What is forum stalking?

Yes...I'm sure the Detective or the poster wouldn't want this info shared...it's not public info .....

It's from the old Amazon Forum.
Not like it's a private email that you have posted.
Aren't you the one who posted from gr forum?
But here you are pretending that the Amazon forum was private information!
You're a real piece of work mr. or miss.
You really can't read, can you? That date is March 23, 2016. Where did you get 2010?

All any of us know about what happened to The General/Father Ben is that he got banned and stayed gone, and the private emails and PMs on FB stopped at the same time. The detective told me that he had a record but couldn't say what he was convicted of. Best guess is that his parole officer was contacted and he was told to desist or else.

You can choose to believe what you will. After all, anyone stupid enough to believe that 9/11 was an Israeli plot will believe anything.

Right. You have a habit of using tiny fonts.

He didn't "stay gone" any more than you "stayed gone" after each of your, at least a dozen, bans.

But then you serve up a word salad about parole officers and The General being told to "cease and desist." In other words, not a damned thing happened to him as a result of your report to the authorities. You probably left out the part about those authorities telling you to grow up.
It's from the old Amazon Forum.
Not like it's a private email that you have posted.
Aren't you the one who posted from gr forum?
But here you are pretending that the Amazon forum was private information!
You're a real piece of work mr. or miss.

Of course it's public info. It was on a public forum that anyone could access. You couldn't post unless you made a purchase, but anyone could read the comments. It's just more of Toxic trying to deflect from her own posting of personal info (like our real names) by claiming that this screenshot violates that rule. It doesn't. She should quickly report it though, just in case. lol This post by The General/Father Ben though illustrates why mods don't want personal info posted publicly. It can lead to sociopaths doing this sort of thing.
Of course it's public info. It was on a public forum that anyone could access. You couldn't post unless you made a purchase, but anyone could read the comments. It's just more of Toxic trying to deflect from her own posting of personal info (like our real names) by claiming that this screenshot violates that rule. It doesn't. She should quickly report it though, just in case. lol This post by The General/Father Ben though illustrates why mods don't want personal info posted publicly. It can lead to sociopaths doing this sort of thing.

It didn't bother her when she posted goodreaders post!Or personal emails.
For all of her detailed record keeping, Owl won't answer the question; "How many times were you banned from Amazon Politics Forum?" It seems like it was just about weekly.
For all of her detailed record keeping, Owl won't answer the question; "How many times were you banned from Amazon Politics Forum?" It seems like it was just about weekly.
More than anyone;) she has the most accounts anywhere she goes...She used to have identical accounts (same ID) posting at the same time...one for back up when she got the ax...again.. We just put one on ignore so that you could tell.... lol
TRUE;) '
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More than anyone;) she has the most accounts anywhere she goes...She used to have identical accounts (same ID) posting at the same time...one for back up when she got the ax...again.. We just put one on ignore so that you could tell.... lol
TRUE;) '

Was it true you asked Mason to give you an account after one of your many bannings and you gave you the Lilly account.
You're complaining Owl won't answer a question,lets see if you will.