What is the driving force of Islamic Jihad

Oh I examine them but hate labels, when things are labeled they are easiier to shrug off or diss away.
Turbo lib, Neocon, tree hugger, Bushite, etc....
Also AHZ I pick and chose what I want, I follow no groups or individuals. That would li,it my options too much. And I am comfortable being on my own, and have no need of a support system.
Also AHZ I pick and chose what I want, I follow no groups or individuals. That would li,it my options too much. And I am comfortable being on my own, and have no need of a support system.

No man is an island.

A fully thunked out and consistent model of the world is not some sort of "followership".

Some labels are accurate. It's only inaccurately applied deceptive labels which bother me.
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No label is completely accurate where humans are concerned.
I have not seen any one label that would fit me.
It is just too easy to label someone as a " " and judge them based on that label. Sort of like What most would do with Beefy's sister in law....

Yes no man is truely an island, but I have no heroes, and walk my own path. Sometimes others are with me sometimes not and being the odd man out does not bother me.
I have friends and value them highly and am well thought of in my community.
But I do not have to have friends or a crowd to run with.

I am just one of those loners that might shoot up the place I suppose :)

See there is another label that is not accurate....
No label is completely accurate where humans are concerned.
Does that include the label of "completely innacurate"?
I have not seen any one label that would fit me.
Human being?
It is just too easy to label someone as a " " and judge them based on that label. Sort of like What most would do with Beefy's sister in law....
Sometimes it is easy. like "pedophile porno shouldn't be legal to sell". Now if you want to start with "what do you mean by underage?" then YOU'RE the sick one.
Yes no man is truely an island, but I have no heroes, and walk my own path. Sometimes others are with me sometimes not and being the odd man out does not bother me.
Rock on, billy jack.


I have friends and value them highly and am well thought of in my community.
But I do not have to have friends or a crowd to run with.

I am just one of those loners that might shoot up the place I suppose :)

See there is another label that is not accurate....

Of course, labels may be inaccurate or misleading, that doesn't mean they can't be and aren't ever accurate. Sometimes they're perfect.
Seldom perhaps never are labels perfect. They limit your vision too much.

Human being is not a label. It is a scientific term.
Completyly inaccurate is not really a label either.

Billie Jack ? Ahh well your perceptions will grow in time.
If you just think and consider.
Seldom perhaps never are labels perfect. They limit your vision too much.

Human being is not a label. It is a scientific term.
Completyly inaccurate is not really a label either.

Billie Jack ? Ahh well your perceptions will grow in time.
If you just think and consider.

Actually, labels are a great tool for accurate and concise communications. Of course, you can question the usage of a label in a given context, to increase communication.

Losing your critical thinking skills is not growth.
Losing your critical thinking skills is not growth.

Correct and that is what happens when you rely on labels.

for example I do not believe in God, etc. And I believe many Christians are slime. But I do not label all christians together as Rob does. I have some high respect for many Christians. Leaningright for example. But hold others in low regard. Dixie on the other extreme.
And it is the same with me in my local community, it would be far easier and less consideration required just to put them all under one label.
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Losing your critical thinking skills is not growth.

Correct and that is what happens when you rely on labels.

I advocate the rigorous assessment of labels for accuracy. Rejecting the concept of labels outright is simply a way of opting out of discussion you're losing. It's similar to the nihilist backdoor out of any discussion. "That's just your opinion". "It depends on what the definition of is is" No. it doesn't, clinton, you rapist.
Actually, labels are a great tool for accurate and concise communications. Of course, you can question the usage of a label in a given context, to increase communication.

Losing your critical thinking skills is not growth.
Anyone with any pretensions to critical thinking must recognize that all "labels" -- as used in this context -- represent generalizations about human behavior. Therefor, any such label is intrinsically inaccurate if applied too strictly.
Anyone with any pretensions to critical thinking must recognize that all "labels" -- as used in this context -- represent generalizations about human behavior. Therefor, any such label is intrinsically inaccurate if applied too strictly.

if applied too strictly. You're not condemning the very concept of labels as is our challenged friend, uscitizen.
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The concept of and the common useage of labels are two differnet things.

right, and you seem to denigrate the entire concept, instead of striving to improve common usage through clarification. Of course, sometimes people just hate being accurately described; then they start blathering on about labels.
I advocate the rigorous assessment of labels for accuracy. Rejecting the concept of labels outright is simply a way of opting out of discussion you're losing. It's similar to the nihilist backdoor out of any discussion. "That's just your opinion". "It depends on what the definition of is is" No. it doesn't, clinton, you rapist.
Unfortunately labels are approximate. one size definitely does NOT fit all.
Unfortunately labels are approximate. one size definitely does NOT fit all.

Some are exactly precise and appopriate. The thing about descriptions or labels is that they can combine multiple words to refine meaning down to a fairly razor like edge. Sorry. The "failure of lables" is a theory of the incredibly weak minded.
Anyone with any pretensions to critical thinking must recognize that all "labels" -- as used in this context -- represent generalizations about human behavior. Therefor, any such label is intrinsically inaccurate if applied too strictly.
I do beleive that the above, and this previous quote of your's aremuch in conflict: (TO WIT:

Actually, labels are a great tool for accurate and concise communications. Of course, you can question the usage of a label in a given context, to increase communication.
I do beleive that the above, and this previous quote of your's aremuch in conflict: (TO WIT:

Actually, labels are a great tool for accurate and concise communications. Of course, you can question the usage of a label in a given context, to increase communication.

This is the questioning of a specific usage in a specific context, not a blanket condemnation of the whole concept of descriptive language, as you idiots prefer. That's classic anti-intellectualism, a rejection of rationality. AKA, stupid people think it.