What if everyone voted? The case for 100 percent democracy.

The thing about radical, extremist centrism is that it's totally willing to blow up the entire system if it doesn't get the accommodation it thinks it's entitled to, but did nothing to earn.

You do not get to judge who has earned what and who hasnt. Period.
So...you want to fine people for not voting?
So this forces the poor to vote or face fines that many can ill afford to pay.
And the poor are usually the least knowledgeable/educated about political matters (often through no fault of their own).
So you will get more, poor ignoramuses making idiotic choices based on some arbitrary reason(s).

And since the middle/upper classes don't care about the fines for not voting - far more of them will skip the process.
Even though they will be the ones whom would cast the most educated/logical/sound votes.

So all this system does is guarantee that a higher percentage of idiots will vote than presently do.
Thus, dumbing down the electorate.
And this will cause candidates to dumb down their messages and tactics.

I highly doubt this is a good way to improve America.

Not only is it a ridiculous idea.
It would actually hurt America, IMO.
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I do NOT want 100% of eligible voters, voting.

Tens of millions of adults in America are stupid...flat out, fucking stupid.
On BOTH sides of the aisle.
Get these idiots as far away from the ballot boxes as possible.

If it were up to me?
I would set a minimum IQ level for voting.
Or even 100 (which is average)?

No doubt most will disagree.
Of course...because most people are either stupid and/or worry that they might be.
Universal voting takes seriously the Declaration of Independence’s insistence that government is legitimate only when it is based on the “consent of the governed.” The Founders did not say “some of the governed” (even 66.8 percent). Including everyone in our system of government would live up to the promise made at the birth of our republic. Universal voting would tear down barriers and elevate our civic obligations.

More than two dozen democratic countries have versions of compulsory participation. One of the most successful models is Australia’s. The United States adopted the secret ballot after Australia tried it first. We should do the same with universal voting.


EVERYONE VOTE? SCREW THAT! IMO nobody should be voting unless they pay taxes. No taxes...NO VOTE. If you want to decide the fate of the nation you have to have skin in the game. They havent earned it.
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Universal voting takes seriously the Declaration of Independence’s insistence that government is legitimate only when it is based on the “consent of the governed.”
It doesn't insist on it, and the Declaration of Independence is not the Constitution.
The Founders did not say “some of the governed” (even 66.8 percent).
You don't get to speak for the dead.
Including everyone in our system of government would live up to the promise made at the birth of our republic.
What promise?
Universal voting would tear down barriers and elevate our civic obligations.
Buzzword fallacy. Everyone that has the right to vote can vote.
More than two dozen democratic countries have versions of compulsory participation.
There currently are no democracies on Earth.
One of the most successful models is Australia’s.
Australia is not a democracy. It was organized as a federated republic, but it currently is an oligarchy.
The United States adopted the secret ballot after Australia tried it first. We should do the same with universal voting.
...deleted Holy Link to Fake News you cut and pasted from...
There is no United States. When it existed, it had secret ballots. All States use secret ballots.
I do NOT want 100% of eligible voters, voting.

Tens of millions of adults in America are stupid...flat out, fucking stupid.
On BOTH sides of the aisle.
Get these idiots as far away from the ballot boxes as possible.

If it were up to me?
I would set a minimum IQ level for voting.
Or even 100 (which is average)?

No doubt most will disagree.
Of course...because most people are either stupid and/or worry that they might be.

The antidemocratic streak among self-proclaimed centrist moderates is the most extreme form of election interference, even when stacked against the lies about unsolicited mail in ballots.

Centrist BoTsIdErISts are the biggest extremists because they hysterically and hyperbolically exaggerate in order to produce two equal, opposing sides that they can sit on the fence between and heap scorn over the passionate arguments that are made as they sniff their own farts.

Centrists have done absolutely nothing to earn the entitlement they think they have.
The antidemocratic streak among self-proclaimed centrist moderates is the most extreme form of election interference, even when stacked against the lies about unsolicited mail in ballots.

Anyone who complains about extremists on both sides just does not like democracy.
uninformed voting is such a great idea - lets get more idiots to vote, that is the ticket!!!

right now we have too many losers unable to provide for themselves - I see no benefit in increasing their voice
I do hate democracy. It's an unstable form of government. You don't want a democracy. You want an oligarchy.


I used to LOVE democracy.
Thought it was the answer to all the world's problems.

Now I realize that giving EVERYONE the vote is NOT the answer.
Because most people are clueless morons.

We don't allow REALLY, stupid people to drive.
But we allow them to vote.
Not good.
uninformed voting is such a great idea - lets get more idiots to vote, that is the ticket!!!

But you're the idiot, so...

right now we have too many losers unable to provide for themselves

Yes, all those landlords and business owners who can't seem to get anyone to work for slave wages and pay to live in shitty, unmaintained apartments.
The antidemocratic streak among self-proclaimed centrist moderates is the most extreme form of election interference, even when stacked against the lies about unsolicited mail in ballots.

Centrist BoTsIdErISts are the biggest extremists because they hysterically and hyperbolically exaggerate in order to produce two equal, opposing sides that they can sit on the fence between and heap scorn over the passionate arguments that are made as they sniff their own farts.

Centrists have done absolutely nothing to earn the entitlement they think they have.

Ummm...you hate all children and conservatives.
Now apparently - you hate centrists.

Is there ANYONE you do not hate?
I didn't denigrate America! I was just pointing out that the framers of our Constitution were not a bunch of great men- BUT IN ACTUALITY, AFTER IT IS ALL SAID AND DONE- THEY WERE A BUNCH OF BIGOTS AND ASSHOLES!

who wrote the bill of rights.

give credit where it's due. or fucking go be a chinese russian sellout.