What is forum stalking?


Well-known member
"According to the Department of Justice (DOJ), stalking is defined as “a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.”

Considering most here are relatively anonymous there should be no reason to be fearful of another poster.

There seems to be a lot of charges made by some people that they are being stalked here. So I wonder just what constitutes stalking here at JPP? If you and another person disagree politically and happen to reply to each other in a couple of the more popular threads is that stalking? Just wondering.

Please be honest I really would like to know.
Considering most here are relatively anonymous there should be no reason to be fearful of another poster.

There seems to be a lot of charges made by some people that they are being stalked here. So I wonder just what constitutes stalking here at JPP? If you and another person disagree politically and happen to reply to each other in a couple of the more popular threads is that stalking? Just wondering.

Please be honest I really would like to know.

I think its consistent personal attacks instead of political opinion or discussion.

We have several posters who are ALWAYS vile and profane.
I doubt there is any forum stalking in any forum...but especially not here in JPP, Grumpy.

The pro-Trump/anti-Trump feelings run hot here...but "stalking" implies a degree of physical harm intended...and i cannot imagine that being the case.

I hear some people claim others are "stalking" them...but my feelings always are: If you cannot take the heat, JPP is not the place for you.
I doubt there is any forum stalking in any forum...but especially not here in JPP, Grumpy.

The pro-Trump/anti-Trump feelings run hot here...but "stalking" implies a degree of physical harm intended...and i cannot imagine that being the case.

I hear some people claim others are "stalking" them...but my feelings always are: If you cannot take the heat, JPP is not the place for you.

I don't think that's the answer that Chumps was looking for, Frank. According to his toxic whiny band of butthurts, merely putting a "thanks" on a post that's in reply to one of theirs constitutes "stalking." I kid you not. Start here and read down....

No, I don't believe that there is such a thing as "forum stalking." To be honest, I don't take anything in this forum seriously at all. It's pretty funny, actually! :laugh:

This place would make for some great psychological studies, though!
No, I don't believe that there is such a thing as "forum stalking." To be honest, I don't take anything in this forum seriously at all. It's pretty funny, actually! :laugh:
This place would make for some great psychological studies, though!

She said without a trace of irony. lol
No, I don't believe that there is such a thing as "forum stalking." To be honest, I don't take anything in this forum seriously at all. It's pretty funny, actually! :laugh:

This place would make for some great psychological studies, though!


None of this should be taken too seriously.

I would enjoy meeting anyone from this forum for a drink or a coffee. The bullshit part is just that...pure bullshit. I hope everyone here is enjoying a decent, carefree, content life.
I don't think that's the answer that Chumps was looking for, Frank. According to his toxic whiny band of butthurts, merely putting a "thanks" on a post that's in reply to one of theirs constitutes "stalking." I kid you not. Start here and read down....


Sorry Bowel but you confuse me with Top. But thanks for the thought. BTW it's you that whines about being stalked. Just saying
A better word would be harassment.

You just have to laugh at the sad sacks who follow various ppl around putting "groans" on all of their posts. As if that's supposed to make them feel crappy or something. I guess if you cared enough you might consider that harassment.

None of this should be taken too seriously.

I would enjoy meeting anyone from this forum for a drink or a coffee. The bullshit part is just that...pure bullshit. I hope everyone here is enjoying a decent, carefree, content life.

Absolutely! I feel the same way. All of what is posted here is bluster and most of it is all an act. I highly doubt that anyone here acts like this outside the forum. If they did, they would be committed immediately. Anonymity does afford one a boldness that one would not display in real life.
Sorry Bowel but you confuse me with Top. But thanks for the thought. BTW it's you that whines about being stalked. Just saying

Rejoice, Stumpy, I took your gag off! lol. Sorry about this, but it's easy to confuse you two... you're both angry, bitter, nasty, with a lively dash of dumb.

Here's a question for you. If I used the forum search functions to look for your posts every morning as soon as I got up, then copied them over to a thread dedicated to you -- would you consider that "stalking"? What if I only did that with your replies to my posts, rather than replying to them as I am now? Wouldn't that be considered a bit..... creepy? Obsessive even? What if I went to your Facebook and copied some of your photos, and sent them via email to my friends, then posted about their reactions to the photos? Even better, what if I sent them via PM to ppl on JPP, and they publicly mocked them? Would that be okay?

I don't whine about your gf's "stalking" actually. I laugh at it because it shows the obsession for all to see.
Rejoice, Stumpy, I took your gag off! lol. Sorry about this, but it's easy to confuse you two... you're both angry, bitter, nasty, with a lively dash of dumb.

Here's a question for you. If I used the forum search functions to look for your posts every morning as soon as I got up, then copied them over to a thread dedicated to you -- would you consider that "stalking"? What if I only did that with your replies to my posts, rather than replying to them as I am now? Wouldn't that be considered a bit..... creepy? Obsessive even? What if I went to your Facebook and copied some of your photos, and sent them via email to my friends, then posted about their reactions to the photos? Even better, what if I sent them via PM to ppl on JPP, and they publicly mocked them? Would that be okay?

I don't whine about your gf's "stalking" actually. I laugh at it because it shows the obsession for all to see.

No I would consider that harassment. BTW are you Mason's GF? As to obsession you both are obsessed with each other. I'm not the only person here to say that. I really would like to know how this war started. If you would like to enlighten me I will be happy to listen. You can PM me to keep it private if you wish.
I agree. "Stalking" would imply personal contact outside of this forum.

Well, there's a school of thought saying that cyberstalking is a real thing. Maybe it's different for each person but it happens.

Cyberstalking There have been a number of attempts by experts and legislators to define cyberstalking. It is generally understood to be the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group, or an organization.[SUP][1][/SUP] Cyberstalking is a form of cyberbullying; the terms are often used interchangeably in the media. Both may include false accusations, defamation, slander and libel.[SUP][2][/SUP]

Cyberstalking may also include monitoring, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, or gathering information that may be used to threaten or harass. Cyberstalking is often accompanied by real-time or offline stalking.[SUP][2][/SUP] Both forms of stalking may be criminal offenses.[SUP][3][/SUP]
Well, there's a school of thought saying that cyberstalking is a real thing. Maybe it's different for each person but it happens.

Cyberstalking There have been a number of attempts by experts and legislators to define cyberstalking. It is generally understood to be the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group, or an organization.[SUP][1][/SUP] Cyberstalking is a form of cyberbullying; the terms are often used interchangeably in the media. Both may include false accusations, defamation, slander and libel.[SUP][2][/SUP]

Cyberstalking may also include monitoring, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, or gathering information that may be used to threaten or harass. Cyberstalking is often accompanied by real-time or offline stalking.[SUP][2][/SUP] Both forms of stalking may be criminal offenses.[SUP][3][/SUP]
There have indeed been incidences of real stalking on this forum and others. There seems to be a history of it as we know, but most of what goes on here doesn’t arise to that, but in my opinion it is harrassement.