What is forum stalking?

Oh yes. She was quite outspoken and strident about feminism. Even so, she didn't deserve being stalked through every thread by an even more shrill harridan, mocking her weight and clothing and appearance -- rather than discussing the issue(s) at hand. But that's what you do when you're not there to talk politics, but rather release your life's frustrations and bitterness on other ppl.

Top put my post about C Batty on her TDS thread.Why?Who knows!
Top put my post about C Batty on her TDS thread.Why?Who knows!

"The guilty flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion." -- Proverbs 28:1

She see herself in all the posts describing the deranged, desperate, obsessed, disturbed, and dull... and wants to make sure that her fan club does too. lol
"According to the Department of Justice (DOJ), stalking is defined as “a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.”

Considering most here are relatively anonymous there should be no reason to be fearful of another poster.

There seems to be a lot of charges made by some people that they are being stalked here. So I wonder just what constitutes stalking here at JPP? If you and another person disagree politically and happen to reply to each other in a couple of the more popular threads is that stalking? Just wondering.

Please be honest I really would like to know.

I have constant stalkers in real life. I don't have to fear them for them to be stalkers. In fact, I don't mind threatening them.

That aside, forum stalking would be something like stalking someone in real life, finding out they post on this forum, and then use this knowledge to psychologically torture them either in real life or on the message board.

Interestingly, a lot of wealthy people or people in high positions do this regularly. Like say, daddy's son works at the company and knows you watch a specific channel on television. His team is putting together a commercial. He decides to smash your mailbox with a baseball bat and leave a stuff animal on your porch to taunt you. He then puts a stuff animal holding a little bat in his commercial. You wake up and turn on the television, see the commercial, and think nothing of it. You get off your couch to check the mail box and you know how the rest of the story goes.

Forum stalking would be something like that and believe it or not I have personally experienced regular stalking, commercial stalking, youtube stalking, cop stalking, twitter stalking, forum stalking, and other kinds of stalking. I don't get scared, I get out my rifle. Shit, even my last supervisor at my last job stalked me. Talk about a great person, huh?

There's a whole other level to this too. Some stalkers try to get clever through being where you are going to before you get there. I guess in their minds they think that because they aren't following directly behind you that they can't be accused of stalking.

I have never stalked anybody. I never even thought about such a thing until it first happened to me.

* errors courtesy of retarded-phone auto-incorrect
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I have constant stalkers in real life. I don't have to fear them for them to be stalkers. In fact, I don't mind threatening them.

That aside, forum stalking would be something like stalking someone in real life, finding out they post on this forum, and then use this knowledge to psychologically torture them either in real life or on the message board.

Interestingly, a lot of wealthy people or people in high positions do this regularly. Like say, daddy's son works at the company and knows you watch a specific channel on television. His team is putting together a commercial. He decides to smash your mailbox with a baseball bat and leave a stuff animal on your porch to taunt you. He then puts a stuff animal holding a little bat in his commercial. You wake up and turn on the television, see the commercial, and think nothing of it. You get off your couch to check the mail box and you know how the rest of the story goes.

Forum stalking would be something like that and believe it or not I have personally experienced regular stalking, commercial stalking, youtube stalking, cop stalking, twitter stalking, forum stalking, and other kinds of stalking. I don't get scared, I get out my rifle. Shit, even my last supervisor at my last job stalked me. Talk about a great person, huh?

There's a whole other level to this too. Some stalkers try to get clever through being where you are going to before you get there. I guess in their minds they think that because they aren't following directly behind you that they can't be accused of stalking.

I have never stalked anybody. I never even thought about such a thing until it first happened to me.

* errors courtesy of retarded-phone auto-incorrect

Don't shoot your computer! :rolleyes: