What is an alternative to welfare?

Or the mother lode, disability !
Those rolls have been swelling dramatically the last few years. Latest govt teat to get massive fraud.
Yeah, millions of Boomers retiring and veterans getting out of the service now that we're demobilizing is completely unrelated.
In 2011 I was on welfare after being laid off from my job in which I was an employee for over 9 years. I went on welfare and signed up for EDD (Employment development Department) which is different than the government assistance so many are accustomed to. I was so honest when I filled out the form for the welfare forms:

-No mental disorder (e.g schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)
-Not homeless
-Has a vehicle

I received an EBT card with only 200 measly dollars for two months, and no depending on how you fill out the form the whole concept of "1st of the month" is untrue. I didn't qualify for general relief because the office saw my vehicle as something of value that I could sell. I told the case worker if I sold my vehicle how could I look for jobs via transportation? She told me "we have bus tokens." Honest Americans like myself who pay into the state and federal assistance tend to get shafted while people who have not worked, have ten kids get great benefits. I understand the side where many people hate welfare due to recipients becoming complacent, however if we discontinue the system all-together that leaves honest workers like myself who didn't have family help, who looked for jobs and couldn't find anything in the cold. So tell me conservatives what is an alternative to welfare? What do you propose?

I was a college graduate with two degrees who had a job based on an undergraduate education. I barely found jobs that suited me. I worked temp jobs and even worked a pizza hut delivery gig at one point. So tell me, how do we get rid of welfare altogether if citizens like me are shafted due to the economy?

This ought to be good....
Where do you lefties get the notion that conservatives want to end welfare? How long were you on it? Now I realize in this crappy Obama economy, it is difficult to find a job, so I realize that you may have been on welfare for two years or more. No shame in that if you were looking. Not speaking for all conservatives, my beef is with the professional welfare recipients. I myself was on unemployment for three months about 10 years ago. That was for medical reasons and as soon as I was able to, I got another job (this was back during that terrible Bush economy, you know back when the unemployment rate was all the way up to 4 1/2%). I don't know what state you're in, but if you don't have a family to support I'm assuming that you are collecting unemployment benefits versus welfare. That's a different story. That has got to end sometime, and I think I could make a little bit more than $100 a month delivering pizzas, especially if that was the only job available. I feel your pain regarding your level of education versus the job opportunities in your chosen field, but believe me you're not in an exclusive club. This country may be short of good paying jobs right now, but one thing it's not short of is college graduates. Now I'm not speaking for all conservatives, I'm sure there are some on the extreme right wing that would like to see every part of the social safety net dismantled, but I'm not one of them. I kind of like the idea of helping out kids in the first few years of life, and I don't like the idea of senior citizens having to eat dog food, but everybody in the middle has got to start planning their lives better. And we have got to stop playing hot potato with reform of these entitlement programs, we are simply getting too many people in this country to take care of at this level. All you have to do is take a look at cities like Detroit, Chicago and New York. I think of those cities as microcosms of the entire country. Detroit has already gone into bankruptcy, and there's rumors that Chicago and New York may be having problems too, and the lion's share of the problems those municipalities are experiencing are caused by pensions and healthcare promises made by politicians (mostly to unions). To me, this sounds a lot like Social Security and Medicare.
First, get over the pity party and realize you chose poorly regarding education and accept that the economy did not single you out for shafting. Then be thankful that Bush was so helpful to the economy that your choices in education did not hurt you. And then ask yourself why BO has been incapable of producing a normal recovery such as we would have had were BO done nothing at all.

Do you even know what my degrees are in first off? Second who is asking for pity? The discussion is about an alternative to welfare. I shared my story to give you an idea of people who actually were on welfare and looked for jobs but couldn't find any. If the argument about people on welfare being lazy is the conservative argument then surely where is the argument regarding workers that are laid off that have to go on welfare and EDD to make ends meet? If you cannot discuss why bother trying to be funny?
Yeah, millions of Boomers retiring and veterans getting out of the service now that we're demobilizing is completely unrelated.
Millions of boomers ? Got a link for that ? I do know it takes 150k newly employed to break even on othets retiring out. Army is looking to drop80k over the next 5 years but the ones out by injuries dont count on these disability rolls.

nope, 60 months max for healthy individuals, disabled and mentally ill, but if you are like the young woman in the video you must work and/or attend work related courses and can not stay on welfare. There are special circumstances'whete it is extended beyond 60 months, but not for life if you are able to work.
Well, one of my ideas would be to have a system that rewards and teaches one to get off welfare/government assistence. I mean, giving you money for food is all well and good, but if you don't know how to budget or shop for food, then it's rather meaningless and won't get you off the program. So having a series of classes, resume submissions, workshops, Etc. that require attendence for benefits would be one of my solutions. Helping people through rough times is fine. Keeping them IN hard times, and therefore dependant on the programs for the duration of their life isn't.

The whole point in the EBT system is to force you to budget and shop for things "necessary" for your household. Cleaning supplies is not necessary, neither is the purchase of alcohol, or cigarettes. That is why EBT only allows you to purchase food items. General relief is where people get money and even that is limited based on your family size. In other words me being single, not married and no kids, I'm limited to what the government sees as "dependent, but not as dependent as a mother with 3 kids."

For a single man that is not married with no kids being on welfare and surviving is a lot harder and I don't think the average American realize that.
Only $200 measly dollars? How much do you think taxpayers should have given you. I love this whole "I paid into the system" as if you have a little Sun Devil trust fund that is sitting there waiting for you to hit hard times. Let me give you some advice your parents should have given you.

1) Don't expect ANYONE in live to give you ANYTHING
2) Work for EVERYTHING you have
3) Nobody OWES you anything
4) The only obstacles in your way are those that are self imposed. The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right.
5) Yes, you and a whole generation were lied to. You were told "Just get a college education and all will work out". Well it didn't work out like that did it puddin pop? No, you and every other douche nozzle out there has a college degree so how do you separate yourself from the crowd? You better learn marketable skills that you can then translate into CASH
6) Start your own business. If you don't do that then you are relegated to working for someone else
7) If you are going to be relegated to working for someone else, then your singular focus should be on making yourself the most valuable employee that employer can have. Your employer only cares about ONE thing and that is how YOU can make him/her more money. If you can't do that, then you are fucking worthless to them
8) Spend less time on a message board and go out and get a fucking job. Any job. Get two if you have to. Get three if you have to. Get four if you have to.
9) You aren't being shafted by the economy. You are being shafted by a society that has coddled your sorry ass for too long and given your fucking medals for just showing up. Life if sucking hard junior. Get used to it. Nobody fucking cares about you.
10) Stop relying on other people for your happiness, it can only lead to disappointment.

Now, I know many on the left will wring their hands at big, mean ole ILA for being too harsh on you. But, if you are being serious and you take this advice to hart your will find happiness and success. Or you can wallow in self pity waiting for scraps from the government.

The beautiful thing is you have a choice. What are you going to do?

I made due to what I had but $200 dollars in the state of California cannot feed me for two months especially since little stuff like Top Ramen by the package costs upwards to $1.00 and hell yes I paid into the system just like social security and state and federal so as a person who has worked majority of his adult life I at least at the bare minimum deserve something to where I can survive until I find a permanent job. The stupid part about people who think like you is the overuse of the word "work." I fucking work. I'm working now as I type this response so please spare me the overuse of the word work. As I mentioned, my account is an example of the outlier to the welfare system.

What is the alternative to welfare for working Americans who are laid off?

so far people haven't offered a coherent response....

So far I see:

-Stop complaining

-find a job

Ok so what happens when people who are looking for jobs can't find any or jobs that are able to support meager habits?


"coddled my sorry ass?" Excuse me?

My whole family is composed of nothing but workers people who have worked their whole lives. Majority of my family has never even stepped on a college campus let alone even knows what a cafeteria on a college campus smells like. All I've ever known was WORK and never asked for a damn thing from anyone else. When I was on hard times I never asked my family for a dime.
For the record for the dumb asses making remarks on my educational background my undergraduate degree(s) are:

-Psychology w/ emphasis on Neuropsychology
-Philosophy w/ emphasis on Metaphysics

My Masters is in Neuropsychology

I'm going back in this fall to get a second Masters in Social Work (I cannot do the Ph.D program for Neuropsychology as I WORK full-time besides Neuropsychology is a specialized area and there aren't many jobs in that area as opposed to Clinical Psychology). In California the social work career is taking off especially if I can get licensed to be an LCSW or Licensed Clinical Social Worker which pays starting salary of $60k ($90k if you have some experience and are working for a for-profit hospital). So before you guys start talking shit about my "education choices" perhaps you inquire on what my educational background is first.
Like I said pick nor that is in demand.
If you are not a psychiatrist, how much work is there in that field!
Why would you get a third strike when the first to amounted to basket weaving!
Where do you lefties get the notion that conservatives want to end welfare? How long were you on it? Now I realize in this crappy Obama economy, it is difficult to find a job, so I realize that you may have been on welfare for two years or more. No shame in that if you were looking. Not speaking for all conservatives, my beef is with the professional welfare recipients. I myself was on unemployment for three months about 10 years ago. That was for medical reasons and as soon as I was able to, I got another job (this was back during that terrible Bush economy, you know back when the unemployment rate was all the way up to 4 1/2%). I don't know what state you're in, but if you don't have a family to support I'm assuming that you are collecting unemployment benefits versus welfare. That's a different story. That has got to end sometime, and I think I could make a little bit more than $100 a month delivering pizzas, especially if that was the only job available. I feel your pain regarding your level of education versus the job opportunities in your chosen field, but believe me you're not in an exclusive club. This country may be short of good paying jobs right now, but one thing it's not short of is college graduates. Now I'm not speaking for all conservatives, I'm sure there are some on the extreme right wing that would like to see every part of the social safety net dismantled, but I'm not one of them. I kind of like the idea of helping out kids in the first few years of life, and I don't like the idea of senior citizens having to eat dog food, but everybody in the middle has got to start planning their lives better. And we have got to stop playing hot potato with reform of these entitlement programs, we are simply getting too many people in this country to take care of at this level. All you have to do is take a look at cities like Detroit, Chicago and New York. I think of those cities as microcosms of the entire country. Detroit has already gone into bankruptcy, and there's rumors that Chicago and New York may be having problems too, and the lion's share of the problems those municipalities are experiencing are caused by pensions and healthcare promises made by politicians (mostly to unions). To me, this sounds a lot like Social Security and Medicare.

Replying to the red bold where in this thread did I indicate that I was on welfare for two years or more? I find it funny people are assuming not only what type of educational background I have, and how long I was on welfare. If you must know, I was on it for about 6 months. As most hospitals that I was applying to were not hiring at the time due to budget and the lack of revenue. Temp jobs barely called me back because I'm somewhat "overqualified" based on my background and medical work experience so yeah, unless I became a registered nurse I was shit out of luck. Next time, you may want to break up your post into paragraphs instead of a one block post.
Like I said pick nor that is in demand.
If you are not a psychiatrist, how much work is there in that field!
Why would you get a third strike when the first to amounted to basket weaving!

Not sure what you meant by that but let me clue you in...

To be a psychiatrist I'd have to apply to medical school. Since I've been on my own since the age of 18 it is nearly impossible to go to medical school and sustain an adult living even living on meager terms. For example, my first year of graduate school I rented a room. The room was about $500 in rent. I paid for my own food for the month (approximately $100) my car note (approximately $410 per month) and insurance (approximately $110 full coverage-I was under 30 at the time). Assuming I was accepted at a local medical school I couldn't possibly work to pay bills because I had no family that could take me in nor did I have the means to do such, so I had to choose the best logical route which is to go into a Masters degree program suitable for working adults like myself.

The only real difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is that a psychiatrist can issue medication. In a couple states (New Mexico being one) a psychologist can issue medications. The point is both require extensive schooling and although there are jobs for psychologist, most jobs at least the good paying careers aim towards generalized practice e.g Clinical Psychologist. Since my masters in Neuropsychology is specialized, unless I pursue my doctorate, I can't use my Neuropsychology degree unless I move out of state and right now it is not financially feasible. So as you can see, there are jobs in my field but unfortunately there are far and few in my state which is why I chose the social work path because there are many hospitals across the state of California not to mention county jobs that need social workers. Since a lot of my classes cross over and are accepted in the masters of social work program it cuts my time in school even less. So while to you, I've made a bad choice educationally it pretty much worked out in my favor with a change in career path.