What if everyone voted? The case for 100 percent democracy.

Kind of interesting the idea of fining people who don't vote. Would be curious how often this fine could be applied as there are multiple local and state elections to go along with the national elections. Would you be fined just one time whether you miss one vote or all of them? Or fined for every election you miss?

Would it go so far as to means test the amount of the fine? Otherwise it would be a rather regressive fine. I can't imagine a lot of joy when the gov't sends agents out to fine the poor and extremely poor/homeless who don't vote.
The authors of our Constitution limited voting to only White Men over 21 who owned land.

They did not want women, minorities, or non-landowners to vote!

Apparently our beloved FOREFATHERS were a bunch of wig wearing white powder faced Sissies, Racists, Misogynists, and Supercilious Snobs! [Geeko Sportivo]

it's funny you have to go back so far to denigrate america.
Kind of interesting the idea of fining people who don't vote. Would be curious how often this fine could be applied as there are multiple local and state elections to go along with the national elections. Would you be fined just one time whether you miss one vote or all of them? Or fined for every election you miss?

Would it go so far as to means test the amount of the fine? Otherwise it would be a rather regressive fine. I can't imagine a lot of joy when the gov't sends agents out to fine the poor and extremely poor/homeless who don't vote.

the whole concept is ludicrous, man.

this is compelled expression.

what if you truly detest all major candidates.

this amount of totalitarianism is the system sucking its own dick.
Universal voting takes seriously the Declaration of Independence’s insistence that government is legitimate only when it is based on the “consent of the governed.” The Founders did not say “some of the governed” (even 66.8 percent). Including everyone in our system of government would live up to the promise made at the birth of our republic. Universal voting would tear down barriers and elevate our civic obligations.

More than two dozen democratic countries have versions of compulsory participation. One of the most successful models is Australia’s. The United States adopted the secret ballot after Australia tried it first. We should do the same with universal voting.


Voting is a privilege. If one chooses not to vote, that is called liberty and choice. Of course, uneducated dunces think we are a Democracy. We are a Democratic Republic of States. Our Constitution limits the Federal Governments power reserving all others to the states.

We use an electoral process to elect Presidents. It is a brilliant way to ensure that the many do not overrun the few and makes every state relevant in those elections. I wish you had not flunked out of grade school. We wouldn't have to spend so much time educating you.
If there was 100% turnout, Conservatives would never win another election again.

\ ˈhaf-ˌwit , ˈhäf- \
: a foolish or stupid person

dumb·ass | \ ˈdəm-ˌas \
: a foolish or stupid person : IDIOT
If there was 100% turnout, Conservatives would never win another election again.

Why the right hates democracy.

You are very stupid.

I R O N Y!!!!

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
This would be the worst nightmare for the GOP.

If everyone voted, the Democrats would be more left, and Republicans would be more centrist. They'd have to take their attention away from suppressing the vote, and modify their platform for a broader appeal.

November is going to be harsh for lying leftist hacks like you. :palm:
GOP is an enemy of democracy.

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
Australia does it. it is a 20 dollar fine to not vote. How does that work out? Russia does not have free voting. It is not the same.

Australia is turning into a Fascistic shit hole. You should move there. I'll help you pack. :palm:

\ ˈhaf-ˌwit , ˈhäf- \
: a foolish or stupid person