What is the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?

If they have repetedly lied to you to manipulate you then you can think of it as a suggetion of a much better use of tehir time.

Masturbation is a much better endevor than lying people to make them do what you want them to do.

Desh, I was pointing out the ridiculousness of your equivalization. But whatever. People do stuff like that all the time, and if I try to correct each and every one of you I am liable to lose (even more) sanity.
To me, it just sounds like an excuse to get her foot back in the door. If it were an STD the right thing to do would be to call your ex-lovers, but something like a terminal illness, you would be doing more harm than good if you are currently with someone and started calling your ex's. Damo couldn't reverse her cancer or anything. Her current lover would most likely find it as an insult to his standing in her life.

perfectly said.
If you’ve ever really loved someone, and spent years with them, they will always be part of you and you them. It can be hard to fathom that this person shouldn’t know that you will no longer be in this world. I know that I have a couple of exes who I would want to know that.

And too, if you are facing death you may want to make amends, not die with any bad blood. Some people believe that carries over.

Definitely a 'chick' perspective.
Well once I knew this crazy girl who had had this crush on me since seventh grade, who I wasn't into at all, but still talked to. She was a Hillary supporter and wouldn't shut the fuck up about that south. She kept on calling me a redneck for supporting Obama. One day she pissed me off, I sent her a message that said "Listen cunt, I've been meaning to find a reason to ditch you for the past four years, thanks for giving it to me", and blocked her. Haven't talked to her since. :( She lives in Philthydelphia now.

But that wasn't mean, and so doesn't belong in this thread.

Why can't we all love one another?
For Christ sakes Water, if that’s true (and I think grind is probably right), that’s pathetic. My mother supports Hillary…I haven’t called her a c*nt and hung up on her. You can’t get along with people who have different opinions than you do?
I mean, I could see if it was a Republican…
For Christ sakes Water, if that’s true (and I think grind is probably right), that’s pathetic. My mother supports Hillary…I haven’t called her a c*nt and hung up on her. You can’t get along with people who have different opinions than you do?
I mean, I could see if it was a Republican…

I told you, I exagerated, and left out 99% of the story.

The reason she's in philthydelphia is because she attacked a military recruiter at my school, for instance.
I told you, I exagerated, and left out 99% of the story.

The reason she's in philthydelphia is because she attacked a military recruiter at my school, for instance.

Did she really? And she’s a Hillary supporter? Well, she sounds at least half-verycool.
For Christ sakes Water, if that’s true (and I think grind is probably right), that’s pathetic. My mother supports Hillary…I haven’t called her a c*nt and hung up on her. You can’t get along with people who have different opinions than you do?
I mean, I could see if it was a Republican…

LoL I was about to say... this from the woman who won't date Republicans?