What is the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?

:shock:I will show you guys my penis but you will have to get your microscopes out. Its small but young children always seem to find it funny when I show it to them.

BB really you should be expecting a the police any minute now if you keep talking like that?

Disclaimer: BB answered with only a emoticon and I added the rest for humor.
Oh Damo I thought the disclaimer made it clear.

Ill avoid the child referances if you wish (just because you threatened CK and that made me happy J/K) but this numbskull has been altering peoples quotes without telling people he has altered them for a couple of days now. Hes joking but that is why I have been doing this with disclaimers attached.

Ill lay off the kid part though.
Oh Damo I thought the disclaimer made it clear.

Ill avoid the child referances if you wish (just because you threatened CK and that made me happy J/K) but this numbskull has been altering peoples quotes without telling people he has altered them for a couple of days now. Hes joking but that is why I have been doing this with disclaimers attached.

Ill lay off the kid part though.
I don't care about altering the quotes. I just fear one of those battles like Dix and MM had.

It just doesn't get any worse than where that one went.

I'm not saying I didn't find it funny. Just that I can see that leading down a road we don't want to drive on...
i try not to do bad things to people unless they deserve it. i believe in karma...including dishing it to people that deserve it (hey we all have our religions).
But you wrote it...........

BB really you should be expecting a the police any minute now if you keep talking like that?

Disclaimer: BB answered with only a emoticon and I added the rest because I am so dumb!.

a big difference between altering for humor and writing something no one said!

You are such a Bimbo!

I don't care about altering the quotes. I just fear one of those battles like Dix and MM had.

It just doesn't get any worse than where that one went.

I'm not saying I didn't find it funny. Just that I can see that leading down a road we don't want to drive on...

I would have laughed if she had not placed children into the mix...especially after this was discussed last week...this lady is as dense as they come...and Desh go back to the quote you wrote and delete the 'Child 'portion like damo said!

And in the future if you want to alter a quote...wait until someone says something that is off the page...then the humor aspect is understandable...Writing your own complete dialog as if someone else wrote it is somewhat fraudulent and lacks humor!
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but I thought you coule alter them yourself BB?

Look they are obviously disclaimed in each place I said it and I did not see Damo tell me to delete them.

Do you think the MM thing would ahve gone they way it did if Dixie has said it was a joke from, the beging.