What is forum stalking?

No I would consider that harassment. ... I really would like to know how this war started. If you would like to enlighten me I will be happy to listen. You can PM me to keep it private if you wish.

I have no wish to PM you. I'll answer any questions you have out in the open like adults do. Save the PMs and dirty little secrets for your toxic GF.

I joined the Amazon politics forum sometime in early 2010. The only reason I recall that time period is because that's when I retired, and "talking" with other ppl on online venues filled the hole in my life that was formerly filled with friends and colleagues at work. I actually posted more on the reviewers and science forums before discovering the political one. Shortly after my arrival, a conservative female named TOPICWAQ began to follow me around and schmooze me. She would say things like "Don't believe what ___ says because ___," and "You're too smart to fall in with that crowd [meaning the other leftie females there]," and so on. I liked several of the leftie females both for their political POVs and their humor and personalities -- C. Batty, Lisa E., Leigh, Susan B., Three Little Kittens, Mina, etc. Toxic had been fighting with Mina apparently since time began; that feud had been going on for YEARS. Just like on JPP, Toxic had her little cabal of obedient males who helped her attack various ppl in dog packs. It didn't take too long to realize that these ppl were bullies and all-around jerks. I rejected Toxic's advances, and then the game was on.

I don't recall when Mason and Aimee joined, but they were warned about me by Toxic out of the starting gate. So was any other newbie who seemed friendly towards me and the other leftie females, who were coyly called "the coven" by Toxic. As she does now, she would follow me (and others, I wasn't special) around and down-vote our posts, and copy them for mocking elsewhere. She also put negative votes on our product reviews, and openly bragged about it. It turns out that this activity wasn't limited to the forum; our Facebook pages were being explored as well, and photos copied along with names of relatives and friends. I don't know if you remember ET (English Teacher)? She was one of Toxic's cabal mates. They took photos from Lisa E.'s FB page and used to publicly threaten her with them. I have the posts to prove that. In addition, Toxic emailed my bicycle accident photo to Brunette, who publicly made negative comments about it. Again, I have those posts. Worst of all, Toxic (who used to think that my first name was Sarah), discovered my real first name and began using it publicly. That led to that ex-con "The General" finding both my FB page and personal email address, and sending threats to me -- and to the other women there who's personal info Toxic also outed. Leigh got the worst of them. Ah yes, Leigh -- do you remember her? Toxic used to constantly mock her frequent typos. That doesn't sound that bad -- ppl do that here all the time. But Toxic KNEW that Leigh had had a stroke and lost a great deal of her vision, and mocked her anyways. The final straw was Toxic using my new g-daughter's name as a sock name. Did she ever tell you why she got banned from Amazon, multiple times? It was the combination of jerking around with Amazon's review system by spite-negging her enemies' reviews, and revealing other ppl's personal info. Did you know that when we first came here she started using my real name? It was reported, warnings were issued, and those posts were removed. You can verify that with the mods.

As you know, I'm not one to back down when being attacked, or when my friends are being attacked. You're the same way. I'm sure that you have gotten a totally different version of events from your gf, featuring her as the Eternal Victim. That's fine. I don't care. I also don't care that she can't stop following me around here and copying my posts. As I said, it shows that someone is seriously obsessed and can't let it go. That someone is not me.
There have indeed been incidences of real stalking on this forum and others. There seems to be a history of it as we know, but most of what goes on here doesn’t arise to that, but in my opinion it is harrassement.

Yeah, I agree. Thankfully the real stalking is rare. If only the harassment was, also!
Well, there's a school of thought saying that cyberstalking is a real thing. Maybe it's different for each person but it happens.

Cyberstalking There have been a number of attempts by experts and legislators to define cyberstalking. It is generally understood to be the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group, or an organization.[SUP][1][/SUP] Cyberstalking is a form of cyberbullying; the terms are often used interchangeably in the media. Both may include false accusations, defamation, slander and libel.[SUP][2][/SUP]

Cyberstalking may also include monitoring, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, or gathering information that may be used to threaten or harass. Cyberstalking is often accompanied by real-time or offline stalking.[SUP][2][/SUP] Both forms of stalking may be criminal offenses.[SUP][3][/SUP]

Oh, yes. Cyberstalking and cyberbullying are very real and dangerous crimes. No one is denying that, nor saying that it hasn't happened here before. What I am seeing here, however, at this point in time is just harassment.
Considering most here are relatively anonymous there should be no reason to be fearful of another poster.

There seems to be a lot of charges made by some people that they are being stalked here. So I wonder just what constitutes stalking here at JPP? If you and another person disagree politically and happen to reply to each other in a couple of the more popular threads is that stalking? Just wondering.

Please be honest I really would like to know.

According to Domer76, simply replying to his posts is stalking.

As for me, I have actually been stalked by a poster who somehow got my personal info and would repeatedly post it on the board. Thankfully the mods dealt with him permanently.
I have no wish to PM you. I'll answer any questions you have out in the open like adults do. Save the PMs and dirty little secrets for your toxic GF.

I joined the Amazon politics forum sometime in early 2010. The only reason I recall that time period is because that's when I retired, and "talking" with other ppl on online venues filled the hole in my life that was formerly filled with friends and colleagues at work. I actually posted more on the reviewers and science forums before discovering the political one. Shortly after my arrival, a conservative female named TOPICWAQ began to follow me around and schmooze me. She would say things like "Don't believe what ___ says because ___," and "You're too smart to fall in with that crowd [meaning the other leftie females there]," and so on. I liked several of the leftie females both for their political POVs and their humor and personalities -- C. Batty, Lisa E., Leigh, Susan B., Three Little Kittens, Mina, etc. Toxic had been fighting with Mina apparently since time began; that feud had been going on for YEARS. Just like on JPP, Toxic had her little cabal of obedient males who helped her attack various ppl in dog packs. It didn't take too long to realize that these ppl were bullies and all-around jerks. I rejected Toxic's advances, and then the game was on.

I don't recall when Mason and Aimee joined, but they were warned about me by Toxic out of the starting gate. So was any other newbie who seemed friendly towards me and the other leftie females, who were coyly called "the coven" by Toxic. As she does now, she would follow me (and others, I wasn't special) around and down-vote our posts, and copy them for mocking elsewhere. She also put negative votes on our product reviews, and openly bragged about it. It turns out that this activity wasn't limited to the forum; our Facebook pages were being explored as well, and photos copied along with names of relatives and friends. I don't know if you remember ET (English Teacher)? She was one of Toxic's cabal mates. They took photos from Lisa E.'s FB page and used to publicly threaten her with them. I have the posts to prove that. In addition, Toxic emailed my bicycle accident photo to Brunette, who publicly made negative comments about it. Again, I have those posts. Worst of all, Toxic (who used to think that my first name was Sarah), discovered my real first name and began using it publicly. That led to that ex-con "The General" finding both my FB page and personal email address, and sending threats to me -- and to the other women there who's personal info Toxic also outed. Leigh got the worst of them. Ah yes, Leigh -- do you remember her? Toxic used to constantly mock her frequent typos. That doesn't sound that bad -- ppl do that here all the time. But Toxic KNEW that Leigh had had a stroke and lost a great deal of her vision, and mocked her anyways. The final straw was Toxic using my new g-daughter's name as a sock name. Did she ever tell you why she got banned from Amazon, multiple times? It was the combination of jerking around with Amazon's review system by spite-negging her enemies' reviews, and revealing other ppl's personal info. Did you know that when we first came here she started using my real name? It was reported, warnings were issued, and those posts were removed. You can verify that with the mods.

As you know, I'm not one to back down when being attacked, or when my friends are being attacked. You're the same way. I'm sure that you have gotten a totally different version of events from your gf, featuring her as the Eternal Victim. That's fine. I don't care. I also don't care that she can't stop following me around here and copying my posts. As I said, it shows that someone is seriously obsessed and can't let it go. That someone is not me.

Yet, every single day you talk about her and now you've got this whiney / unbelievable diatribe about her. You are obsessed and can't let it go.
Considering most here are relatively anonymous there should be no reason to be fearful of another poster.

There seems to be a lot of charges made by some people that they are being stalked here. So I wonder just what constitutes stalking here at JPP? If you and another person disagree politically and happen to reply to each other in a couple of the more popular threads is that stalking? Just wondering.

Please be honest I really would like to know.

I would say Top following MASON from thread to thread posting her :laugh:,emoji the first hour he was back from Vacation,would be forum stalking.
In Top's defense it was obvious to everyone,she is still obsessed with Mason.
I would say Top following MASON from thread to thread posting her :laugh:,emoji the first hour he was back from Vacation,would be forum stalking.
In Top's defense it was obvious to everyone,she is still obsessed with Mason.

Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?
No I would consider that harassment. BTW are you Mason's GF? As to obsession you both are obsessed with each other. I'm not the only person here to say that. I really would like to know how this war started. If you would like to enlighten me I will be happy to listen. You can PM me to keep it private if you wish.

I can answer what started it.Care to hear in a PM?
Well, there's a school of thought saying that cyberstalking is a real thing. Maybe it's different for each person but it happens.

Cyberstalking There have been a number of attempts by experts and legislators to define cyberstalking. It is generally understood to be the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group, or an organization.[SUP][1][/SUP] Cyberstalking is a form of cyberbullying; the terms are often used interchangeably in the media. Both may include false accusations, defamation, slander and libel.[SUP][2][/SUP]

Cyberstalking may also include monitoring, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, or gathering information that may be used to threaten or harass. Cyberstalking is often accompanied by real-time or offline stalking.[SUP][2][/SUP] Both forms of stalking may be criminal offenses.[SUP][3][/SUP]

Some teens have committed suicide over cyber stalking.
No, I don't believe that there is such a thing as "forum stalking." To be honest, I don't take anything in this forum seriously at all. It's pretty funny, actually! :laugh:

This place would make for some great psychological studies, though!

I don't know. Didn't Owl's have to get authorities involved with The General?
Yet, every single day you talk about her and now you've got this whiney / unbelievable diatribe about her. You are obsessed and can't let it go.

Obsessed is toxic bumping her 7000+ thread posts every single day, yet you don't consider that to be just plain weird.
A better word would be harassment.
Yep. Some members just follow others around and poke at them...never really contributing to the discussion. It's pretty hard to cause anyone physical harm here. Hell, Sailor is so upset over trump's crimes, he just claimed he'd 'gut me' if he came in contact with me.

That's amusing, and sad at the same time. But I wouldn't say he follows me around everywhere I go. Some might, but it's a pretty safe bet that I have them on ignore.
Yes they have. I don't think that bothers a lot of righties, though.

There is a big difference between an anon political forum. And kids bullying another on the social media that kids use. Only a pure butt head would say the shit you just accused conservatives of! You should be ashamed but a person has to have a moral compass to feel shame.
I don't know. Didn't Owl's have to get authorities involved with The General?

Yes, and that crossed the line into cyberstalking and criminal threatening. He threatened all of us several times. I could have actually reported him to the authorities for the things he said to me and should have.

What is happening here at this time, however, is not considered stalking.
I don't know. Didn't Owl's have to get authorities involved with The General?

Yes, I printed out his threatening emails to me and to the other ppl on Amazon who shared them with me (yes, I asked permission first), and took them to the cyber crimes cop at our local police dept. I had header info plus "The General's" real name. Within a week there was blessed silence. I don't know what he did, but it worked. This is why JPP is so adamant about not posting other ppl's personal info, as Toxic has done. It can lead to some very bad shit.
Obsessed is toxic bumping her 7000+ thread posts every single day, yet you don't consider that to be just plain weird.

It is also obsession when Toxic thinks that a reply to one of her rare political posts constitutes you/me/someone else being obsessed with her, as she gleefully carries the post off to her special thread made just for her by her racist bimbo twin.