Into the Night
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How can we prove to you it does when all you do is reflexively deny that there are any known facts in the world
Non-English post. Try again.
How can we prove to you it does when all you do is reflexively deny that there are any known facts in the world
The high spikes are among the unvaccinated.
so you've been told to believe.........but reality is a little different
So you know for a fact? Cite statistics.
The problem is that the economy cannot recover as long as we have 100,000 cases and over a thousand deaths a day. There has been, and continues to be an enormous economic cost to the pandemic. By failing to end it, the unvaxxed have cost everyone thousands of dollars.
While there is no worry when you're vaccinated, there is a worry about the variants. Just keep your distance.
There is nothing we can do about the unvaccinated Americans since they have rights. We have the right to keep a distance from them.
He has done everything he can. The people in hospitals suffering badly are the anti-vaxxers. They are children of Trump and the rightys. America has free will for people to do stupid things. the rightys are proud to do that.
(shaking head) Overtime for Nurses. Great Business for Funeral Homes. Why do you hate Capitalism!
Hello evince,
I don't really like wearing one either.
But just the thought that if I get careless it could result in someone dying is all I need to want to take the precaution.
I would rather do something needlessly and know I did everything I could to protect life than to get careless and then hear about a death and wonder if I caused that.
What do you want him to do? Hold you down and force you to be vaccinated? Biden cannot fix stupid, stupid.
Such as?
You're so damned interested, go find it. I'm done with it...
Again, it sucks to be you...
I already have...
No I'm not. I already have. If you weren't paying attention and lost track of it, that's not my problem...
Hello Concart,
I am not going out. Not going to restaurants. Not going to shows. Not going to recreation attractions. Not going to bars. Not going to parties.
Yeah, I know it's 'probably' OK and that the chance of transmission is low, but I am not doing those things until I think it's safe.
All of the business I might be spreading around, I am not.
And I am not alone. I know a lot of people who are also pretty much just waiting the whole thing out.
We've got a nice family pod. Everyone doing the same thing as me. We get together and feel safe if it's just us. Everybody is vaccinated, everybody isolating. Only shopping for food and essentials, trying to time the store visits early with low crowds.
I'm not spending any money in restaurants or other attractions, so I have no problem with buying all the best groceries. I don't even look at the price. That's the reward for missing all that other stuff. Anything we want, I'll get it.
I've become a pretty good cook. I never cooked before. It's a whole new world. There's so much to learn! And it's fun making great dishes with whole foods. Very healthy. I love it.
I like going to bars but have not been to one since this began.
I like live music, but it's not worth risking a transmission.
It's a different life but it's fine.
Sure, I look forward to doing all those public social things.
We will beat this.
I am quite determined. We can do it. We will do it.
I just wish we had the cooperation of everybody.
I want to act in such a way that if everyone acted like that? The virus would hardly spread at all.
Wish everyone did the same.
I look at all these irresponsible people and I just wonder what's wrong with them.
It's not difficult to understand or see the big picture.
It's really quite mind-boggling so many simply don't or refuse to get it.
They are making it more of a challenge, making it last longer.
I don't appreciate that.
Not one bit.
I totally support mandates.
A national mandate would work. I would support any candidate who proposes that.
Yes, we are. I get that your stupidity also prevents you from realizing that. I got Covid from an unvaxxed moron. So did my wife. You gonna pay my $1,000 ER bill? Didn't think so. God, you are a moron.
No doubt you also believe that my 13-month-old g-son catching Covid from his daycare provider is a "story" too, amirite? It's just like your story about having Covid twice -- but only the 24-hour kind.
Everyone knows you're an anti-vax, unclean spreader, part of the reason the pandemic won't go away, rather than a considerate citizen who cares about her community.
That's the part of the bill not covered by insurance. Not sure why you find it 'interesting'. I attended a family gathering on my wifes side. Her sister asked everyone if they were unvaxxed, because she didn't want to invite them if they were. Her Uncle lied about his vaccination status. Three days after the party he was in the hospital. A week later we were both sick as were multiple other people who attended. My wife was dehydrated and needed an IV. The Urgent Cares were all completely full with unvaxxed morons.
What's quote interesting unquote about that? You antivax morons have cost us all. You obviously don't care about anyone else. It is what it is.
Actually in this case Toxic TOP is correct. *She* isn't suffering from her stupidity; she enjoys every moment of it.
My 13-month-yo g-son got it from his babysitter. He then shared it with his mom, dad, and my other daughter -- all of them vaxxed. They recovered without incident, other than loss of smell & taste. Unfortunately only one of them had enough sick time to cover the full two weeks that they weren't allowed to return to work, per their employers.
Unvaxxed selfish covidiots like Toxic don't give a shit about that though. Nope, they're Reichwingers because being selfish and inconsiderate is a way of life with them.
May I translate? "Interesting" to Toxic Top = "I'm too chickenshit to say you're lying."
Now how the heck do you know who you caught the COVID from?
You made a paradox.I made a simple statement.
It is YOUR paradox. You made it. Only YOU can resolve it.YOU are hurting EVERYONE with your ignorant beliefs.
Yes it is. It is also irrational.That isn't rage.
A paradox is not a fact. Learn what 'fact' means.It's fact.
'Guessing' is the operative word here.I'm guessing that was the perp.
Buzzword fallacies.It's math and common sense.
Paradox V.Yes, his wife got sick (also lied about her vaccination status) as did three other vaccinated people that I know of.
TDS.For a gathering of about 30 people, that shouldn't be a surprise. I guess I should assume that since he was wearing a Trump 2024 hat he was a scumbag and a liar. My bad.
You can't have a variant of a variant. Paradox V.This occurred before the Delta variant was known to cause a lot of breakthrough cases.