What is forum stalking?

And you are a blithering idiot. You have tunnel vision and lack all common sense. Yes kids are cyber bullied but 99.9% of that bullying is on social media such as Face Book where they freely give up personal information. Thus giving a bully information they need to continue the bullying. It makes no difference if it is anonymous or not. I have had just about all of your stupidity I can stand. Good bye twit.

You're FOS schlumpy. Bullying has been around since before social media existed. Now it can be made public which allows more people to join in.

You need to find a forum that's more tailored to your low intelligence. Good bye, moron. :D
Yurt has a pattern of behaviour* on this forum. First he starts out with a normal, reasonable post. Then if someone responds in a way he doesn't like, he gets more and more agitated and nasty. Like in the post where I responded to another poster and criticized trump for his forest management insult, yurt immediately jumped into the fray and called me a "filthy liar." WTH? He can't rebut without getting personal. He claims not to like trump but you would never know it from the way he attacks trump's critics.

There's a lot of that here. "I don't like him, but....." If you dare criticize the Tangerine Tyrant, out come the ad homs. He hates Jade and me because he started bickering on Jade's recipe thread with someone else, Domer maybe. Jade asked them to chill. The other guy did but Yurt escalated. I suggested that maybe a thread ban would be useful, and that was that. Rejected once again by the "cool kids." lol

It was nice when he was gone. Maybe he'll get himself banned again, with any luck.


You're a Yinzer, not a Brit.

Can you set aside your obsession with Owl for the two minutes it will take to answer my questions, yurt?

1. Why you haven't considered that my issues with Toxic have nothing to do with Owl, and started back when I hardly knew any of the Amazon posters and rarely responded to their comments?

2. Why do you think I can't have my own reasons for my actions?

Let's see, as soon as scowlwoman joins you immediately do her bidding.

Let's see, as soon as scowlwoman joins you immediately do her bidding.


I get it. You can't so you'll fall back on this stupidity until hell freezes over.

Btw yurt, point out the specific statement of Owl asking me to "do her bidding." Specific statements from this forum, not from your imagination. And add what "bidding" I'm supposed to be doing.
I get it. You can't so you'll fall back on this stupidity until hell freezes over.

Btw yurt, point out the specific statement of Owl asking me to "do her bidding." Specific statements from this forum, not from your imagination. And add what "bidding" I'm supposed to be doing.

LOL, as if you two never PM

I like you Christie, you really crack me up
You are correct, we don't PM because I have PMs turned off.


I can vouch for this. She has it turned off.

What we have here is another classic case of rightwing projection. Because I have a distinct impression that some of these rightwing dudes spend an inordinate amount of time trading gossip and innuendo by PM. They basically are as bad as teenage mean girls!