What is forum stalking?

I can vouch for this. She has it turned off.

What we have here is another classic case of rightwing projection. Because I have a distinct impression that some of these rightwing dudes spend an inordinate amount of time trading gossip and innuendo by PM. They basically are as bad as teenage mean girls!

Yep. I know for sure one does regularly; even begs ppl to PM her for the "real story" and "the dirt." Her name is not Natalia Veselnitskaya. lol
You believe everything Owl (not Owl's) says, but nothing happened to The General, right?

I'm sure if Jade has concerns about my veracity he'll let me know. I have all the emails with the police dept. cyber crimes guy, Det. Beckman. As Aimee also mentioned, after I contacted them with print-outs of the threats, they suddenly stopped. He used to threaten her as well. Here is a quote from one of his Amazon posts, after he had changed his name to Father Ben Topley. Remember when his autocorrect didn't catch it and he posted as Father Toilet? Oh boy, he never lived *that* down. At any rate, I don't recall who the "she" is he's discussing, but he's calling me "Queenie."

Thanking every post from a particular author makes them meaningless.
They believe it does make them somehow "meaningful";) ( ‘just to clear up any misunderstanding about the "confession" re the General ....'‘She" is "Queenie".. everyone remembers what she posted about him...Real name was *‘just the beginning..
No one could believe she was that stupid..... Not real sure Det. B would want his name thrown around here..*SIGH...)
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I'm sure if Jade has concerns about my veracity he'll let me know. I have all the emails with the police dept. cyber crimes guy, Det. Beckman. As Aimee also mentioned, after I contacted them with print-outs of the threats, they suddenly stopped. He used to threaten her as well. Here is a quote from one of his Amazon posts, after he had changed his name to Father Ben Topley. Remember when his autocorrect didn't catch it and he posted as Father Toilet? Oh boy, he never lived *that* down. At any rate, I don't recall who the "she" is he's discussing, but he's calling me "Queenie."


We all know that Jade has no concerns about your honesty. That is one of his major problems.

Amusing anecdote, but nothing happened to The General. The date of that post is interesting. You keep them from 2010, but no, you are not obsessive.
They believe it does;) ( ‘just to clear up any misunderstanding about the "confession" re the General ....'‘She" is "Queenie".. everyone remembers what she posted about him...Real name was *‘just the beginning..
No one could believe she was that stupid.....)

This stuff is so old,I don't even remember it.
We all know that Jade has no concerns about your honesty. That is one of his major problems.
Amusing anecdote, but nothing happened to The General. The date of that post is interesting. You keep them from 2010, but no, you are not obsessive.

You really can't read, can you? That date is March 23, 2016. Where did you get 2010?

All any of us know about what happened to The General/Father Ben is that he got banned and stayed gone, and the private emails and PMs on FB stopped at the same time. The detective told me that he had a record but couldn't say what he was convicted of. Best guess is that his parole officer was contacted and he was told to desist or else.

You can choose to believe what you will. After all, anyone stupid enough to believe that 9/11 was an Israeli plot will believe anything.
They believe it does make them somehow "meaningful";) ( ‘just to clear up any misunderstanding about the "confession" re the General ....'‘She" is "Queenie".. everyone remembers what she posted about him...Real name was *‘just the beginning..
No one could believe she was that stupid..... Not real sure Det. B would want his name thrown around here..*SIGH...)

You truly are a second-rate brand of idiot, aren't you? I already said when I posted the screenshot that he was calling me "Queenie." I was going to suggest that teacher give CO a remedial reading lesson, but "teacher" can't read either. lol
We all know that Jade has no concerns about your honesty. That is one of his major problems.

Amusing anecdote, but nothing happened to The General. The date of that post is interesting. You keep them from 2010, but no, you are not obsessive.
She's posted one of mine from 2011...about 20 times;)
Yep. I know for sure one does regularly; even begs ppl to PM her for the "real story" and "the dirt." Her name is not Natalia Veselnitskaya. lol

I for one have never seen the point in gossip, most particularly gossip about people one does not know and will never meet.

I personally would put not stock in any anonymous, obscure message board poster trafficking in second or their hand gossip, unsubstantiated rumour, and salacious innuendo. And it would be perfectly reasonable to question the character and motivations of any dunce trafficking in that.
Wrapping up, it's a zoo out there. To paraphrase the legendary words of Al Franken: there are a lot of lying liars around
I'm sure if Jade has concerns about my veracity he'll let me know. I have all the emails with the police dept. cyber crimes guy, Det. Beckman. As Aimee also mentioned, after I contacted them with print-outs of the threats, they suddenly stopped. He used to threaten her as well. Here is a quote from one of his Amazon posts, after he had changed his name to Father Ben Topley. Remember when his autocorrect didn't catch it and he posted as Father Toilet? Oh boy, he never lived *that* down. At any rate, I don't recall who the "she" is he's discussing, but he's calling me "Queenie."


Isn't this breaking the rules about posting personal information?