In 2011 I was on welfare after being laid off from my job in which I was an employee for over 9 years. I went on welfare and signed up for EDD (Employment development Department) which is different than the government assistance so many are accustomed to. I was so honest when I filled out the form for the welfare forms:
-No mental disorder (e.g schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)
-Not homeless
-Has a vehicle
I received an EBT card with only 200 measly dollars for two months, and no depending on how you fill out the form the whole concept of "1st of the month" is untrue. I didn't qualify for general relief because the office saw my vehicle as something of value that I could sell. I told the case worker if I sold my vehicle how could I look for jobs via transportation? She told me "we have bus tokens." Honest Americans like myself who pay into the state and federal assistance tend to get shafted while people who have not worked, have ten kids get great benefits. I understand the side where many people hate welfare due to recipients becoming complacent, however if we discontinue the system all-together that leaves honest workers like myself who didn't have family help, who looked for jobs and couldn't find anything in the cold. So tell me conservatives what is an alternative to welfare? What do you propose?
I was a college graduate with two degrees who had a job based on an undergraduate education. I barely found jobs that suited me. I worked temp jobs and even worked a pizza hut delivery gig at one point. So tell me, how do we get rid of welfare altogether if citizens like me are shafted due to the economy?
This ought to be good....
Only $200 measly dollars? How much do you think taxpayers should have given you. I love this whole "I paid into the system" as if you have a little Sun Devil trust fund that is sitting there waiting for you to hit hard times. Let me give you some advice your parents should have given you.
1) Don't expect ANYONE in live to give you ANYTHING
2) Work for EVERYTHING you have
3) Nobody OWES you anything
4) The only obstacles in your way are those that are self imposed. The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right.
5) Yes, you and a whole generation were lied to. You were told "Just get a college education and all will work out". Well it didn't work out like that did it puddin pop? No, you and every other douche nozzle out there has a college degree so how do you separate yourself from the crowd? You better learn marketable skills that you can then translate into CASH
6) Start your own business. If you don't do that then you are relegated to working for someone else
7) If you are going to be relegated to working for someone else, then your singular focus should be on making yourself the most valuable employee that employer can have. Your employer only cares about ONE thing and that is how YOU can make him/her more money. If you can't do that, then you are fucking worthless to them
8) Spend less time on a message board and go out and get a fucking job. Any job. Get two if you have to. Get three if you have to. Get four if you have to.
9) You aren't being shafted by the economy. You are being shafted by a society that has coddled your sorry ass for too long and given your fucking medals for just showing up. Life if sucking hard junior. Get used to it. Nobody fucking cares about you.
10) Stop relying on other people for your happiness, it can only lead to disappointment.
Now, I know many on the left will wring their hands at big, mean ole ILA for being too harsh on you. But, if you are being serious and you take this advice to hart your will find happiness and success. Or you can wallow in self pity waiting for scraps from the government.
The beautiful thing is you have a choice. What are you going to do?