of information about the world. I would rather get information from reputable news organizations than whack-a-doodle obscure agenda peddlers on the internet. Debt is a fabulous basic essential tool for building American lifestyle. The real estate market would be nothing without it. Imagine if people had to save the cash to buy their first home. Homes simply would not move. The whole market would be depressed.

There is a Class War being waged in America, but the rich class already won a long time ago. The problem is: there are no terms for settlement or an end to oppression. The super-rich are so obsessed with gathering wealth that they prevent the economy from improving or opening up more opportunity. We have a system of investment where the owners of capital benefit from repression of non-owners. The only thing that stands between more opportunity and more oppression is government, and that has been corrupted by big money as well.

It is the duty of all Americans to clean up government corruption by supporting the American Anti Corruption Act in their own locality, so that it may spread far and wide, and eventually rise to the top of Federal Government, where the cleansing is needed most.

We already enjoy great freedom. We must fight the progressive political battles to keep what freedom we have, and strengthen it.

All lives matter.
Capitalists own government. Banksters, the war machine, and big pharma write our laws. The irony is the Taliban defeated empire while Americans do what we are told. Our constitution has been bastardized by crony capitalism. Small business are forced to close as Walmart and Amazon double their profits on a US funded bioweapon.

MSM is state owned propaganda. Empire is lobbying for WWIII so they can default on their debt. All of our conversations end with your denial of a political, economic, and social breakdown. This will happen in our lifetime, so you can't keep pretending we the people already enjoy great freedom. Revolt is here and we have to fight for our freedom.
Capitalists own government. Banksters, the war machine, and big pharma write our laws. The irony is the Taliban defeated empire while Americans do what we are told. Our constitution has been bastardized by crony capitalism. Small business are forced to close as Walmart and Amazon double their profits on a US funded bioweapon.

MSM is state owned propaganda. Empire is lobbying for WWIII so they can default on their debt. All of our conversations end with your denial of a political, economic, and social breakdown. This will happen in our lifetime, so you can't keep pretending we the people already enjoy great freedom. Revolt is here and we have to fight for our freedom.

Jesus fucking Christ, goat. Your post screams Qless paranoid nutjob.

When do you expect World War III to start?