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so that explains your vote for Biden.....
How so? My coworkers supported both candidates. Does it shock you that blue-collar Americans in Penmaylvania support Biden?
so that explains your vote for Biden.....
How so? My coworkers supported both candidates. Does it shock you that blue-collar Americans in Penmaylvania support Biden?
Things change. They can change for the better. Obama started this divide.
There is no need to even try. Trump's sycophantic supporters are hopeless lovers of authoritarianism who stood by and said nothing as he attempted to destroy the USPS in order to steal the election. Not a shred of patriotism between the lot of them. They are the minority who has had their 15 minutes and now its over! They support the POS who lied about a fatal virus which caused a death tally that equals eighty-one 911's and sixty-thousand Benghazis. Screw 'em as they belong on the fringes forevermore. History will look back on them with revulsion.
Disagree. I think Gingrich and BJ did.
If We Adjust to Trumpism, the Republic Is Lost
What I mean when I say I’m in the resistance
I don't think the divide is as bad as the media presents it to be and despite Trump's most earnest attempt to present otherwise. My coworkers are divided politically but they get along. Same with my family.
Realistically, we all have the same goals. We all want to live free in a free, economically prosperous, and safe society. The difference is in how we approach this goal. If people can learn to talk again without the rhetoric and the conspiracy theories, we can move forward.
Given time many views w/ soften or change..........
whose views will soften or change?
1. Try to have a more positive attitude.
2. Most of us believe in Brotherhood and that we are all Americans.
3. The 'split' seems to be roughly a 'Rural/Urban Divide'. So your 'Partition' divide doesn't make sense.
4. Your 'Violence' suggestion seems more like something Russian Stooge Anatta would say.
Reading more into the 'Rural/Urban Divide' would be Property Ownership versus Tenant ... or more bluntly: 'Haves'*and the 'Have Nots'.
Today's America is two incompatible nations trying--with no success--to live within the same borders and under the same government.
Each side subscribes to ideology that has zero overlap with the ideology of the opposite side.
Neither side can make sufficient concessions to the other without completely abandoning the principles that allow its members to even live with themselves and sleep at night.
Whoever wins a presidential election, 49.75% of the electorate will viscerally hate the new president.
If the new president of either party does not have his/her own party in control of both legislative bodies, he/she can pass no legislation.
If the new president doesn't have his/her own party controlling the senate. he/she can get no appointments confirmed.
All governance is limited to what can be accomplished by executive orders, and a hostile SCOTUS can halt even that.
If the founders could have envisioned this, they'd have known that they were giving us a pig shit constitution in terms of form of government.
It seemed progressive at the time, but virtually EVERY newer democracy has more efficient government.
Even then, virtually none of those has as polarized a citizenry.
So tell me, those of you who preach unity,
How the hell do you unify this country?
You're not going to do it.
It's not possible to do.
Trying to do it is time better spent on more possible solutions.
PARTITION is the only one of them that needn't involve violence...
but violence remains on the table nonetheless.
Loving America too much to split it up is, in reality, hating it to the point of making it unlivable.
I'm part of the "worker drone class" myself. I didn't know my existence needed a solution.
many Americans..............
The move to modern democratic socialism is inevitable and unstoppable, but due to our cultural diversity, very hard and very slow.
not while i'm capable of firing a weapon, it won't
You would kill someone over political differences? Please get out of country and move to Saudi Arabia.
I would kill anyone who tries to destroy my ability to achieve prosperity, property, and a life for my grandkids. YOU get out and move to England where democratic socialism keeps many of those serfs near poverty
Thanks for outing yourself as an enemy of the United States.
not while i'm capable of firing a weapon, it won't
No, he did not, the Moral Majority started the division. The them against us mentality was hatched with the Republican Party, Newty Gingrich, and Jerry Falwell.Things change. They can change for the better. Obama started this divide.