What is forum stalking?

Yes, and that crossed the line into cyberstalking and criminal threatening. He threatened all of us several times. I could have actually reported him to the authorities for the things he said to me and should have.
What is happening here at this time, however, is not considered stalking.

Did he quit with you about the same time I reported going to the police? As I recall, he changed avatars about that time and became an elderly black evangelical preacher in Texas and put the love moves on Scanlon.
Did he quit with you about the same time I reported going to the police? As I recall, he changed avatars about that time and became an elderly black evangelical preacher in Texas and put the love moves on Scanlon.

Yes, that's when he stopped with me, too. Not only was he causing trouble over in the Politics forum, but he was also harassing and threatening people in the Kindle forums, too. Some of my issues with him were from over there as well.
Yes, that's when he stopped with me, too. Not only was he causing trouble over in the Politics forum, but he was also harassing and threatening people in the Kindle forums, too. Some of my issues with him were from over there as well.

Good. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do with those kinds. Most likely he was just a blowhard cyber bully, but you never know. He definitely had issues with women, esp. leftie women.
Yes, and that crossed the line into cyberstalking and criminal threatening. He threatened all of us several times. I could have actually reported him to the authorities for the things he said to me and should have.

What is happening here at this time, however, is not considered stalking.

On here it's just butthurt whimpering. I did have some haters go after some reviews I made, back on Amazon though.
Good. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do with those kinds. Most likely he was just a blowhard cyber bully, but you never know. He definitely had issues with women, esp. leftie women.

Thank you, yes. He was definitely a cyber bully. Big time issues with women, as that was who he harassed over in the Kindle forums, too. He would back down a little if he perceived the poster challenging him was male.

I did find some of the screenshots in my iCloud account mixed in with pictures that Matt took of his own eyeball. :palm:
Thank you, yes. He was definitely a cyber bully. Big time issues with women, as that was who he harassed over in the Kindle forums, too. He would back down a little if he perceived the poster challenging him was male.
I did find some of the screenshots in my iCloud account mixed in with pictures that Matt took of his own eyeball. :palm:

LMAO @ eyeball pics! Remember that guy RightThinking who called Matt a very sad word, and used to follow you around there sniping? Never could figure out what his deal was with you. You were always polite to him even when disagreeing with his more pompous pronouncements.
LMAO @ eyeball pics! Remember that guy RightThinking who called Matt a very sad word, and used to follow you around there sniping? Never could figure out what his deal was with you. You were always polite to him even when disagreeing with his more pompous pronouncements.

Yes, he was just young when he started experimenting with the phone's camera. LOL! They were and still are cute, so I kept them. He did call him that name, and I will admit that I was devastated when he called him that. He was a complete and utter jerk. There is a poster here who acts a lot like him. I almost called him Mishima on accident.
There is a big difference between an anon political forum. And kids bullying another on the social media that kids use. Only a pure butt head would say the shit you just accused conservatives of! You should be ashamed but a person has to have a moral compass to feel shame.

It's clear you don't get around much. Go read the comments sections in articles, videos or social media about teens committing suicide over bullying. It's been on this forum in the past also.
If you never read it don't make ignorant comments about me or others, then.

It just makes you a shit-stirrer.

What ignorant comments? And I was replying to this thread.

As to stirring shit, mirror, buy one. You put yourself right in the middle of the amazon fued. And you have the temerity to lecture me.... You have zero self awareness.... Too bad you have become such a zealous scowlwoman accolade.
What ignorant comments? And I was replying to this thread.
As to stirring shit, mirror, buy one. You put yourself right in the middle of the amazon fued. And you have the temerity to lecture me.... You have zero self awareness.... Too bad you have become such a zealous scowlwoman accolade.

Like your idol, you have little to no self-awareness. You inserted YOURSELF into the feud (notice correct spelling) from day one. You've followed Jade around for almost as long as he's been here -- well over a year -- carping and sniping and starting threads about him. You followed me around with your petty girlish insults as well, till I put you on ignore. Looks like it's time to put you back. You offer nothing of value, unless grade school gossip is worth anything.
It's clear you don't get around much. Go read the comments sections in articles, videos or social media about teens committing suicide over bullying. It's been on this forum in the past also.

I honestly believe you have a reading comprehension problem!!!!! I said there is a big difference between adults on an anonymous political forum and bullying on social media kids use. I never said nor hinted that kids don't kill themselves due to bullying on social media. But it is clear you are to stupid to understand what I said. Now I understand why liberalism is so useless.
What ignorant comments? And I was replying to this thread.

As to stirring shit, mirror, buy one. You put yourself right in the middle of the amazon fued. And you have the temerity to lecture me.... You have zero self awareness.... Too bad you have become such a zealous scowlwoman accolade.

This ignorant comment: "Why do you worship scowlwoman so much?"

You're right in the thick of all the other boneheads here who think that agreeing with someone politically or laughing at their comments translates to worship. It's ludicrous.

So I have to ask why you haven't considered that my issues with Toxic have nothing to do with Owl, and started back when I hardly knew any of the Amazon posters and rarely responded to their comments.

Why do you think I can't have my own reasons for my actions?
I honestly believe you have a reading comprehension problem!!!!! I said there is a big difference between adults on an anonymous political forum and bullying on social media kids use. I never said nor hinted that kids don't kill themselves due to bullying on social media. But it is clear you are to stupid to understand what I said. Now I understand why liberalism is so useless.

Rightthinker syndrome,turning ever ill in the world to liberalism.
I honestly believe you have a reading comprehension problem!!!!! I said there is a big difference between adults on an anonymous political forum and bullying on social media kids use. I never said nor hinted that kids don't kill themselves due to bullying on social media. But it is clear you are to stupid to understand what I said. Now I understand why liberalism is so useless.

You ARE a bonehead. A hopeless bonehead. What matters is that kids can read others' comments no matter what kind of forum they're on. Most cyberbullying is done anonymously and that's the problem. People wouldn't be so quick to bully or make fun of depressed teens if they had to put their real names to their nasty comments.
Awwweee. ChrisChristieFan15 is scoring big brownie points on this thread evidenced by the "thanks" from Bowel.

Those stamps of approval are like gold to Chris Christie's number one fan.