What is the driving force of Islamic Jihad

Some are exactly precise and appopriate. The thing about descriptions or labels is that they can combine multiple words to refine meaning down to a fairly razor like edge. Sorry. The "failure of lables" is a theory of the incredibly weak minded.
yet YOU added this statement: in answer to a doubt of accuracy:

if applied too strictly. that seems to put the lie to exact precision. What???
yet YOU added this statement: in answer to a doubt of accuracy:

if applied too strictly. that seems to put the lie to exact precision. What???

"if applied too strictly" is a sentence fragment, douche. Put up a full and complete quote.

The possibility of someone using a label too strictly exists on a case by case basis, and elaborations can be discussed and agreed upon to nail down the exact mean for the purposes of the conversation at hand. And that should be done in a fashion that facilitates communication. But you retards throw up these idiotic smokescreens throwing the whole concept of labels into question, just because you're getting your asses beaten. It's retarded and sad.