What is forum stalking?

This ignorant comment: "Why do you worship scowlwoman so much?"

You're right in the thick of all the other boneheads here who think that agreeing with someone politically or laughing at their comments translates to worship. It's ludicrous.

So I have to ask why you haven't considered that my issues with Toxic have nothing to do with Owl, and started back when I hardly knew any of the Amazon posters and rarely responded to their comments.

Why do you think I can't have my own reasons for my actions?

Because you clearly worship her. You do whatever she does. Hates whomever she hates etc...

It is quite sad. I remember you being your own person before she showed up.
Because you clearly worship her. You do whatever she does. Hates whomever she hates etc...

It is quite sad. I remember you being your own person before she showed up.

You really have no insight into people and you demonstrate that lack in everything you post. Furthermore, you didn't answer my two questions. Give it a try, let's see if you can actually look below the surface for a change.

1. Why you haven't considered that my issues with Toxic have nothing to do with Owl, and started back when I hardly knew any of the Amazon posters and rarely responded to their comments?

2. Why do you think I can't have my own reasons for my actions?
I have no wish to PM you. I'll answer any questions you have out in the open like adults do. Save the PMs and dirty little secrets for your toxic GF.

I joined the Amazon politics forum sometime in early 2010. The only reason I recall that time period is because that's when I retired, and "talking" with other ppl on online venues filled the hole in my life that was formerly filled with friends and colleagues at work. I actually posted more on the reviewers and science forums before discovering the political one. Shortly after my arrival, a conservative female named TOPICWAQ began to follow me around and schmooze me. She would say things like "Don't believe what ___ says because ___," and "You're too smart to fall in with that crowd [meaning the other leftie females there]," and so on. I liked several of the leftie females both for their political POVs and their humor and personalities -- C. Batty, Lisa E., Leigh, Susan B., Three Little Kittens, Mina, etc. Toxic had been fighting with Mina apparently since time began; that feud had been going on for YEARS. Just like on JPP, Toxic had her little cabal of obedient males who helped her attack various ppl in dog packs. It didn't take too long to realize that these ppl were bullies and all-around jerks. I rejected Toxic's advances, and then the game was on.

I don't recall when Mason and Aimee joined, but they were warned about me by Toxic out of the starting gate. So was any other newbie who seemed friendly towards me and the other leftie females, who were coyly called "the coven" by Toxic. As she does now, she would follow me (and others, I wasn't special) around and down-vote our posts, and copy them for mocking elsewhere. She also put negative votes on our product reviews, and openly bragged about it. It turns out that this activity wasn't limited to the forum; our Facebook pages were being explored as well, and photos copied along with names of relatives and friends. I don't know if you remember ET (English Teacher)? She was one of Toxic's cabal mates. They took photos from Lisa E.'s FB page and used to publicly threaten her with them. I have the posts to prove that. In addition, Toxic emailed my bicycle accident photo to Brunette, who publicly made negative comments about it. Again, I have those posts. Worst of all, Toxic (who used to think that my first name was Sarah), discovered my real first name and began using it publicly. That led to that ex-con "The General" finding both my FB page and personal email address, and sending threats to me -- and to the other women there who's personal info Toxic also outed. Leigh got the worst of them. Ah yes, Leigh -- do you remember her? Toxic used to constantly mock her frequent typos. That doesn't sound that bad -- ppl do that here all the time. But Toxic KNEW that Leigh had had a stroke and lost a great deal of her vision, and mocked her anyways. The final straw was Toxic using my new g-daughter's name as a sock name. Did she ever tell you why she got banned from Amazon, multiple times? It was the combination of jerking around with Amazon's review system by spite-negging her enemies' reviews, and revealing other ppl's personal info. Did you know that when we first came here she started using my real name? It was reported, warnings were issued, and those posts were removed. You can verify that with the mods.

As you know, I'm not one to back down when being attacked, or when my friends are being attacked. You're the same way. I'm sure that you have gotten a totally different version of events from your gf, featuring her as the Eternal Victim. That's fine. I don't care. I also don't care that she can't stop following me around here and copying my posts. As I said, it shows that someone is seriously obsessed and can't let it go. That someone is not me.

You really have no insight into people and you demonstrate that lack in everything you post. Furthermore, you didn't answer my two questions. Give it a try, let's see if you can actually look below the surface for a change.

1. Why you haven't considered that my issues with Toxic have nothing to do with Owl, and started back when I hardly knew any of the Amazon posters and rarely responded to their comments?

2. Why do you think I can't have my own reasons for my actions?

Let's see, as soon as scowlwoman joins you immediately do her bidding.

You ARE a bonehead. A hopeless bonehead. What matters is that kids can read others' comments no matter what kind of forum they're on. Most cyberbullying is done anonymously and that's the problem. People wouldn't be so quick to bully or make fun of depressed teens if they had to put their real names to their nasty comments.

I have to disagree a bit Christie,it seems a lot of the kids that commit suicide,are bullied on social media,by the group of kids they know,from school or their neighborhood.
You ARE a bonehead. A hopeless bonehead. What matters is that kids can read others' comments no matter what kind of forum they're on. Most cyberbullying is done anonymously and that's the problem. People wouldn't be so quick to bully or make fun of depressed teens if they had to put their real names to their nasty comments.

And you are a blithering idiot. You have tunnel vision and lack all common sense. Yes kids are cyber bullied but 99.9% of that bullying is on social media such as Face Book where they freely give up personal information. Thus giving a bully information they need to continue the bullying. It makes no difference if it is anonymous or not. I have had just about all of your stupidity I can stand. Good bye twit.
Awwweee. ChrisChristieFan15 is scoring big brownie points on this thread evidenced by the "thanks" from Bowel.

Those stamps of approval are like gold to Chris Christie's number one fan.

This might come as a shock to the socially inept, the basement dwelling loner, the socially-shunned -- but some of us have friends in real life and on the interwebs. People who like us, respect us, and support us.

I know, a weird concept for rightwing losers, eh?

I leave you to your festering resentment with this last thought: I am going to make it a point to thank Christie's posts on this thread.
Let's see, as soon as scowlwoman joins you immediately do her bidding.


Can you set aside your obsession with Owl for the two minutes it will take to answer my questions, yurt?

1. Why you haven't considered that my issues with Toxic have nothing to do with Owl, and started back when I hardly knew any of the Amazon posters and rarely responded to their comments?

2. Why do you think I can't have my own reasons for my actions?
Like your idol, you have little to no self-awareness. You inserted YOURSELF into the feud (notice correct spelling) from day one. You've followed Jade around for almost as long as he's been here -- well over a year -- carping and sniping and starting threads about him. You followed me around with your petty girlish insults as well, till I put you on ignore. Looks like it's time to put you back. You offer nothing of value, unless grade school gossip is worth anything.

This is typical yurt, for as long as I've known him on this forum. He hasn't been called a leg-humping whiner for nothing. He pisses off people from all sides of the political spectrum. He's gifted that way.
This is typical yurt, for as long as I've known him on this forum. He hasn't been called a leg-humping whiner for nothing. He pisses off people from all sides of the political spectrum. He's gifted that way.

It's hard to believe that he's an actual adult male most of the time. He portrays himself -- with the whining, obsessive behaviors, and victimhood -- more like an unpopular 7th grade girl who tries to curry favor with the "cool kids" and then pouts forever when she's rejected.

PS -- I'm going to thank all of your posts because Buttyurt and our racist bimbo friends love that so much. lol
I have to disagree a bit Christie,it seems a lot of the kids that commit suicide,are bullied on social media,by the group of kids they know,from school or their neighborhood.

Oh absolutely, it's probably the main trigger. I'm referencing comments by people who pile on the insults about kids who are depressed and anxious about being bullied. Who call them wimps and drama queens when they dared talk about their problems online. Who try to make kids believe their problems are exaggerated and that they should just suck it up.

Not to mention the many school authorities who do nothing about live bullying during school hours. You can find lots of those stories online.
It's hard to believe that he's an actual adult male most of the time. He portrays himself -- with the whining, obsessive behaviors, and victimhood -- more like an unpopular 7th grade girl who tries to curry favor with the "cool kids" and then pouts forever when she's rejected.

PS -- I'm going to thank all of your posts because Buttyurt and our racist bimbo friends love that so much. lol

Yurt has a pattern of behaviour* on this forum. First he starts out with a normal, reasonable post. Then if someone responds in a way he doesn't like, he gets more and more agitated and nasty. Like in the post where I responded to another poster and criticized trump for his forest management insult, yurt immediately jumped into the fray and called me a "filthy liar." WTH? He can't rebut without getting personal. He claims not to like trump but you would never know it from the way he attacks trump's critics.
Oh absolutely, it's probably the main trigger. I'm referencing comments by people who pile on the insults about kids who are depressed and anxious about being bullied. Who call them wimps and drama queens when they dared talk about their problems online. Who try to make kids believe their problems are exaggerated and that they should just suck it up.

Not to mention the many school authorities who do nothing about live bullying during school hours. You can find lots of those stories online.

OIC!They talk about bullying,but it sure still goes on!
I actually think it's worse now with social media,then when I was a kid.
What ignorant comments? And I was replying to this thread.

As to stirring shit, mirror, buy one. You put yourself right in the middle of the amazon fued. And you have the temerity to lecture me.... You have zero self awareness.... Too bad you have become such a zealous scowlwoman accolade.

:palm: I believe the word you're looking for is "acolyte", dummy.

Furthermore, I didn't put myself into the Amazon feud. I've always responded to comments made to and about me right here on JPP. Get your stories straight before opening your big lying pie hole.